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Surdid Tales from Hell


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I'm not sure if I'm allowed to even respond to this or if this question is alright, so if this post is a problem in any way, I'll remove it.


I just wanted to ask:


But, there are still a lot of things in the general philosophy of Satanism that I agree with.


Like what?


Also, I'm glad you had a good weekend, especially after how bad you were feeling last week.

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^ I have to save my reply to this for tomorrow. It will be a long one and I jut don't have the energy right now.


But thanks for commenting.


I am glad I had a good weekend too. I really needed it. The only dark spot on the last few days was late last night when a certain drama addicted aquaintance decided they were bored and needed some entertainment. But, that was all taken care of. If that's the worst thin that happened this weekend then I don't have much to complain about.


As for how I felt last week... The last few days were a good escape. My problems are all still there and still real. I just took a mental break from them I guess.

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Alright, so I am a day late posting this. I had unexpected company last night and couldn't easily spend the time here.


I still think it's important to honor the darker side of ourselves. It's there in all of us and repressing it is more dangerous than releasing it, IMO. When someone pisses me off, I tell them (as some people reading this have probably experienced personally.) But anger is just one example. We are animals... Yes, we are more emotionally and intellectually advance then other animals but at the basic root of things, we are still animals, ruled by basic emotions an basic desires. Does being more advance make us any better? Not always.


The organization has changed so much in recent years... Not like this is any big shock. The degradation of any organization is inevitable. But, a lot of people think they are becoming more and ore like the the people they were rebelling against. And I don't mean Christians if you are wondering. I mean organized religion as a whole. Now they are becoming just as organized and just as elitist as everyone else.


If I am weak, I do everything I can to be stronger. If I am sick,I do everything I can to get better. If I find myself in some negative situation, I get out. If I am dealing with toxic people, I cut them out of my life. This is a part of the Satanic way of thinking that I still agree with strongly. But sadly it's becoming obsolete. The younger Satanist doesn't see things this way. (And when I say younger I don't mean age so much, I mean young in the faith itself.) I know there are always exception... But a lot of the younger ones will remedy their weakness by finding someone weaker to abuse rather then trying to better themselves. And then if called out, they will justify by saying they are acting on basic emotions, so it's OK because we're all just animals right? I don't see it that way. How is anger a bas emotion when it's completely random and unwarranted? Point is... there's less a focus on bettering oneself and more focus on impulse. A lot of the younger crowd either never learned the concept of indulgence versus abstinece, or learned it and just chose to ignore it.


I doubt this is what ASL imagined when h started it all back in the 60s. But, he really didn't think things through either. I mentioned in my other post that he just wanted to be rich and famous. Still though, I doubt he imagined this. But, he's dead now and new people are running the show, so he has no say in i anymore.


I really didn't want this post to turn into a rant about the modern Church of Satan. I guess it's only natural it would turn into tat though... since it's more the organization I want to disassociate myself from then the philosophy.


I could go into more on this. But it's hard to do that without writing a novel. I mean more on philosophy then the Church itself.


Keyboard is still acting up, sorry for any typos.

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If I am weak, I do everything I can to be stronger. If I am sick,I do everything I can to get better. If I find myself in some negative situation, I get out. If I am dealing with toxic people, I cut them out of my life. This is a part of the Satanic way of thinking that I still agree with strongly.


I agree with it strongly too. Even not being a Satanist. It just seems like good, sound, basic, healthy policy for anyone of any feather.


I think the word "weak" is a loaded one...and people have many different personal definitions of it, and reactions to it. But overall, I agree with all these precepts, too.


How is anger a bas emotion when it's completely random and unwarranted?


To add to this, I have to say that animals do not have certain emotions, like greed and the desire for revenge or retribution. An angry animal is angry when you threaten its territory or survival. But after that threat passes, the animal doesn't wish another animal harm, hold grudges, and plot vendettas. So anger that simmers and causes bitterness is NOT something animals respond with or feel, and this is why we are more than animals -- and more dangerous to each other.


Likewise, greed...while all animals seek to get what they need, and are kept in check by other animals, they don't covet things obsessively to make themselves feel good. A lion kills a gazelle and eats it, but doesn't start to desire killing the entire herd of gazelles; and unless the lion's hungry, they peacefully co-exist. Lions don't decide they want to rule the gazelles, eat them all, and carry machine guns to keep them scared.


Only humans do these things.


I hope this doesn't constitute "debate" that's off limits, but I just wanted to put in my 2 cents about that, as I think human nature differs from animals, and how anger -- in particular the kind that fuels revenge -- and hate are uniquely the province of humans. Animals aren't evil. People are, because they can premeditate, and have imagination.

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This weekend I went to one of the biggest Ren Faires in the country. (Yea... I'm a dork, lol.) Two car loads of people went. My roomate and I were the only ones in this whole group of people who didn't get all dressed up. My girlfriend was dressed to the nines, as a Succubus. All these people kept coming up to all of us asking to take pics. But mostly, a lot of people wanted pictures of her or with her. And people kept asking her how she got her horns on so well. This one little girl came up to her and was like "Are those horns on your head?" And she said "Yep." And the girl was like "How did you grow them? I want some." And my roomate was standing right there and he was like "Eat your veggies and do all your homework and listen to your parents, then you'll grow some horns."


We got in a conversation with two total strangers about the paralells between Christian Mysticism and Hinduism. Where else are you going to go where that happens?


I need to break in here for a second so the next thing makes sense... When I was really depressed a few years ago the song Fade To Black by Metallica was my anthem. That song seemed to sum up exactly how I felt. For anyone curious, here's a link to it:



After the Faire we all went to this bar/grill place. And my girlfriend and I are sitting at the end of the bar having a drink. The music that was playing in there was all classic rock stuff, (Rolling stones, Led Zepplin, etc.) I was sitting there thinking to myself about what a good day it's been, and that I am actually feeling happy right now. And what flippin song comes on? Fade to Black. It was weird... it was like the cosmos was trying to tell me to not be too happy. I didn't put much stock in it though, just laughed a little at the irony and decide to enjoy the Metal.


So, all of us (ten people) sat at this bar, all of them still all dressed up, until after midnight, BSing about childhood, college, religion, politics, etc. We were there until after midnight and then still had a three hour drive home.

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^ Well, I did just give my dog some pringles and now he won't stop sniffing the can and nudging it with his nose because he wants me to give him more.


Right now I am reading American Gods. I started it a few months ago and then it got lost for a while so now I am finally getting to finish it. The main character's wife calls him Puppy.


It's a good book... based on interesting concepts. The Gods are all alive, living as regular people. And the old Gods are all slowly dying because they are being forgotten and replaced with new ones (new Gods like the God of Technology, the God of TV, etc.) So, the whole book is about the old Gods fighting to survive in the modern secular world. And there's this battle going on between the old and the new.


It's interesting how they are all personified.


I know you posted about puppies to be funny... who would have thought it might actually inspire something, lol.

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I came home from work today and there was a lady in a wedding gown standing on the corner in front of my house. She was on her cell phone yelling about how someone called the cops on her.


When I was walking up to the porch a guy in a suit came walking toward her, then he looked at me and said "Hey man, you live here?"


I told him I lived here.


He was like "I left her here for you, you wanna marry her?" Obviously he was kidding.


Now there is a group of people outside arguing. I have to take my dog out but almost don't want to go out there.

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ps i shall be tickled forever that i made hell laugh on a monday morning.


And you should be. It takes a lot to even get any response out of me on a Monday morning.


It's funny... when I took the dog out the lady in the wedding gown was getting in a car and leaving... But, the people accross the street were outside screaming at eachother.


People wonder how I can survive without cable... All I have to do is look out the window and there's live free entertainment.

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this is creepy...i'm just after posting about meeting ena members in the real world (in friendship and friends) and your talking about ladies in wedding dresses.

my daughter went to a wedding yesterday,my mother went to a different wedding yesterday.

you were at a 'street preformance' wedding.......for a moment my heart stopped....i looked to see where you were posting from....i'm dead for a moment....i saw uk.....then i saw thats ok the uk i was looking at is me not you.


do you know the Indian spacemen found water on the moon yesterday?

as that is now a reality not a possibility i may say hi! to all hellish creatures out dog walking!

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Whenever I get depressed or really anxious I always have dreams about dogs and/or wolves.


When I was a teenager and just broke up with my ex girlfriend I remember dreaming of being forced (at gunpoint) to watch a pack of dogs eat my neighbor alive.


I think it was around the same time I had a dream about my Dad threatening to kill my dog if I didn't get rid of him. And No one would adopt him, so I had to take him out into the woods and just let him go. And he kept trying to follow me back home.


When I was really depressed a couple years ago there was one dream I had that I was standing behind the building I worked in... and this white wolf came walking out of the woods and came up to me and licked my hands... Then, that day at work I had to go out back to throw something in the dumpster and I decided to sneak a cigarette while I was back there. (I normally don't smoke, but my attitude in times of depression is that I don't care about dying, so why not inhale some poison...) So I was back there smoking, and a white dog (that looked like a wolf) came out of the woods and it came right up to me and licked my hand. When I tell this story no one ever believes me. I wish I had a witness. I told my shrink about it when it happened and she even thought I was bsing her. She tried to tell me it was a hallucination from the state of mind I was in.


And... this weekend I had a dream about wolves.


I always have these dreams at hard times in my life. And whenever the dogs/wolves are mean and aggressive, a bad time always gets worse. But, whenever the wolves/dogs in my dreams are non aggressive times always get better. Thankfully the wolves in my dream this weekend were not aggressive.

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The canine is your power animal. Mine are big cats...mostly black leopards. They come to us at different times. To warn us of things to come, to calm us, to guide us. They are ever present in both this realm and the spirit realm and they are easy to call on if you need them. I use mine quite often for calming and meditative practices. I think that's awesome that yours came to you in person. It makes me think that it was a time in your life when you needed to feel special, hopeful and extraordinary.

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I've been trying to find the time to write this reply for a few days now...


The white dog coming up to me behind my old place of employment was a really strange experience... in the good way. It came walking up to me really slow and nudged my hand first, and then licked. I petted it on the head for a couple seconds before it ran away.


And I was really depressed at the time. It was one of those unexplained episodes of depression I have fallen into a few times.


There was another time when I was the most depressed I've ever been... That something really out there happened to me. But I almost don't want to tell that story on the public forum. People won't believe me and think I am a kook. (lol... as if they don't already.) But anyone that wants to know about it can PM me.


I've had a lot of strange paranormal thing happen to me...


I was asleep in my old apartment once. This was shortly after I moved to US. The apartment I lived in was a whole in the wall, and my bed was an air mattress on the floor. I was asleep on the air mattress, and something woke me up. I didn't hear any noise or anything, but for some reason I woke up, and I rolled over and saw the sillhouette of a person standing in the doorway tp the bathroom. It startled me, but I didn't do anything, I just stayed still and stared at it. It didn't move or anything, just stood there. Then suddenly it was gone. People tell me I was dreaming, but I was wide awake when this happened.


I've been to a lot of various Pagan rituals. My girlfriend is involved with a group of eclectic practitioners. Sometimes they have circles on different sabbats. I was at one of these circles a couple years ago and the guy who was leading the ritual kept looking at me funny. After it was done he told me that there was energy coming from my direction that was distracting him, and that there were spirits hovering all around me while this ritual was happening.


I have a lot of stories like this...

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