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Do women with bigger breasts get more male attention?


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I'm sure that people appreciate your truthfulness ryan, but it just doesn't seem like this is the case with the majority. I believe that a certain type of guy is pulled in by large breasts...and on all accounts, that type of guy is usually somewhat immature and superficial.


Well I love large breasts and i'm not immature or superficial. And iunno where you heard the majority of guys like small breasts, certainly wasn't from any advertising psychology books.


If all I was interested in was a girls big boobs you could say I was superficial and maybe even immature. But I don't think(even amoungst the big boob freaks out there) theres a guy who would turn down a girl because of her boobs.


We all have our ideals and what we settle for and wont settle for. I wouldn't settle for anything bigger than a DD or smaller than a B. I'm sure there are plenty who would love an A cup. Just as there are plenty of girls who would love a "six pack" and a 8 inch wang on a guy, but would settle for an out of shape 5 incher.

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hehe, there have been surveys that show that most guys don't like really huge boobs. I think mine are the perfect size, not overly huge and definitely not small, but I notice when a guy only flirts with me only cause of my body/boobs and that's when I am happy to show him the door.


If you want to get implants to get attention from guys, then by all means, do it!

If you have nothing else about you to show-off, then why not? I'm sure you will get a LOt of sex after you get those implants but will that make you happy in the long run?


And even if you would get a bf then, will it make you happy to know that he only noticed you for your boobs?


Your decision eh. If you really don't have anything else about you that guys notice, then sure get those implants.

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Besides, we're all attracted to the superficial initially.


I don't know about you, but for me this period only lasts until I get to actually talk to a person. Often times a hot guy has opened his mouth and completely turned me off. Other times an 'average' guy has opened his mouth and become more attractive to me the more I get to know him.


Superficial attraction only goes so far. It isn't what makes relationships last.

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you didn't READ my post. people who get IMPLANTS (not women who have natural large breasts) typically have mental issues.




Could you explain this in a bit more detail?


It seems like a gross assumption rather than something based on fact. I know women who have had implants who are very well rounded and stable.


Is there a study you've read, or is this based on people you know personally?

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I don't know about you, but for me this period only lasts until I get to actually talk to a person. Often times a hot guy has opened his mouth and completely turned me off. Other times an 'average' guy has opened his mouth and become more attractive to me the more I get to know him.


Superficial attraction only goes so far. It isn't what makes relationships last.


You are right about superficial attraction. I have met many 'hot' guys who i didn't want to have anything to do with after speaking to them for 2 minutes.


I have also fallen madly in love with guys who , after getting to know them, i found them irresistible, when i never found them that attractive to begin with.


But, there are some things that some people just aren't going to find attractive, no matter how well they get along. Sometimes the physical chemistry just isn't there.


I'm not talking about massive breasts, but even looking through the 6 pages of threads here... and in numerous other threads I've seen on this and in numerous conversations with friends... I always hear guys saying things like "I love small breasts!!" and they talk about an A or a B cup... but I never hear a guy say they love nothing.

i've heard guys say things like "well, i could learn to live with it if i loved her"


thats not a compliment at all... that they could learn to live with it.


And.. I understand it completely.... why would a guy want to be with a woman who has a chest like him?

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Huge boobs are a huge turn off for me.


I put far more emphasis on waist-hip ratio, facial features and hair when it comes to attraction. First thing I see when I notice a girl is her eyes, her face, her hair and then body. Yes, I know I’m a rare breed.


Think u should make a list of all the reasons why u should get breast implants and all the reasons why you shouldn’t. I bet after carefully analyzing them you will realize it isn’t worth it or even necessary.


It the end it doesn’t matter what we think but how you feel about it.

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I believe that a certain type of guy is pulled in by large breasts...and on all accounts, that type of guy is usually somewhat immature and superficial. And while, yeah, being superficial is fine, as many guys here pointed out, superficial attractions usually don't lead to anything in the long term.


I find that very offensive. When did it become ok to say stuff like that?

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I think the problem is that the OP doesn't want the implants for herself. She's looking to them to help her get a boyfriend, but that means she has larger insecurities. OP, if you think that boobs are the only way to get a guy, you must not have a lot of confidence in yourself as a person. And say you go ahead and get those implants, you're not going to feel any more confident in yourself. Work on appreciating who YOU are and realize that you are a catch for any guy and if you still want implants, as long as you are getting them to make you happy and not the male population, go ahead.


And this is coming from one of those women that shika refers to that apparently men don't find desirable. I don't usually fit into AA bras and when I go to a specialty store, they don't run bras small enough for me. But my life experiences have definitely not shown me that I'm completely undesirable or that a guy has to love me and just put up with my body. I'm not going to lie and say that my breasts are my favorite part of my body, but I really don't care that they're small or barely existent. Who cares? My boyfriend doesn't. Neither did my boyfriend before that. Or anyone I've hooked up with. I've never heard a complaint. In fact, I tend to make fun of them a lot and when I do, my boyfriend gets upset because he thinks I'm putting myself down and loves the way I look.


Shika, your posts are actually offensive to me. I would never dream of stating that because someone looks a certain way, men or women won't find them attractive. I'd rather have my "boobs" and know that my boyfriend is with me for me, than get fakes ones and have to question every guy's intention and not be able to breastfeed my child later on in life.

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There are a lot of guys who do stare at that level and will be interested in a girl because of that, yes. However, it's not a huge impediment to getting a relationship, as far as I know. Also, to be honest, even from a girl point of view... seeing another girl with big boobs, you end up staring whereas you wouldn't normally, because it's like, 'golly, she's got melons under there!'

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Could you explain this in a bit more detail?

It seems like a gross assumption rather than something based on fact. I know women who have had implants who are very well rounded and stable.

Is there a study you've read, or is this based on people you know personally?

A study. I don't just pull stuff out of my butt and put it online as fact.


I guess to prove it I'll have to look for the damn thing now!


Oh, the study also says that women who get implants are wayyyy more likely to become drug users, and commit suicide.

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Could you explain this in a bit more detail?


It seems like a gross assumption rather than something based on fact. I know women who have had implants who are very well rounded and stable.


Is there a study you've read, or is this based on people you know personally?


I would have to agree with you. I have a friend that has breast implants and there is nothing wrong with her what so ever. She actually just finished law school in this past year and got a great job offer at a top law firm here. She actually seems to have a lot better personality since the boob job.

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Well I love large breasts and i'm not immature or superficial. And iunno where you heard the majority of guys like small breasts, certainly wasn't from any advertising psychology books.


Read my post again, dear. I said nothing about most men loving small breasts. What I meant was, the majority of men (at least that I have met or even encountered in my life) would not turn down a woman or not give her the time of day because her breasts were small. All kinds of body and breasts types are attractive to lots of men.

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I find that very offensive. When did it become ok to say stuff like that?


I don't know how that's offensive. It's merely an opinion. Men who go after a woman simply because she has large breasts probably aren't in it for the emotional connection and the deep, enduring commitment. I didn't say that all men are like that, but yes, I do believe that a man who pursues a woman for superficial reasons would stick around just about as long as her looks lasted or however long it took for him to get tired of her. Do committed, successful relationship come out of superficial connections? Sometimes, but from the majority that I've seen, no. It's simply a matter of my opinion, not meant to offend.

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I would have to agree with you. I have a friend that has breast implants and there is nothing wrong with her what so ever. She actually just finished law school in this past year and got a great job offer at a top law firm here. She actually seems to have a lot better personality since the boob job.

And I know a girl with implants who is totally out of her mind and has the personality of a brick. But she was nuts before the boob job too


Still looking for online copy of the study........

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I don't know how that's offensive. It's merely an opinion. Men who go after a woman simply because she has large breasts probably aren't in it for the emotional connection and the deep, enduring commitment. I didn't say that all men are like that, but yes, I do believe that a man who pursues a woman for superficial reasons would stick around just about as long as her looks lasted or however long it took for him to get tired of her. Do committed, successful relationship come out of superficial connections? Sometimes, but from the majority that I've seen, no. It's simply a matter of my opinion, not meant to offend.


What you said was, "I believe that a certain type of guy is pulled in by large breasts". Now, men are "pulled in" by whatever they are attracted to. What you implied was that men who are attracted to large breasts are immature and superficial.


Any man who goes after a woman simply because she has any particular type of breasts, or butt, or style, or hair... is superficial because, of course, there is more to a woman than just that.

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A study. I don't just pull stuff out of my butt and put it online as fact.


I guess to prove it I'll have to look for the damn thing now!


Oh, the study also says that women who get implants are wayyyy more likely to become drug users, and commit suicide.


Where is this study?

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I have larger breasts (D) and frankly, it has not earned me a whole lot of extra attention. It has affected me in the sense that I get really jealous of girls who are so petite and flat, that they can wear spaghetti straps without a lot of support, and plunging backlines with no bra straps. (I live in a place where there are many Asian women to white women, so as a general rule, smaller everything is the order of the day. A lot of men find this very hot, actually!)


I have seen men stare at my bust (though I don't wear clothes to flaunt it much) on occasion, and it seems like a passing amusement -- which makes me feel a bit objectified. Is the attention nice? Maybe, on occasion, but it's not at all something which makes me feel better about myself in general.


I really don't want to be wanted for my breasts. And, none of the guys I've had relationships with were even really "boob" men! They could have taken it or left it, the size factor. In fact, believe it or not, I am still waiting for a guy I'm with to actually come out and say, "Wow, I love your amazingly big rack!" No one has EVER said that to me, making me wonder if I was hallucinating the hype!!!!!!!


I think implants for your, BronzedSkin, is just a terrible idea. It's one more way you are trying to build self-esteem in ways that are not about true self-love, but just having to cater to what you think is some standard -- which many men part with. I have never seen a great guy hung up about breast size, and to me that says a lot.

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I have larger breasts (D) and frankly, it has not earned me a whole lot of extra attention. It has affected me in the sense that I get really jealous of girls who are so petite and flat, that they can wear spaghetti straps without a lot of support, and plunging backlines with no bra straps. (I live in a place where there are many Asian women to white women, so as a general rule, smaller everything is the order of the day. A lot of men find this very hot, actually!)


I have seen men stare at my bust (though I don't wear clothes to flaunt it much) on occasion, and it seems like a passing amusement -- which makes me feel a bit objectified. Is the attention nice? Maybe, on occasion, but it's not at all something which makes me feel better about myself in general.


Ah, tell me about it! The tops I love are backless, haltertops, off-the-shoulder.. I can't wear any of them. I'm stuck wearing unflattering, frumpy tops that cover a granny bra. blech.


Also, I'll never forget the time when I was about 3 months pregnant, wearing loose t-shirt and jeans, and walking through a busy street in the summer. These two drunk bums yelled out, "hey, nice boobs, hot boobs!" so loudly that everyone on the entire street turned to stare at me and I went home and cried.


Yeah, the novelty wears off very quickly. I'd say it had already started to wear off by the time I was 12 years old.

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