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Do women with bigger breasts get more male attention?


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Boobs aren't everything..... we also have legs, hips and funny enough a brain even....


I am honestly glad that guys will look me in the eyes rather than at my chest.


Another thing to consider is - the gravity factor as you age....


Well, when you are large chested, gravity already is a factor...they are not going to be "perky stand at attention" breasts unless the size has to do with implants...such as in the case of a well-known Canadian "actress", PETA spokeswoman and frequently married blonde.

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I know for a fact I don't encourage attention from men what so ever. A lot of times I am with my boyfriend when these comments are made. I normally tell them in a nice but very firm way that they need to get a life and move on and the normally do. I am almost 6 months preggo and I had a guy do just this yesterday while out to eat with my family. I got up to go to the ladies room because I have a tendency to pee every 30 seconds and this guy grabbed my arm and made a comment about my boobs....I said my piece, he let me go and didn't say another word. Guys def do not have to be provoked to make rude and obnoxious comments.


It is a nasty misconception that some people have that only women who are behaving in an overt manner are subject to this....i believe you probably did nothing to encourage it. Some men only need a woman to smile at him.

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Some men only need a woman to smile at him.


ha, or much less..


On a side note, I don't like it how any discussion of breast size inevitably gets to the whole, "i'm glad that I don't have big boobs because i don't want them hanging down to my knees by the time i'm 60"... as if nature and breastfeeding were some sort of cruel punishment for all the male attention us large breasted women have received over the years.

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ha, or much less..


On a side note, I don't like it how any discussion of breast size inevitably gets to the whole, "i'm glad that I don't have big boobs because i don't want them hanging down to my knees by the time i'm 60"... as if nature and breastfeeding were some sort of cruel punishment for all the male attention us large breasted women have received over the years.



Well when i said i was glad i was a C i wasn't cutting down women larger. There is good and bad in everything umbrella. I am sure you know that. For every advantage there is being large chested there are as many advantages for smaller chested women....life is what we make it and most people should take the advantages of what they have and work with it no matter which side they happen to be on.


I dont' think any side is trying to intentionally shoot down the other....unless I missed a few posts.


I for one tho chuckle at younger girls who are larger than a B who go w/out a bra often. My conservative nature I thank because i never went w/out mine, even slept in it for most of my life, and it does make a difference. So to you younger women, it DOES help. LOL


But I agree Umbrella that sometimes women use that gravity argument as a way to feel better about their own situation...

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Oh my God, you SLEEP with your bra on...doesn't it pinch and hurt. When I come home from work, if I am not going out, that bra comes off!


I have slept with it on since i was a teen. LOL I just got so used to it...for over 20 years it only came off for showering.


Since i have been married the second time i take it off more, for him not for me....LOL



If you get them fitted well and a good quality they don't pinch at all...or at least they don't in my experience.

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I know. I'm not mad at you or anyone else really. But sometimes it seems like it's acceptable to take cheap shots at large-chested women in ways that it wouldn't be acceptable to take shots at small-chested women, or overweight women, or big-booty women, or thin women... I'm just mad at nature, that's all. Nothing a bit of plastic surgery can't fix.

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I know. I'm not mad at you or anyone else really. But sometimes it seems like it's acceptable to take cheap shots at large-chested women in ways that it wouldn't be acceptable to take shots at small-chested women, or overweight women, or big-booty women, or thin women... I'm just mad at nature, that's all. Nothing a bit of plastic surgery can't fix.


I agree with you. I have seen smaller chested women take that shot at larger chested women before and it seems crass because if the larger chested women made a similar jab it wouldn't be as accepted. No i do agree with you there...


It's the same principle when heavier people feel it okay to make jabs at skinnier people. There have been threads on this forum where heavier people create a thread wtih the sole purpose to boost their ego by taking cheap shots at thinner people.


None of it is okay IMO.

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I think your reasoning for getting implants is wrong. If you want to grab attention from a real man who will treat you with respect and not like a slab of meat then work on your personality.


Big breasted women only get attention from ill-meaning men - you'll risk tissue scaring, infection, and not to mention your life for men so you can get the same attention that your friend gets? NOT WORTH IT.

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guys really don't care that much...i think girls overthink just it like guys do about penis size. and not to be offensive but too little is way preferable to sagging.


Well, I don't mean to be offensive either...but you guys have two sagging dangling things beside your pleasure giving centre...not like you can help that force of gravity anymore than large chested women can change what gravity does to their body part.

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I think your reasoning for getting implants is wrong. If you want to grab attention from a real man who will treat you with respect and not like a slab of meat then work on your personality.


Big breasted women only get attention from ill-meaning men - you'll risk tissue scaring, infection, and not to mention your life for men so you can get the same attention that your friend gets? NOT WORTH IT.


Agreed 100%. Your friend may be getting attention, but it's not the kind that will get you into a long term relationship, it's the kind that will get you a one-night stand complete with an STD. Your friend also gets attention because you mentioned she wears tight little tops. If she was actually covering up the * * * * , she wouldnt get as much attention.

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Well, I don't mean to be offensive either...but you guys have two sagging dangling things beside your pleasure giving centre...not like you can help that force of gravity anymore than large chested women can change what gravity does to their body part.


So true! LOL

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obviously its unchangeable (without surgery), i was just pointing out that its not a preference of most guys out there, just as i'm sure most girls have a preference for the type of body for a guy which is something we can't help...on a somewhat related note, i have a close friend who is thin but extremely endowed, and gets plenty of attention from guys, but she hates her chest. she can't really do much of anything athletic without pain, has back problems, and is forced to sacrifice style for support when it comes to bikinis and bras. i'd say it isn't worth it if that's the type of change you want to get you more attention.

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you people! lazy much? won't even type "breast implants suicide" into google? you'll get 67,400 links to the study.


"Implants were associated with suicide, psychological disorders and/or drug and alcohol abuse/dependence," the researchers wrote.

"women who get implants may have psychiatric problems to start with, perhaps linked with lower self-esteem or body image disorders.

I think we don't even know how big of a problem it is because we cannot even pinpoint what proportion of women have psychiatric disorders, there could be a whole lot of different disorders." Lipworth said in a telephone interview.

"Women who get cosmetic breast implants are nearly three times as likely to commit suicide as other women, and three times more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol."


there you go.


good thing is, there is no risk of cancer with getting a boob job, but you are three times more likely to blow your brains out. niiiiiiiiiiiiice.

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Catwalk, googling a topic does not mean the hits you get in return are accurate. Anyone can find a blurb to suit their needs but is it accredited? You believe a lot of stuff you find on the internet without validating it. As for the above quote...who are these researchers? Who is "lipworth"?


I could research a topic then create an article about it and put it on the internet. That doesn't make it fact or just because i put "researcher" behind my name that the research conducted is worth a grain of salt.


When i key in "breast implants suicide" that blurb you quoted below comes up in almost every hit. The same exact article. That does not make it fact what it tells me is that this is about the only article written on the subject ...


I think it goes without saying that people who commit suicide have incredibly low self esteem to begin with and some of them probably get plastic surgery. To say they are three times more likely is IMO incorrect. I think a person with low self esteem who actually takes measures to correct whatever it is that has been plaguing them have a stronger chance of increasing the self esteem a bit. If a kid grew up feeling horrible about something on their bodies plastic surgery can make a big difference - same for women who choose implants.

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i notice larger breasts if they are showing a bit. does it mean i want the girl? no. i'm really more into natural.


I think you addressed a valid point....just because men are looking more doesn't necessarily mean they want to date that person. You almost can't help but look - women look at other women's chests as well...

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I think you addressed a valid point....just because men are looking more doesn't necessarily mean they want to date that person. You almost can't help but look - women look at other women's chests as well...


totally true. i know girls that look too. i've had gfs point some huge ones out to me that i didn't notice. just like a guy that is stacked with muscles. so a gf notices him and points him out. oh well. she's rolling with me, doesn't matter.

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Well, Catwalk is not totally off base- there are studies in the process to see if there is a valid link between breast augmentation and suicide risk, but with the lack of other control groups, nothing definitive has been determined:





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It appears as though the link has nothing to do with the surgery itself- but merely the type of woman who typically seeks the surgery:





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