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Do women with bigger breasts get more male attention?


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Well, Catwalk is not totally off base- there are studies in the process to see if there is a valid link between breast augmentation and suicide risk, but with the lack of other control groups, nothing definitive has been determined:


What you posted above as a link kind of proves my point. There has not been enough research done to be able to make a declaration that women with breast implants are three times more likely to commit suicide. There is no real factual information out there to support that. As I told her in a PM earlier when she sent me the information i said that low self esteem individuals are going to be amongst the most likely to commit suicide and it kind of goes without sayign that folks who seek plastic surgery would fall in that group...that is a far cry from saying women who get breast implants are three times more liekly to use drugs or commit suicide...that statement sounds like huge propaganda ... it suggests that the procedure itself causes suicidal tendencies when in reality it is the low self esteem and this is present in almost every person who seeks cosmetic surgery of ANY kind.

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I hope she doesn't think i was being argumentative because I wasn't....it's just that statements like that made without a lot of backing cause hysteria in the world. Posting here won't likely cause hysteria but so many people read this forum and i wouldn't want women to walk away thinking a breast implant procedure can cause suicide or make one prone to it. IT is the mindset of the individual prior, not the procedure.


Thank you for posting what you did above Hope because that sheds a little more light on it.

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I haven't read all the posts so maybe I'll be repeating it. But in my honest GUYS opinion, I HATE fake breasts. I'm not a fan of big ones either. I prefer then "normal" to small. Besides, I don't care that they claim implants are natural looking... they're not. I can spot implants a mile away. I completely ignore women who have them, especially those who show off and have them spill out of their clothes. Tasteless.


I've always felt that women who get implants/plastic surgery are not comfortable with themselves and have confidence issues. I would take a "natural" small-breasted CONFIDENT woman over a huge-boobed, implanted, low-self worth woman any day.


The only time I see a valid reason for implants are for women who have suffered breast cancer and have had to have their real ones removed.

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I haven't read all the posts so maybe I'll be repeating it. But in my honest GUYS opinion, I HATE fake breasts. I'm not a fan of big ones either. I prefer then "normal" to small. Besides, I don't care that they claim implants are natural looking... they're not. I can spot implants a mile away. I completely ignore women who have them, especially those who show off and have them spill out of their clothes. Tasteless.



i repectfully disagree

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i am defintely going to consider getting implants now


big or bigger natural breasts might be really nice, but implants to me are unattractive..my ex had really nice but small breasts and I'd never wanted a woman so much...if you are sure of yourself, and let your sensuality shine through, men will be flocking to you..and not just for a night but a whole lot longer..

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  • 5 months later...

Breasts aren't the ONLY fake things women get to "enhance" themselves.

Women wear wigs, and hair extensions. MOST guys say they prefer women with long hair

but not ALL women are capable of growing their hair as long as they'd like. Do men judge them for "adding' hair to enhance what they have? No...


I know hair and breasts are different...but the reality is perception is reality to many. Who cares WHY they're that size as long as both people are happy with the outcome?

A woman getting a boob job is no different than a woman who wears hair extensions.

They are insecure about something they want to enhance....


The issue I have with boob jobs, are the women who get them so big they look like a freak show....then complain that all the 'perverts" are staring at them.......

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I have natural 12G size breasts and let me tell you, yes, men swamp you for a good look down your top.

They have their advantages...I feel sexy wearing anything, my hubby can't keep his eyes or his hands off them for even a second, and when I'm feeling down I like the attention I get for them.


My nickname in the biker club I belong to is Knockers, which I actually rather like.





I can't sleep on my stomach. I can't touch my toes. I can't run, jog, or even walk fast. I'm a mechanic and they stop me getting into tight places that I need to, to fix a problem with a car. No man looks at my face, even during a business transaction. No stranger takes me seriously. Every stranger instantly assumes I'm a * * * * , even though I have only ever had one partner, and I'm 21! AND they assume I'm an idiot, and proceed to treat me as such.


I wouldn't trade my breasts in for anything....unless my hubby said he wished they were smaller.

Then I would get a reduction.


For some women, small breasts are the best.

Other women find themselves happier with their large breasts.

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women of all breast size get attention from men.


women with bigger breasts usually only get significantly more attention compared to less well endowed women when they are entering maturation age and are starting to "grow" breasts earlier than girls of their age, because there will be less girls of their age that have noticeably bigger breasts.

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Hey all,

I'm 21 and have really big boobs. I personally hate it because people talk to them rather than you. It's made me wary of guys and I tend to get to know guys first before I'll date them because I feel insecure that its only my boobs they want and not me.

I would love a reduction, but the thought of it scares me! Maybe in a few years I'll see how I feel. I hate having to wear tops that are 2 sizes bigger than me just so they will fit comfortably over my boobs!

I'm definitely envious of girls with smaller boobs.



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my boobs are not gigantic but fairly big. My ex came to me bc of my boobs and two weeks ago my friend told me that I was his fantasy becuz of my cup size! And I know I had a nickname related to this in between college mates. So yes, we get attention for our boobs.


But to girls that want to implant to get guy's attention! DONT DO IT! Cause you are gonna get shallow men's attention who just want to have sex with you with that. Some friends of mine with really small boobs could find the best boy friends and are really happy while I find myself jealous of them most of the time. So, seriously be happy with who you are and you will attract nice guys!

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Do women with bigger boobs get more attention?


Hell yeah!



When I dress up for Halloween, I sometimes stuff my bra, just for variety (I have small breasts). The guys are all over me.


I don't like it but I put up with it because it's fun to do/be something different for Halloween every few years.


Would I want bigger breasts?


Hell no!


Nothing wrong with having big breasts, it's good that people come in different sizes, but I like the way I am. I'm very active, so I'm happy I don't have to wear an uncomfortable bra, my breasts don't sag and probably never will, they don't hurt, they don't get in the way and they don't attract guys who are into breasts rather than being into me.


I wouldn't trade my body for one with larger breasts. I consider myself lucky. When guys are talking to me, they look at my face, my eyes, they aren't drooling all over my chest. It's nice.



Implants require three to five hours of surgery depending on the surgeon and the kind of implants (some are inserted from the navel which takes much longer and has greater surgical risks). Implants can sometimes cause infections. Implants fail, usually within about 8 to 12 years. Implants can cause immuno-deficiency disorders. Implants can rupture. They can interfere with breastfeeding and your babies will get less of that precious milk, about 15% less.



Don't get implants to get more attention from men. It's not the right kind of attention. I have small breasts and I've never had any trouble meeting hunky, sexy, smart, attractive men.


If you like yourself, if you're confident, you will attract men. Don't use salt sacks shoved into your body to take the place of being happy with yourself as a person.

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I don't think it has as much to do with breast size as it does a girl's willingness to flaunt them. Guys would much rather flock to a girl with an A-cup who bares all to the world than a girl with a C-cup who dresses and acts like a nun. While big breats can be considered attractive, it's mainly the impression the girl gives off that attracts males.

And, as a fellow girl with small-ish breasts who hangs out with huge chested girls, don't worry! If a guy is looking for a relationship, then he will pay attention to more than just breast size. If not, then you don't want him anyway, now do you?


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A woman getting a boob job is no different than a woman who wears hair extensions.


I agree with you that it's insecurity at the basis of it, but I'd be reluctant to compare a boob job with hair extensions.


A boob job is major surgery under general anaesthetic. It carries major health risks, not only during the surgery, but for the rest of your life, as long as you have the implants. The worst thing you get from hair extensions is headaches if they're tied too tight.


If one of my friends said, should I get hair extensions? I'd say why not? It's not much different from wearing bows or ribbons or hair pins. If one of my friends said, should I get a boob job? I'd say for God's sake research it very very carefully before you even THINK about doing it. Some of the possible side effects, like scarring and encapsulation, cannot be undone, and if you're allergic to general anaesthetic (a few people are), it can kill you.

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my friend has really big boobs and she loves flaunting them but she's the most insecure person i've ever known. guys flock to her but they don't really give a crap about her. they want to have sex with her and be done.


really, boob size gets attention but it's short lived. do you want that kind of vapid attention from men? they simply want to have sex with you. after they have sex, they will leave you. think you'd enjoy that? i know i wouldn't.

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  • 1 month later...
Hmm. I started off from about 13-16 with really small boobs, they've grown HUGE in the last couple of years. When I didnt have big boobs men used to never look at them, now they are big I get letched at and people make comments about them all the time. I preferred it when tehy were medium sized.

looking at your pic you look like you will be medium size what size are you?

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