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What's the difference of Making Love and Having Sex?


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Is having sex, rough hard and wild?


and making love gentle, and sweet?


Not at all.


I've had situations where both your examples are reversed.


To me, its simply a case of whether you love the person. Because if you do, its soooo much better, and completely different.


Making love is a total connection, a closeness and togetherness. Sex without love is purely the physical enjoyment, the sensation, without the connection.


But i dont think how you do it makes much difference. I can sleep with someone i love and go at it like a couple of dirty pornstars, but to me it will still be making love. Likewise, i could have the most pedestrian, missionary, lights-out, straightforward, plenty of kissing sex with someone but if i didnt love them it would just be sex.

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The difference comes back to the intent of the parties involved rather than the specific actions.


Oddly enough, it's possible for two people to be referring to the exact same instance of physical activity and one could be operating under the assumption that they're "just having sex" and the other would swear they were "making love."

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I am in love with my bf, and he's in ove with me. I guess i'm confused because the sex is always wild, fast and hard. There's nothing tender about it. For some reason i associate tenderness and affection with making love... which is something that isn't part of our sexcapades.


We love eachother, and feel a closeness to eachother while doing it, and feel much closer after wards. So I GUESS you can call it making love. It just feels like hard dirty kinky sex as all. He calls it . But, that is him i guess.


But other times, when he has his sensitive moments, he talks of the excstasy he feels when he's inside me because of the love that we share. But it's always hard and rough lol. I don't KNOW!

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For me it all depends on the emotion and connection between the people. I think you can be wild and passionate, and still be making love. Or you can be slow and tender and be having "just sex".


As others said, it is about the intent of the parties.


Talk to your partner - sex does not have to be (and should not be) the same EVERYTIME, no wonder you feel a bit "left out" of the deal!

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Not just any woman. Me. Do i detect sarcasm in your response?


I think she is being completely honest about that (not sarcastic) actually. As I recall, Oaken is lesbian, and I think she is just saying it would be pretty amazing in her view to experience that.


No one is being disrespectful here.

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I think she is being completely honest about that (not sarcastic) actually. As I recall, Oaken is lesbian, and I think she is just saying it would be pretty amazing in her view to experience that.


No one is being disrespectful here.


oh! Okay, I had no idea. Thanks for the clarification

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No, I was simply stating it must be amazing to be able to do that. Not that I want to be a guy or anything, but yes, I am a lesbian, so it must be amazing. =]


No probs. Sorry, I usually don't get my back up like that... I just posted something about my past on a different forum, and it left me feeling VERY crappy. My bad

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Telling the difference between making love and just plain ol' dirty sex cant be quite tough. And I gotta say, if its rough and hard most of the time. It really isnt love making in my opinion. With my last relationship, no doubt I was having WAY more sex than I was making love but when we ended up making love. The pace was so much slower, there was so much more kissing and caressing instead of hardcore thrusting and excuse my graphic text lol. You really feel it when your making love. I noticed with me, I was much less concerned about keeping a steady pace (usually fast) and concentrated so much more on the feeling. How I kissed her, where I kissed her, how I held her etc...


If you dont think youve made love yet. You probably havent.

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I find it confusing that making love implies you are in love...having sex implies it's just physical.

What if you are really into someone, but don't love them, but you connect every other way...friendship, interests, company...when you are together, intimately...it's not just having sex, yet it's not making love.

Anyone else get this?

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I find it confusing that making love implies you are in love...having sex implies it's just physical.

What if you are really into someone, but don't love them, but you connect every other way...friendship, interests, company...when you are together, intimately...it's not just having sex, yet it's not making love.

Anyone else get this?


Haha this is probably why I dont have sex casually. What a world of pondering im not ready to embark on just yet

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I find it confusing that making love implies you are in love...having sex implies it's just physical.

What if you are really into someone, but don't love them, but you connect every other way...friendship, interests, company...when you are together, intimately...it's not just having sex, yet it's not making love.

Anyone else get this?


I believe that'd be euphemistically called "friends with benefits." There's another term for it that includes the word "buddy" and I think that term is more accurate but would be bleeped out by the profanity censor.

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I think making love is more sensual and happeneds on special occasions,like getting married or on your anniversity or your lovers birthday,Valentines day,Holidays that you too can share together.


Making Love is more slow and more about both the guy and the girl knowing eachothers body and know how to make the bed rock/ Its more chemistry involved for sure.


I picture it as romantic, like getting the night started with dinner n a movie or something of that nature,going to the museum,some kind of date and then taking it back to the house and having it planned like Lighting Candels,Running a bubble bath with rose pedals,rose pedals must be added if your going to use the term, "Make Love"



I think of sex as something that feels good. You and your person of interest could be curled up together watching a movie or just like monday night football and start to wrestle around,play fight,flirt and then start making out intensleym become aroused and Begin doing the dirty, Its not something that involves a lot of detail or al ot of effort, just a nice relaxing night of sex/


That question is really how you percieve it. I think making love is more sensual and caring and having sex,well it having a great time with someone you like, booty calls can be some great sex because yall a re purposely expirementing with eachother to get to know the other persons body and what they like.

They can be percieved mistakenly as Love/Relationship because of the intensified kissing and Carressing,but don't mistake as Making Love.

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