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Would you date an immature girl/guy?


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This has come out of my other thread, but I want to know what other people feel.


Does immatureness affect your decision on a partner. Whether you are boy or girl and looking for a boy or girl.


I'm in college, and I'm looking for a mature girl who doesn't act like an idiot and doesn't play "attraction" games, like acts like, "You are so cute" then "I don't want you at all".


I ended up going after a girl who I found out was very immature in class, so I gave up on her.


Does anyone in college, immediately get turned off when the person they were attracted to, ends up being very immature?


How about anyone in High School?


I know this is a very opinionated question, but I'm just looking for some input, and see if others don't like immature people for partners or if it is just me. I know it's not just me.

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Maturity is sometimes hard to see in people. You need to meet them and pursue a bit sometimes to know.


Maturity can come in so many forms, but I'll say that I like people who think. As long as they are critical about their lives and the lives of others then I'll enjoy their company.

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i definitely wouldn't date an immature girl. when i have met immature girls in the past they start annoy me, and this REALLY puts me off them. I find i can never talk to them properly without them saying something stupid and uncalled for.

i don't mind a girl that is up for a laugh though. just as long as they're not immature all the time.

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if i was still in high school, yes i'd date in high school. out of high school, no. i did this with my high school sweetheart. i was older. i stuck it out when i went to college and she still was in high school. i started to mature, she didn't seem to be. i broke it off shortly after she was out of high school. best dam choice i ever made. we are still cool if i was ever to run into her. we never talk on the phone or anything though.


last i heard she was marrying a guy from high school. lol. see, some people can never let it go.

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Depends on the level of immaturity and in which areas. If they were immature about just everything, it'd be unbearable. If someone was, say, immature in certain situations, it'd be tolerable.


I've kinda reflected a bit upon myself in answering this. When I get with a group of close male friends, my maturity level drops by several years. Depending on company and topics of discussion, maturity will vary.


I guess if you meant just generally immature, then I couldn't date them.

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I'm in college, and I'm definitely turned off by immaturity. Like, I was attracted to this one guy, but then he started showing off and doing the stupidest immature things.


Yeah, I've had plenty of those. Drives me nuts. In a bad way. Again, I feel like I'm the nanny, not the date.

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Maturity is sometimes hard to see in people. You need to meet them and pursue a bit sometimes to know.


Very true. My ex was one of the most mature guys I'd ever met - I thought it was fantastic. He was like that for over a year, and after we broke up, he cracked or something - he's now very immature. Quite an idiot.


Maturity can come in so many forms, but I'll say that I like people who think.


I like thinkers too.


I like mature people who know when to display an immature streak


Yep, I agree with this. It's fun to have your 'immature moments' but you gotta know when to stop.

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I'm in college, and I'm looking for a mature girl who doesn't act like an idiot and doesn't play "attraction" games, like acts like, "You are so cute" then "I don't want you at all".


Oh I can relate to that all to much. All the girls 20+ are dating guys 21-24,so we are pretty much left with the immature highschool girls. And you know the ones... games games games. They love to lead you on and make you jealous on purpose.

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Some of you may have read my very first posting here on ENA, others may not have. Basically, I am a very mature individual with many things going on at once.


I was having a "serious" relationship with a girl who told me she wanted to grow up and have a serious relationship as well. I took that as a hint that she wanted to change (bad mistake), and she led me on for 3 years, through a cheating escapade, a bunch of emotional rollercoasters, and then finally through another cheating escapade before I got a grip and slapped myself back into reality.


Her intelligence level, and immaturity were unbearable. The relationship stunk, and I had myself telling my brain and heart that she would change and she would grow up (another bad mistake).


Guess what? She never did! In fact, it got to a point where her immaturity was affecting my professionalism and career, let alone academics. We split up, and even though I'm sick to my stomach over the loneliness I experience right now, it's probably the smartest thing I've done in my life so far.


Do NOT get yourself into a relationship with someone who is immature, unless you want to have a casual fling. Typically, they will do all the cliche things and have more interest in being socially accepted by her peers, then value an emotional relationship with you.


Best of luck!

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Young boys are funny because they spend all of their energies trying to impress their older women. They're terrified to lose the woman, mostly, I'm sure, because of the superior sex session they expect said woman will provide, if they can convince her to consent to playing mistress and imparting some of her experience and expertise.


The whole thing is kind of sad. LOL. But human.

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