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so...Will he call this weekend?


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hey, he is not so fabulous if he didn't see what a catch you are!


seriously, do give some thought to online dating. try joining a few of the big sites (eharmony, match, yahoo) and see if you get any takers. Give it a chance. At the very least, you will be too busy responding to emails to remember Mr. Whatshisname.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone! Thought I'd update you....so i think last update i called him on that Saturday left a message he called me back a few minutes later. This last week I've been away from home recouperating from surgery. He called on Wednesday I had visitors and didn't answer...no message. He called again the following day and left a message (both calls around 6pm) to call back. I text him back on Friday saying that I was recovering from surgery (didn't get into any details) at a friends house but received his message. He text back saying to let him know if there was anything he can do for me. That was Friday. No word as of today.

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Hiya! Funny how just yesterday I started wondering what happened with you and this guy. Well, I wish you a speedy recovery from the surgery.


Regarding him, it's hard to say at this point. He might feel that if he calls again he would seem to be a pest. So he might back off and just wait for a call from you so you can give him an update, to tell him you're healed and back on your feet. But even if you call him next, still keep in mind if you want him to ask you out as a priority.

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He called again tonight....about 9:30 we spoke for about twenty minutes. He said he wanted to give me some time to recover but it had been a few days and I hadn't called so he wanted to see how I was doing. I feel silly now because in my nervousness i told him EVERYTHING about the surgery and what it was for and now I feel like it was TMI and may scare him away.


He worked a lot in the last couple of days and was headed to bed but said before we hung up to please call him if I need anything and even if he is busy he'll rearrange his schedule to help out just call.


I thanked him and said that I was thinking last week how it stinks because now the weather is cooler and I was telling my friend how I won't get to go on his boat now. He said that he keeps his boat in the water until November so not to worry...he said I'll just have to bundle up a bit.


I am still kickign myself to telling him everything about my surgery. I was just nervous and talking and talking and now I feel like he will view me as a potentially sickly person (which i'm not) but the word for what i had is potentially scary....and i had it all sounding like no big deal but then kept talking and talking...about test results and knowing they'll be fine but still wanting to be certain....i'm a DOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There was a 99% likely benign "tumor" on my ovary that was removed along with my ovary. I called it a "mass" when I first told him and then he told me of a friend who had the same exact thing and told me the story but he called hers a cyst that ruptured. I should have left it be but NO my big mouth...I said yes but this they called a tumor and the preliminary biopsy result is benign but i am waitin for the full pathology review and won't feel sure until I know for sure. BOY i feel stupid like I gave TOO MUCH INFO to someone who doesn't know me...he'll think i'm sickly and RUN!!!!!

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LOL I know but I just don't want to have been that nervous chatter'r who gave way too much info to someone who they're still in the get to know you stage with and scare them off.


Probably less is more when in the getting to know you stage with such personal issues. If people here feel it shouldn't matter and if it does matter than that's his problem and anyone would have done the same...that would make me feel a lil less like i totally did a DUMB thing.

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I guess I see this differently. I don't see this as a "stage" in a relationship -this is someone you met recently, who you hung out with a few times and spoke to on the phone, who is now being a nice guy and calling and checking up on you because you are ill. I would do that too for someone I just met if i heard he/she was sick and I thought that a phone call would cheer him or her up. Is it that you think that he is considering a potential relationship with you beyond a friendly acquaintanceship?

From what you've described of your interactions, right now that doesn't seem likely. That could change of course but I don't think you have to worry now about scaring him away. I do understand that you think you said too much - and if you did well that is a normal reaction to feeling vulnerable and fragile. If you feel weird about it, say less next time.

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