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What makes him HOT?


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I'm a tad curious, about something. I guess really only the ladies can answer this one, LoL. The reason I ask these questions is, I believe that, it's the personality and how you approach women that makes all the difference but I hear people always saying, you have to have a lot of money, have to have a car, and you have to have a nice house. I don't think that pretty girls will turn down a guy just because of material things though it does seem that guys with a lot of material things, do seem to not have horrible luck with the ladies, so maybe I am somewhat wrong. I want to settle this battle between people I know who always seem to be the "gotta be good looking and loaded with money" attitude to even get looked at by a cute girl.


What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him?


What makes him annoying to you?


Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average?


Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"?


What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him?


Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive?


Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid?


Also what do you think of my pic? I never had anyone tell me I was unattractive but I never really had a gf or girls really talking to me but then again for a while I never really saw girls that I ever liked, not in high school, I couldn't stand those having babies so young and basically going on welfare with no job but yet acting like they were "da shiznit".


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Here is a pic of me on a 4 Wheeler on vacation but I feel kinda fat or something:


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Here is me in NYC but I don't really feel you can see me that well and I had on a winter coat:


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Okay. I'm just gonna address these as I go along. Hahah.


1. irresistible man: someone who can make me laugh, is a bit shy, seems caring, is semi-good-looking, dressed well, killer smile and eyes are two huge pluses, compliments me, looks interested in me...actually pays attention to what I say instead of staring blandly at my face....or other parts. haha.


2. Annoying man: a guy who cannot stop talking, follows me around constantly, dressed in a wife-beater and some boxers (in a public place), will not STOP complimenting, smells funky, too physical, has "wandering" eyes...


3. Of course we all notice the hunks but I'm kinda going through a phase where a more average/good-looking guy catches my eye more than the hunk. I suppose I can attribute this to bad experiences with the cocky clique.


4.Oh...I really do not like guys that play hard to get. It makes me feel like I'm wasting my time. I like a guy who expresses his feelings through his body language instead of doing the exact opposite. I love for a guy to SHOW me he's interested with his body language, not with his mouth (save that till later!)


5. Ooops. Misread this..hahaha, sorry. Yes, I would still date him. I thought you meant "wild" as in he drove me crazy.


6. Successful college look. Gangsta/jail is quite unattractive to me...


7. This last comment regarding the comedian guy is an iffy thing. If he's a bit funny...its nice. But if he over-does it...it becomes annoying. Moderation is key here.

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Yeah I am curious because everyone always tells me you must have money, looks and material things then other says you don't, it's personality. Also, I would be a tad curious to know, why so many girls are going for the jail/gansta type when I always hear most say, they want someone who makes something of their life.

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What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him?

-just a jolly additude... shy doesnt matter as long as he is smiling


What makes him annoying to you?

-big-headed men... men who act like they are above you, or men that dont get the message if you arent interested


Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average?

-doesnt even have to be average...


Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"?

-check me out, yes... but not that egotistical "you want me" additude... modesty is good... actually, a few people can pull off the "you want me" thing, but not if htey are concieted about it...


What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him?



Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive?

-it depends on the guy. I dont like "gangsta" styles... but he doesnt have to look like a preppy mammas boy either


Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid?

-It depends... people who are abviously TRYING to be random annoy me, greatly... but if you have a natural banter that just ends up being stupid, its fine.

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A man's eyes are what makes them irrestible to me. I like guys with blue eyes. My ex had greenish blue eyes, and so does my best friend (who is also an ex of mines). Tall guys are cool too. I also like guys who are a bit shy and insecure. Those appeal to me, why I don't know.


I find guys who talk too much about themselves and brag, annoying.


I would rather a guy be just average. I've learned in the past, that hunks usually are full of themselves and can be arrogant.


I like a guy to look me over and see what I can offer him. I dunno. I dont think I look that great so if a guy looks at me too long, I get worried that he is weirded out by how tiny I am.


Yes, I would still like him. A guy is not his wallet, or what he drives, or where he lives. I tend to look more into how a guy is. Is he kind, understanding, gentle, loving, treats people well, etc. My ex was four months older than me and he lived at home, didnt drive at all, and worked in a retail job. I liked him for who he was, not what he was, or what he could provide me.


I like the successful college look more than the gangsta look.


I like guys who make jokes and such, but not at the expense of other people.

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Okay, since I am getting married in a few days, I will tell you what it was about my fiance'...firstly, he was not "in my face" on our first date, he was really easy to talk to. He had good eye contact and LISTENED. (And he had beautiful grey-blue eyes and dimples when he smiled!!!) I guess I appreciate the yin in a man. I am not taken in by big, machismo bravado...I like quiet confidence and manners more. -And he had great hair for a man in his early forties...

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Piggies are cool, except for Skittles. I found out yesterday she has advanced arthritic problems and there is nothing they can do to stop it from getting worse. So, she is on heavy duty pain meds.


I also like guys who can appreciate my pets.


I like this little guys face...cute little expression..and I like the pouty lower lip...

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(And he had beautiful grey-blue eyes and dimples when he smiled!!!)


Yes...I am sucker for a beautiful smile as well! Dimples are great too! Eyes are great although for some reason I can never remember the colour of people's eyes, even my own family's!

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What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him?

*I like guys who come accross as quiet and shy. I think it's so intriguing. Physically - I like tall guys with darker hair and brown eyes.


What makes him annoying to you?

*Cocky guys. Guys who think they are the best thing since sliced bread.


Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average?

*I don't like the model type. I don't like HUNKS. He doesn't have to be muscular...Just toned. Toned is better than being muscular.


Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"?

*I like it when guys just glance. Like you know they notice you but it's NOT overwhelming.


What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him?



Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive?

*Gangsta has never appealed to me. It's gross. Successful college look - great. I personally love, just average. Jeans and a nice collar shirt or button up shirt.


Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid?

*It's nice to be silly - but not over the top.

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When I see a guy who is flashing money, fancy cars, and general glitz around, I think he is clueless and not suitable to date.


If he follows that up with looking me over, commenting, or trying to convince me of how hot he is/how bad I want him, I think he is an idiot and probably a pig.


If he also has a jail look or gangsta bull going on on top of all that, I want to get away from him and assume he sees me as 'object' , not as person. Not even worth my time to engage beyond what I have to.


I happen to like the a-little-rough-on-the-outside look. A few tats, a little bit of spice or even sloppiness I actually LIKE. Combine this with a sweet personality, and a good brain and silly humour, I'm done.


I'm a sucker for guys who can put something above themselves in their lives. Other people, a cause, a passion, it draws me in to want to know more.


Few of these men have had a lot of money, or come from especially rich backgrounds or lived in super-nice neighborhoods. That's not the point. It's that willingness to extend to something bigger that turns me on. ...for good or ill.

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What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him?

for me its not something i can just see by looking at him that would make him irrisistible to me, its something i have to see in him. guys who are confident, but not cocky attract my attention. there is a fine line between the two that cannot be interchanged. he should present himself in a way that is respectful to all others. he should have good manners and act like the mature person that he is, not like a five year old or a wild teenager. a good sense of humor is always nice as well, i always like guys that can take a joke. as for outward looks, he needs to look presentable and appropriate. he should look like he takes pride in himself, but he isn't full of himself.


What makes him annoying to you?

ugh. cockyness. if he thinks too much of himself, its a complete turn off. girls dont like guys that like themselves better than her. i could imagine its pretty much the same for guys as well. if he acts immature and stupid, its also an annoyance. he shouldnt me disrespectful to anyone. i also hate it when guys start to create problems just for the sake of it.


Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average?

good/average. as long as he has a winning personality than anythings fine really. but physical attraction is also necessary in a relationship, so he should always look presentable.


Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"?

i like guys who are forward and will take the fist initiative. i like guys who come off as approachable, but will approach me first since im kinda shy


What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him?

OF COURSE! its not about what hes surrounded by, its whats inside of him that counts. would you rather spend your life with a really beautiful girl with a ton of cash, a fancy car, a gorgeous house with an extremely bad attitude who had no personality at all, or a person with a wonderful inside that you could share everything with and be completely happy with? its pretty much a given answer. sure, material things can be nice and are a plus, but in the long run, those things dont last forever, but whats inside does.


Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive?

eh, i definitely prefer a more well kept look. not high maintenance, but cared for and stylish.


Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid?

i dunno. its more like a preference that varies from person to person. there is no sure answer



qualities that are nice to have in a guy:

someone who is polite, sweet, sensitive but not mushy, protective but not overbearing or jealous, caring, humorous, mature, confident, spontaneous, loving and most importantly genuine.

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Okay...since I would consider my boyfriend the perfect guy (I knew him for 10 months as a completely platonic friend before we dated, so I had a pretty good handle on who he was as a person by then, and even more so now...), I can use him as an example...because if I just list a bunch of qualities, it'll be harder to follow.


What I found irresistible about him:

Initial impressions: When I first met him, what caught my eye was that he seemed to be the "leader" of the group. He was attractive, but with a "unique" look. I don't fall for the "perfect jock-model" type--because I simply don't trust them. Not to say that there aren't good guys who look like adonis out there...just saying that there are way less of them who are somewhat modest and have a great, funny personality. The way James (my boyfriend) spoke was engaging, and he was very friendly and outgoing even though he didn't know me at all (we (him and his group of friends and my friends and I) met randomly at a bus stop at my university, lol). However, that outgoingness almost made me back down from him, because he seemed so charming and "cool" that I was sure he had to be some sort of player, or had a lot of girls after his

What made him irresistible to me later on: He genuinely cared for me. He imed me daily to see how I was, was concerned with my well being (to the point where he would press me for info even when I wasn't forthcoming, but not in an annoying way), and was there if I needed someone to talk to. He was also extremely loyal, to both his then-gf (now his ex) and to his friends. Even before I dated him...I knew what kind of boyfriend he was, and I always wished that he could clone himself so I could have a carbon copy of my own...Although I'm glad that I waited and got the original!


I suppose my case is a little bit special, because I happened to find a guy who I believe is perfect for me--and who I was able to see as a best friend and also as a boyfriend. But isn't this the best-case scenario for everyone anyways? lol.

I think the initial impressions are better guidelines because those are what initially attracted me to him. The secondary things were things I only learned about him as a friend (although they pulled me very close to him).


As for looks, I think that a woman goes for and is most comfortable with a man who is in the same range of attractiveness as she is. And unless your prospective girl was a "gangsta" herself, I wouldn't advise that style of dress. But ultimately, the guy has to be himself. Of course, it helps if that "self" is funny and fun to be around. But each girl has different preferences. Personally, I do like the "quirky" type of guy, because I have plenty of quirks myself, and a completely "normal" guy would probably make me feel uncomfortable about expressing myself. I wouldn't wanna change who I am for anyone...And a relationship in which I felt as if I had to to make the other person attracted to me wouldn't be the kind of relationship I would want to stay in.


Just remember...with first impressions, especially...like begets like. If you're a cocky pr*ck, you'll attract the same in a girl...if you're a bum...you'll attract the same in a girl, or a girl with low confidence. And so on.

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What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him? definitely self confidence but not an "i'm all that" attitude.


What makes him annoying to you? Someone who thinks he is all that, someone who just wants to talk about his ex's and how he's been hurt.


Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average? definitely not a hunk. Men who are self confident but not as textbook attractive are definitely more attractive than a very attractive guy who has no confidence. I would probably never date an 'underwear model'.


Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"? Not necessarily, but some sort of sign that shows he likes what he sees is nice, just not in a crude way.


What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him? Yep. I'd just never go to his house and he had better have some skill to make up for not having a car


Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive? Not necessarily preppy, but a 'working man' is attractive to me. Not always a suit type of guy, but definitely do not get into the gangster look either. Dress your age.


Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid? Depends on the person, some people can carry it off, some can't.

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What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him?

Someone who is gorgeous but unaware how beautiful they are. I am a sucker for eyes/smile/tall guys & a great haircut!


What makes him annoying to you?

Guys who invade my personal space, look at my chest/legs/anywhere else while speaking to me, who are full of themselves & bad hygiene


Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average?Nope... I like it when they have something about them that really stands out. Like my bf has dark hair, olive skin but these beautiful blue/green eyes... They are stunning and extremely attractive to me


Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"?

I like it when a guy sneakily checks me out when he thinks I'm not looking. Guys who are all in my face are a massive turn off.


What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him?

I would still be interested if he had ambition. Where you come from isn't important - It's where you want to be and what you are doing to get there.


Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive?

I'm into white collar men. Gangsta/jail scares me.


Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid?

I wouldn't find the above sceneario amusing but I do love a quirky sense of humour. Over the top or slap stick isn't attractive to me

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I love pets completely. I have one black cat, but at my old place I used to have stray cats, and I used to joke saying, my black cats, are my niggaz, since I like hip-hop/rap music and they always say that.


I have to laugh a little at Allie's post, the first answer.


"1. irresistible man: someone who can make me laugh, is a bit shy, seems caring, is semi-good-looking, dressed well, killer smile and eyes are two huge pluses, compliments me, looks interested in me...actually pays attention to what I say instead of staring blandly at my face....or other parts. haha."


It's funny because it's like a carbon/copy of me. I've always been the shy comedian, dressed well, and always smiling.


Anyway, I find it interesting that really no one at all wanted the gansta type. I am a little surprised because I have seen tons of girls in my high school especially that seem to only ever date guys that have been in and out of jail. So I was surprised not one person said they really liked the gansta/jail type.

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2. Annoying man: a guy who cannot stop talking, follows me around constantly, dressed in a wife-beater and some boxers (in a public place), will not STOP complimenting, smells funky, too physical, has "wandering" eyes...


OMG! That describes my most recent date very well... yuck!!!

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This is a specially useful thread to all those guys with confidence issues in those "IF I'm not handsome THEN I'm doomed" threads we've read recently. Read these lines lads... there's a lot you can work on even if not having the looks.


Nevertheless I think that (understandably) the girls here are overlooking the power of cash and status, probably because we are lucky enough to have replies from "good" girls at this point. The truth is that cash and status messes with an important issue to many women: security. And we see it everywere, guys that are well in life, missing so many of those aspects the girls here refer as essencial and still getting a lot of women. Maybe they don't get the women that matters and the women that really like them but they are probably not that worried about it cause... as mentioned above: they often miss certain qualities, starting for the ability to stop staring at their own penises (that take various forms: cars, suits, houses, etc).

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What makes a man irresistible to you, the first time you see him?

If he's confident, funny, and has a huge smile on his face how can you say no?

What makes him annoying to you?

Guys who are cocky or act like an ass to his friends. Also if he calls me baby then that's it.

Does he have to be a hunk or just good/average?

I would prefer him to be reallly sexy but if he has every other quality that's something that can be overlooked.

Do you like him to check you out/look over at you a lot, looking like, he really wants you or with a look like, "Hey girl, you know you want me!"?

Not really, I don't care if he does but it's not something I really want him to do.

What if he drove you wild, but yet didn't really have a car, not loaded with cash, and lived in a bad neighborhood, would you still like him?

Yeah definatly but if he wasn't at least trying to do something to get out of his current situation then no.

Is the gansta/jail look more attractive or the successful college look more attractive?

College look, I don't want someone who's a "gangsta".

Is what some people call "weird" attractive? Like those who will say interesting things like "what if a guy just walked in here, and stole the door" just trying to be silly, and silly be nature, kinda like a comedian type or is this type annoying and stupid?

I LOVE comedian types. The weirdest guys are suddenly very sexy if they're funny. I'm kind of a random person, I would say something like the door comment sometimes so if he has a random personality that's awesome. If they over do it though or try to hard to be funny it's annoying.

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If my man was too much of a hunk, I'd be worried that I'd have to make sure he was loyal... because so many other girls would be after him- so although hunks seem to get with a lot of ladies; i don't think it tends to last too long.

As for looking at her- don't look to often, but enough so she notices that you're checking HER out and not just the whole area.

There would probably need to be a little joke to break the ice, and the general sense of humour needs to be noticeable, rather than nerves- though some girls can like this look.

If the girl really likes you, they don't ask questions such as 'how much was your car' or 'how big is your house' and it's only really further into a relationship when you begin to find out how much money you both have. If you really like each other, this should never be an issue; I personally don't think anyway.

A nice little compliment added in as well goes a long way- longer than if you just keep dishing them out- that'll sound like you just want to bed her. A compliment once in a while will be more appreciated

For me; the gangsta look gets no marks at all... but everyone's opinion will be different.

Take care x

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