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ok guys i need help, theres this chick i like who's 14 (i'm 15), she keeps giving me hints that she wants 2 have sex and she has a BF who has recently cheated on her (they broke up for 3-5 days then got back together). We are really close and she definetly knows i like her (shes known i liked her for 5 years) we've even talked about a sex fantacy i've had of her. But she says she loves her BF but 5 seconds after that she says that she's back flirting with me again. I dont know what i should do, HELP!!!!!!!!!!

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First of all I am going to sound like your mother and tell you I think you are both a little bit young to be having sex.


Now with that said I know you will do what you want to do so this is my advice...


More than likely she is stringing you along because she wants the option of having you there if/when her boyfriend and her breakup. My advice would to keep it at a friend level until her and the other guy are completely over and done with.

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Contrary to what the above posters feel, I say go for it, learn now while your stilll young.

Of course your gonna hear the usual, don't get involved, too much drama, nothing good will come of this, etc etc.

But think for a second, how would they no better unless they expereinced the same thing themselves, I know I have, and yes they were most certainly right, but somes things can't be comepletely interrupted, unless you expereince it for yourself.

So the only thing I can say is, good luck, if you two end up having sex, wear a condom, and don't get too caught up in the drama. Because as a 15 year old boy, if sex comes along, your most likely gonna do it anyway, so if words can't stop you, and they probably won't, then I may as well support you.

Let this be a lesson though, because I can honeslty tell you that nothing good will come of this, except, for expereince, so live and learn.

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It's called High school drama.. Everyone gets sucked in at some point or another and in the end you will be kicking yourself so I really suggest not doing it. I went through a similar situation and it did not turn out pretty everyone involved ended up hurt in the long run and I lost a few good friends over it so why risk it? She is just wanting to have her cake and eat it too and when you get older you and her both will realize in the real world that isn't possible.

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You seem to be popular with the girls. I think that sex is something you should wait for the right person for. A 12 year old girl or a 14 year old girl who claims to be in love with someone else are not the right people.


I know your hormones must be raging and all, but slow down and stop assuming everything should lead to sex with whatever girl shows interest in you at all.


You should find a girl who is close to you in age, who is actually interested in you (and not just flirting because her boyfriend isn't giving her enough attention) and get to know each other well (for a few years at least) and work on building an emotional connection and then, later, when you both feel ready for that kind of step talk about it and get contraception before doing anything.


Sex is a big step and you are still young, and there are a lot of problems that sex can bring into your life if you rush into it. To list a few, there's jail time, if you are having sex with a minor and you turn older before she does, there's the possibility of pregnancy (don't think if she's really young this isn't possible either. I could have kids at the age of 11, and some poor girls get the curse as early as 9), sexually transmitted diseases, and then there are the issues if the parents find out since you are all so young. And also there are the emotional issues because regardless of whether you think so or not, sex is connected to emotions, and if you have sex with someone that isn't really into you and you are into them, or vice versa, someone will get hurt. And hurt feelings cause a lot of problems.

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At fourteen she is significantly underage and to have sex with her would count as statutory rape. If her parents find out they could have you prosecuted.


There are laws to protect minors, and I'd advise you to be aware of them, whatever she says she wants...

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At fourteen she is significantly underage and to have sex with her would count as statutory rape. If her parents find out they could have you prosecuted.


There are laws to protect minors, and I'd advise you to be aware of them, whatever she says she wants...


not really..he is only 15 and she is 14, not statutory in any state

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not really..he is only 15 and she is 14, not statutory in any state



In certain states it is considered statutory rape to have sex with anyone under a certain age (IE here in NC where I live it's anyone under the age of 14 no matter the other parties age). But judging by his information he isn't in the states so the laws may be way different there where he is.

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not really..he is only 15 and she is 14, not statutory in any state


In most places sex with a minor (anyone under the legal age of consent, 16 in most countries) is a statutory offence, because that person cannot legally give consent to a sexual act. In Australia the legal age of consent is 16, but in some states (Tasmania, Southern Australia, it is 17) so to have sex with someone below this age is an offence.

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I'm only 16 and well... DON'T- this girl will be playing so that she sounds 'cool' to her mates- I've heard it all before... I'm guessing you're a virgin- and please please have your first time with someone special... not her- because if she tells you she loves you... who's to say she isn't talking about sex with some other guy- please please don't ... I nearly got in the same mess and well- I'm glad I didn't... and all respects on you XX take care XX

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i just want to comment that... when i was fourteen i "loved" all my boyfriends too, and flirted, and said i would do sexual things with guys that i didn't really want to do and certainly was not readdy for. she probably likes the attention, and even if i'm wrong, do you really want to get caught between her and her boyfriend?

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In most places sex with a minor (anyone under the legal age of consent, 16 in most countries) is a statutory offence, because that person cannot legally give consent to a sexual act. In Australia the legal age of consent is 16, but in some states (Tasmania, Southern Australia, it is 17) so to have sex with someone below this age is an offence.


and thereforeee could be statutory on her as well

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If you watch high school movies, you will know that she is just trying to keep you on the side to make her boyfriend jealous. Yes like the others said, it is drama. However, your young, you'll learn and more than likely you are going to do what you want to do anyways.

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Originally Posted by Cimmie

In most places sex with a minor (anyone under the legal age of consent, 16 in most countries) is a statutory offence, because that person cannot legally give consent to a sexual act. In Australia the legal age of consent is 16, but in some states (Tasmania, Southern Australia, it is 17) so to have sex with someone below this age is an offence.


and thereforeee could be statutory on her as well


nah it cant, guys can have sex with girls at any age, girls can have sex witn girs at any age, guys can have sex with guys at 16 and girls can hav sex with guys at 16. Weird aye.


and thanks for the advice guys i'll wait at least until shes over her BF

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nah it cant, guys can have sex with girls at any age, girls can have sex witn girs at any age, guys can have sex with guys at 16 and girls can hav sex with guys at 16. Weird aye.


and thanks for the advice guys i'll wait at least until shes over her BF


I work for a women's health center, and it might interest you to know that, if a patient under the age of 14 reveals to me that she is sexually active, regardless of the age of her partner or if she consented to the activity, I have a legal obligation as a medical professional to report it to the authorities. I have had to do so on several occasions.


Just something to keep in mind before you do anything one way or another.

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nah it cant, guys can have sex with girls at any age, girls can have sex witn girs at any age, guys can have sex with guys at 16 and girls can hav sex with guys at 16. Weird aye.


and thanks for the advice guys i'll wait at least until shes over her BF


I'd advise you to check that. Legal age of consent is unambiguous.

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