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Please help


Today, I was Chattin to my g/f from Overseas using Yahoo Messenger.


As we were chatting, I got a message from a person not on my list and I recognised the name as person who I had once chatted to, as a friend, but who had lost contact with.


I opened the message to say "hello", just to be friendly cos my status was set to "online" and "Availble" so it would be ok just to say Hi.


This person then opened Yahoo photo sharing and I assumed she was going to show me pics of her b/f (who she had told me about before)


I was then HORRIFED to see that the picture she put in Photo sharing was of Asian Girls aged between 11-13, standing in a row naked.


She then said "Pick your girl, and you can have a show for $25"


I was shocked and Immediatlty told her this was illegal, offensive, a disgrace, and I told her I would report her.

She said "why"

I didn't even ANSWER and just closed down her window, clicked the "Report as Spam" icon, blocking her from ever contacting me.


I am scared, however, thar because that "photo" has now been on my pc, will it still be there ? I erased my cache, did a file search but it wasn't there but i'm still worried that there will be some trace somewhere and I don't know what to do.


Shall I call the police ? Shal I inform Yahoo ?


I feel "violoated" in a sense that I promised myself i would never look at child pictures, and now this disgrace has befronted me by chance and I feel dirty. I am also upset to think these poor litte girls are being used, somewhere God, its scary horrible world sometimes

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Did someone hack into that person's account?


Contacting Yahoo probably will not do any good- they are huge and they never respond to people.


You're better off contacting an agency that focuses on this and see what they advise:


In the U.S. :


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She's right, Yahoo is a large company and people do this all the time. I'm sure you've been in the yahoo chat rooms right? With all the porn bots and stuff. You've already reported them as spam and maybe you should contact one of those sites listed above and they could give you more information. You shouldn't feel guilty because you were unaware of what this person was going to show you. That is nasty, but don't blame yourself.

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great info Bella.

Do what you can to put a stop to this. It was good you did it for yourself & your own life & your computer. But your friend is still sharing them & those girls are still victims. Seriously try to help those girls, that is so sad, imgaine how violated they feel. Contact those sites Bella gave you.

I wish you luck. It's great your doing the right thing.

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I think your PC will be fine because you didn't VISIT any website to see the photo, it was sent TO you from a third party, so as long as its erased then you should be fine.


If your upset by the photo then don't let ONE photo hide the fact that it represents a huge and horrible corrupt industry that we should all try to help fight. I don't know how exactly, but try the sights already suggested.


If you are emotionally troubled by what you saw in the photo then think of these little girls as victims of the cruel world we live in, and lets ALL try to do something to save them, even if just ONE of these little girls is saved and given a better life, because of you, or any body elses action, then your bad experience will not have been in vein. I would alosrport your "friends" ID to Yahoo, it may not have any effect, but at least it will be LOGGED as a complaint, and you will have covered yourself should anything BAD happen.


The though of children being abused in that way is horrible, so maye we should all try to combat it and ,male the world a better place. Nieve I may be, but does anybody DISAGREE ?

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I would call the police, just to make them aware of the situation.

Because if this photo is being shown to other people, the police will be able to keep track of the movements of this Yahoo user account, gather all the evidence required, in order to make an arrest - Plain & Simple - its against the law

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