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  1. So you made a mistake of not telling her. Everyone makes mistakes. Be forgiving of yourself and believe in the power of letting go.
  2. Michael, First of all, let me just say that you have been very strong with dealing with all this and I'm very proud of you! As you have discovered, you didn't die of a broken heart. And as hard as it has been emotionally for you, I think that you are stronger for it and you are more equipt now to deal with what she can dish at you because you know in your heart that you can always walk away from all this and close the doors on her by stopping all contact.
  3. I'm sorry that you realized to late but this is often the case.
  4. IAH and DestructoBoy, Thanks. I also hope you can find your way through your troubles as well.
  5. It took me so long to get over him. But time heals all wounds.
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