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Everything posted by lostchild

  1. ok heres the deal let me know what you think. i ran into my ex girlfriend who broke up with me for the first time in 8 month's. it was at a bar and she was pretty wasted. so soon as she seen me she ran up to me and started talking i said nothing and walked away. she yelled my name as i walked away. i didnt know what to say. i loved her and i still do.the next day she called me and asked if if would come over and talk for some reason i did. we talked for about an hour. i was very civil not letting her know i still had feelings. the next day she sent me an email saying she cant wait for me anymore. this was so weird since she broke up with me. im scared to reply because she hurt me more than ever before. but i still would do anything for her but i cant handle these games. i would need an all or nothing thing...please let me know what you think? thank you
  2. ok ill try to make this short as possible my girlfriend broke up with me about 4 mouths ago cause "she didnt want a reltaionship" i loved her very much but respected her decision and i was doing the no contact thing for about 2 months then we started talking agian and she was calling me alot and said she was missing me and told friends of mine she wanted to get back together but i let it go and didnt say anything back. then the past week my dad died and she was on vacation and we talk everyday nothing about are relationship the yesterday she came over and spent the night with me. i would like to get her back but not out of guilt and if thats what she is doing i would rather not have her and have my heart broke again . what do you think i can do or ask to see whats going on so that doesnt happen agian. thank you
  3. yeah i would just give a wave or simple hi if i seen her i really dont have much of a choice since we go to the same college.... yeah and i might just ask her to go to a game or something...i hope she will give me a chance!!!!
  4. ok i have been in no contact for 4 weeks except for a few hi's and waves when i see her . a little backround is we dtaed for 3 months and things were super then i had somethings to deal with and she didnt know if i really liked her but i didnt even know.. but i really did love her but when i told her that she said she wasnt ready for a realtionship again.. she has been happy cuz she has lots of guys friends which sucks for but o well ..i have my ups and downs but im going to call her and she if she wants to go out to dinner .. and hopefully try to slowly get close agian .. anyone with any advise let me know Please!!!!!!!! thanks..
  5. hey bud im going through the same thing we were in love then all of a sudden she just broke it off and said she doesnt want a relationship anymore and just wanted to be my friend but i cant do that either. i havent talked to her in more than two weeks .. all i can tell you try to move on (trust me i know its hard after all the things and times you spent together) you never know when things will get better and you might someone else or maybe she'll understand what she had and come running back... but get up and do something go have fun it will be hard but things will get better little by little they always do ...sometimes when even when you'll never think they can.... Go see seabiscuit!!
  6. ok my girl broke up with me about 4 weeks ago becuase i wasnt there for her when i should have my mistake but i cant do anything about it now she only dated one other guy other than me and that was for 3 years then she didnt date anyone for 4 months then we met and things were like nothing before we would talk and do things all day and ussually the days werent long enough becuase we would stay up all night just talking ... ok but after i messed up i tryed everything to get back with her and she wouldnt give me a chance ... but ive been doing the no cantact thing for 15 days ...some days are good and some are bad ... but we had some things to do together and i cancelled and didnt go...then i get a message saying that im being a ... what would you want me to do after you broke me heart .... now valentines day is here and im hurting even more .... i was going to try to give her a call in a few more weeks if im doing better but i have the urge to send her an E card but i dont think i should maybe she send me something or not.. im not sure about anything right now any advise will be helpful?????????
  7. i met a girl about 4 months ago when i was dating my ex on and off and i fell in love with this new girl and things were like nothing ever before we were just great together then i messed up and ignored her a lil bit for a couple days cuz i was having some family trouble's which i couldnt avoid then when we got together again and she broke up with me ...i begged for her to give me a chance but whe wouldnt ... its been almost 2 weeks of no contact and im doing much better when do think i should try to contact her becuase i will do whatever i have to do be with her again...
  8. when she broke up with me i tryed everything possible to get back with her she just wouldnt even give me a chance i love her so much and would take her back in a sec but i cant be around her if shes not with me its to tough .. understand where i coming from????
  9. my girlfriend broke up with me two weeks ago and ive been doing the no contact thing for 10 days now then yesterday she left me a message about something we were going to do which i dont think im going ... and this is after i told her not to call me... but then she left me this message saying "see if i care, but your tearing my heart apart baby " what the heck does that mean??? what should i do and what does she mean?? or is she just crazy??/
  10. i fell in love with this girl and we dated for 4 months things were awesome then we had some times .. both of are faults nothing big then we decided to take some time off itss been about 2 weeks im doing the no contact thing ... but she has only been with me and one other guy... and now she just turned 21 a few weeks ago and is going crazy drinking which i dont mind that much .. but i have heard some storys from realible friends that say she is messing around with a few guys ... should i even try to work things out later or is it just a waste of time and another brokenheart... i love her so much but her doing this is killing me inside....why is she doing this ????? help!!!!!
  11. she was the one who decided but thats after i didnt tell her everything that was going on with me buts thats my fault now i know how much i really love her i was scared to get to close but now im ready and i think shes a little scared now.. please help
  12. we are taking time off but she is really going out lot and also drinking which she rarely ever has before in her life and most her her friends are my friends who are guys which sticks should i say anything to her or just let her do her thing what bothers me is that she never would do this stuff even before we went out so i scared that she might foregt what we had or is this just a phase for any advise will help thanks.....
  13. i met this girl at college about 4 months ago and didnt think much of it because i wasnt looking for anything but we started dating and for a couple weeks and became boyfriend and girlfriend and things were awesome until i had some family troubles at home and took some time away from here then we got back together agian and now im in love with her but she wont take me back. she lived a very seltered live and never went out much until she met me but now she hangs around and goes out to bars with my friends and it is killing me i tried talking to her about how i feel but she wont give me a honest anwser i dont know what to do i see her everyday and it just eats me up i tryed not talking to her thinking she needs time to grow but she will call me and i love her to much not to talk 2 her. i did everything i can think of if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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