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  1. I also am sorry to hear your problems, But I see I'm not alone but for me its my wife that wants to leave. We are currently separated, and I know your feelings. I also cry myself to sleep every night, and I'm 37 so don't feel bad about that, it comes with a broken heart. I can't tell you how long till your over it, I don't know. But I do know the feeling of loosing the one you really love. I wish you luck
  2. I'm sorry to hear it, but listening helps me, thanks, Like I said I'm in a similar situation and I can see what not to do.
  3. Well I thank your for your input, although I might be heading for disaster, I think I will. again thank you.
  4. well thats a hard one to answer. God talks to us in mysterious ways, dont give up your faith, he put you here for a reason. But I believe that he only offers some guidance its up to us to figure things out. As far as going to church, I have to say I haven't been in a while. Not that I don't believe in God, I do very much but I got disgusted with the politics involved in the church. I had the misfortune of seeing alot of it first hand where a priest I deeply respect got shafted to say the least, but he moved on with no hard feelings. He taught me alot. The bigest thing that he taught me is that its your faith and relationship with god that helps you through the tough times. God is always there to help, although at times it may not seam like it, he helps guide you but you have to do alot yourself, he dosent make it easy. You need to look inside yourself to see what you should do, things will work out, maybe not this time but eventually. I was raised Roman Catholic, but I don't attend services any more, I feel I have a good relation ship with god, on my own. I know this goes against all teachings, but it works for me. If you get a chance check out the movie Stigmata, it has alot of hollywood hype in it but if you really pay attention it has a very intersting look on things. I don't know if this helps any but follow your true feelings, it dosent always work out as you might like but somehow you will be stronger in the end.
  5. I have a problem and I'm not sure what to do..... Me and my wife are separated, she has told me that she dosen't love me the same any more, but also says that we might be able to work things out. Well recently a mutual friend has told me that although they like my wife they like me more and that they think I should get with a good looking woman and enjoy life. That has me perplexed... because although my wife has said she wouldn't hold anything against me that might happen during our seperation, I don't really know what to do. I really love my wife, and she is the only woman that I really want, but I don't think the reverse is true any more. I go out often with friends and I've met alot of women, but none that really intrigue me. I mean it would be easy to just go out and pick up a woman for a night or two, but I really don't want that. Also I don't want another relationship. I feel guilty even thinking about other women, and I know its not what I want. But I don't know what the future holds. I feel although my wife says that she wouldn't hold it against me, if I were to do somthing it would destroy any chance I have of reconciling things with her. Its hard to decide what to do, should I move on as all my friends are telling me or should I follow my heart and hope that things might work out? Although I feel that either way I go I'm looking at disaster. Please help
  6. yes I was very carless.... and I never saw myself doing the things I did. All the things I told myself I would never do I did, and I'm now stuck dealing with my mistakes. I really messed up and deeply regret it.
  7. I'm new to this and I'll keep it simple. recently me and my wife of several years have separated. We have been having problems for some time alot of it was my fault, I just didn't realise what was happening. I'm afraid I have driven her away and I am miserable about it. At first I figured that being apart was good and I kept trying to tell myself that it was better, but I was lying to myself. I realise that I love her more than anything but I'm afraid I have done too much damage to our relationship. She says that we might be able to work it out but I have a hard time reading her. I am willing to do what ever it takes to work this out, I really want her back in my life. She has always been and I realise now always will be the love of my life. HELP
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