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Everything posted by Melting

  1. Day 2 again BU 1st Sept. This time around I will triumph in NC, my head is set in the right place and I need to move forward in life. Continous contact from my ex is not allowing me to heal.
  2. I am done, the only way to heal is to get you out of my life. I am not happy with your bread crumbs. Goodbye
  3. You are so funny! After contacting me all weekend long, saying sweet nothings. I told you I was confused and didn't know what you want from me. You replied with " I don't want to hurt you or confuse you, I just wish to leave open communication between us" How was you day my love?" So i replied "Good and yours" And your reply was................... NOTHING! So, much for communication eh. Seriously, get out of my life. I know your life is dark with everything that has happened too you, but leave me out of it!
  4. Day 1 AGAIN! BU 1st Sept. Struggling with this NC, but deep in my heart I know it is the best for me. When i don't hear from him in days, im ok..... then when I hear from him, im all messed up. I should start reading my own words.
  5. I seriously hate how unworthy I have made myself feel. I know I deserve alot better then you, but im so pathetic I jump at your every whim. Please contact me again, so I can ignore you and show you what it feels like to be treated like crap!
  6. Well I failed again, not even back to day 1 as I have already broken it today. Damn, I am so stupid!! STOP CONTACTING ME & LEAVE ME ALONE!
  7. Last night you finally admitted that you have depression and you need help. I don't even know where to go from here. I care for you and want to help you, but at the same time... I don't want my soul destroyed again, like you do every time. I don't think you even want to help urself, which is the sad part, cos only you can fix you! If I totally remove you from my life, the guilt would kill me.
  8. You contacted me 2 days ago, saying you thought of me and us every day. I did not reply. Some other things have happened in my life this past month and I have realised that I give so much love and energy to others, yet keep none for myself. I need to learn how to love me again.
  9. Day 6 again BU 1st Sept. Having some ups and downs with my own emotions, but finally working on me for a change!
  10. Day 4 again. BU 1st Sept. Just wish you would get out of my head all the time. Bring on 6mths then I will be a completely new person.
  11. You are just too damaged for anyone, I hope you realise that and don't go hurting others like you did me.
  12. Day 3 again. BU 1st Sept. Its not getting any easier. I wish it would, my thoughts are just filled of him and he isn't even in my life. I thought I would be feeling better after this time frame, but I almost feel like I am back at the beginning again.
  13. Sad this morning and really missing you. When will my pain go away.....
  14. I miss you. I don't know why, you havent treated me well. Please don't contact me again, I know you don't want me. You just get lonely sometimes and miss your band aid, cos that is all I ever was for you.
  15. Day 2 again BU 1st Sept. I really need to start being strong, the contact I have had from you these past weeks had given me hope. But if I really think about it hard, it is merely only contact when you are feeling lonely, nothing more. I am just being played with now and as I still have feelings for you, I am falling for it. I did have a nice guy, I just think I wanted him more then he ever wanted me.
  16. I just need to move on from you, all your actions reflect only someone who cares for themselves.
  17. Day 1 again BU 1st Sept. You have been making contact and want to cook me dinner. The sad part is my feelings will never be the same again. Very confused right now.
  18. Im so lame, I contacted you via text and you ignored me. I should just listen to my own advice I give others, cos now I feel like crap
  19. Geez I am so angry with your right now, I am finding it hard not to contact you. Your a piece of work you know that. You think you can just walk into my life whenever you feel like it and treat me like crap. God I wish I didn't reply to you last night, cos you deserve nothing from me. I now know why you have no friends, cos you just push them all away. Your behaviour is poor at best. Go * * * * with someone else's head. Im too good for you!
  20. Who do you think you are? My boss was leaving so we had drinks at the pub friday night, it felt great to go out. Last night you send me a mean txt saying "Fun night hey, I am on my own and you are ok, thank you for the invite my friend." Why would I invite you? You treat me like crap, you ignored my calls & txts in the beginning, you removed me from your life. Why would you honestly think I would make an effort to contact someone who doesn't give a * * * * about me. Your just jealous cos we had a good time and you were home alone, well guess what buddy... you push people so far away, in the end they just say * * * * it and give up! The world doesn't evolve around your needs. Your a sorry state of a man, actually no, you are a child. Every time somthing doesn't go your way, you throw your rattle out of your pram.
  21. Back to Day 1 again BU 1st Sept... He sent me a mean txt last night, because I didn't invite him to a mutual friends going away. I was that stupid I replied.. So, the only person I have failed is ME!
  22. BU 1st Sept I have been trying to convince myself that NC wasn't broken when you contacted me, but it was. So, I am back to Day 5 again. I really need to focus on me and my family, you are no longer part of my life. I went out last night and got extremely drunk, almost sent a txt........... Sooooooooooooooo glad when I woke this morn that I hadn't sent anything. Its a nice day outside, I will do something nice with my children.
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