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Everything posted by Melting

  1. Day 5 BU 1st Sept. Im starting to really miss him and thinking of him again ALOT! I thought I was getting better grrrr...... At least the only thing I have control of now, is that I know I won't contact him.... even though I am dying too. Really wish you would get out of my head & heart, it would make it so much easier to move on
  2. About to go to bed and your in my thoughts, I can see I won't be getting much sleep tonight. Sweet Dreams
  3. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I survived Day 4 and didn't contact you, bring on Day 5!
  4. Im doing ok, missing you.... but I am surviving quite well! I know you want to catch up at some point, but i don't think I will ever be ready for that.
  5. Would love to talk too you, but honestly I wouldn't know what to say. You played with my heart and I got burned. I miss you in my life
  6. Day 4 BU 1st Sept. This is the longest I have gone NC. I still think of you constantly through out my day. Trying to move on as best as I can, even though it is hard. I won't break NC now, I need to be strong for me!
  7. You make everyone around you believe your a nice guy, well let me tell you something..... you are only fooling yourself and them, cos your an * * * * * * * !
  8. Day 3 BU 1st Sept.... WoooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo... this is the longest I have gone NC so far. Very proud of myself. Hope I can keep remaining strong, all my friends are very supportive and would kick my bum if I ever went back to you.
  9. I don't know how you think I can just be friends with you. Maybe if you had handled our break up differently, I could have.
  10. Day 2 again! BU 1st Sept The urge to contact you is lessening. I need to keep telling myself that a person who broke up with me the way you did, does not deserve my kind heart.
  11. Today is a sad day for me, it is the day I hoped would never come. You see, you no longer have my heart, I actually have no interest to even see you. I was so scared this day would come and I would lose my feelings for you, but you have hurt me too much and my own body has healed itself. Yes, I miss you.... but I no longer want you in my life. Time will heal my wounds, but you will never be allowed back in my life.
  12. Well I am finally somewhat at peace. Yesterday you txtd me saying that you liked me very much, but it is not our time as you are still getting over your separation and then asked if I wanted to come over and play poker with you. You broke my soul, why didnt you just say that to my face when we broke up? Instead you txt me to dump me with some lame excuse and then ignore me, after telling me you wanted to talk about it. 2wks I have been going frantic, cos you put the blame on me! I deserve alot better then you and I truly hope the day comes when you come crawling back and I have moved on!
  13. Aaaargh so mad with myself. Made it to Day 3 and contacted him.... Grrrrrrrrrr @ me. Back to day 1 tomorrow *sigh*
  14. Day 3 BU Sept 1 So many mixed emotions, just basically feel used by you.
  15. I hate you for what you did to me, your strung me along for your own emotional needs.... it was never about me
  16. Day 2 BU Sept 1 How do I get you out of my head & heart? You managed it why can't I? You asked me to trust you and love you and then you dumped me. All my friends hate you for what you have done to me. You lead me on and then when it suited you, it was Goodbye.
  17. BU 1st Sept. Back to Day 1 again, I can't control myself. I want to hear from you sooooooooooo bad, I can't stop thinking about you. Everything around me reminds me of you, its like your in my face every where I go. When will this pain go away?
  18. What I would give to just have you hold me in your arms again. I should hate you for how you have treated me, but i can't.... I really wish I could, then I wouldn't feel so sorry for myself
  19. Why do I only remember the good in you? I only see that person, not the mean, cold person you turned into
  20. Back to Day 2 of no contact. I contacted you the other day via txt and you replied politely, going to be alot stronger now
  21. Day 3... I am really determined to keep going. Yes, I miss him alot, but I need to do this for me!
  22. Day 2.... 11 days BU.. Wow its almost 2wks since you said goodbye and yet my heart and minds wants to believe you never left! I am no where near any form of healing, still constantly thinking of you, looking at my phone, driving me nuts.
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