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Everything posted by Melting

  1. Would like to talk too u, but if u can control not contacting me, I can control not contacting u!
  2. Day 10 Im really starting to heal in the right direction. I still have my ups and downs, but ultimately I know that we will never be together again, so why waste more time. There is another man out there that deserves my heart.... I just have to find u
  3. Day 9 Still going strong, determined not to give in... even thou I miss him today
  4. Guess What... I don't need u in my head anymore, please remove urself... This girl is moving on
  5. Day 8 Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Im feeling good! I have taken this on as a challenge, a goal and its working gr8! My good days are outweighing the bad... All it took is the realization it was over and... Wham, start of a new life
  6. Im in a good place right now, feeling good about myself... shame i will wake up and u will be the first thing on my mind
  7. Day 7 My longest yet, Im proud of myself Still waking up thinking of u, wish that would go away
  8. Day 6 If I survive today, it will be the longest NC Ive gone in 5wks. I can completely control myself from contacting him now, but I still wake up every morn thinking about everything, him, what happened. I really hate it, cos sometimes it sets my mood for the whole day. I just want to wake up and ur not the first thing there. I think if i wasn't so lonely at times, it would be much easier getting over u. When I fill my days, ur a mere glimpsing thought, that can be pushed away. But when I sit home at night alone, ur all I think of I need that something to fill that void.
  9. Day 5 /sigh One more day and I have done my best NC yet. I am sooooooooooo going to do this, just thought 5wks on I would feel alot better then I do. I don't cry or get totally miserable, just bouts of sadness come upon me. Bring on the day when I can hold my head high and think of u is just a mere .... nothing
  10. Ugh another sad day, that is 3 in a row now and tbh Im not really sure why. I dont feel the need to contact u anymore, I just feel the need for something, but Im not sure what that is. I guess Im just lost You have taken me to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. You told me u were always getting hurt and nobody loved u, the same as u loved them. You hurriedly led me to the gate of ur heart, I walked carefully and slowly along this path and then u slammed the gate shut. Your broken and now u have broken me
  11. Your verison of friends is the same as having nothing... And u wonder why I ignore u
  12. Day 4 again! GRRRR I have completed blocked out any of the nice stuff and only remember the bad things u have said too me in the last couple of weeks, unfortunately it haunts me ALOT! I keep going over n over n over it....Honestly wish I never met u, my life was so much better before
  13. Ugh.. I just thought of something that u said too me and it has made me feel like crap. Wish I could just wipe u totally from my mind, ur making me unstable
  14. I miss ur attention, I don't miss u You were everything I didnt want in a guy, no job, 4 kids, u never left the house, sat on comp all day, had no friends, no money, fat, no dress sense. Oh and trust me the hotshot u thought u were in the bedroom, lets just say u were my worse. What was I thinking? I still can't come to terms with why it hurt so much and still does to an extent
  15. Day 3 I can do this, I just feel anger for u now. More for the fact Im still thinking off u, why can't u just get out of my head. I don't want u back, Ive seen u for who u really are. I just smile when I think that I never even shed a tear for u
  16. Ugh I have failed miserably in this challenge and Im back too Day 2 If I could turn back the clock I would go NC from the start
  17. I contacted u this morn, at first i totally wish i hadn't. But u have certainly made it clear by ur actions and words that we will never be together again. U are not prepared to do the long distance. Now I need to find myself, be strong and accept this... u keep saying sorry and that u think about me alot, but its not the thinking that I want and ur version of friends is not what i want either. I can't go back to someone who just says "Hi" after everything we have been thru. So, again after 5wks I am back to square one and starting the NC again! GRRRR
  18. Day 4 Still! Well he just contacted me, the usual hi, how are u and i was pleasant. Responded too his answers and then I said bye Have I broken NC? Cos i was doing so well
  19. Day 4 Not coping too well this morn, thinking of all the things that went wrong... over n over n over No desire to make contact thou, just wishing he would
  20. Day 3 Broke up a month ago, LC for most of that. Did manage to pull 6days off, but caved in Really struggling
  21. Missing u, don't know really what to say. Just wish things were different I don't want u to ring or txt, it would be nice to see u at my front door
  22. You say u want to be friends for now, but when I leave u be u make snide remarks about my distancing myself. You act jealous, u tell me if i have let go so will u now... u dumped me! Please just leave me be so I can heal and get on with my life. I really love you, but until u say those words i want u back (which u wont) I don't wish to talk too u at all!
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