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Everything posted by Melting

  1. Day 1... Wooohoooo I have managed a whole 36hrs without contacting you. It is now day 10 since you left me and it has been a struggle for me, but i know i can do this, I have to do this, as you just don't want me anymore.
  2. I miss you sssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, you said some things that really hurt me and i keep going over and over them. Is that truly how you really felt? Cos you ripped my heart out with those comments.
  3. Well I am back to Day 0 again! I contacted him today, I felt the need to tell him how special he was too me. Oh boy what a mistake, he ignored it all. We have been broken up for 5 days now and only one of those days I haven't contacted him. So, mad with myself. I wish I had gone NC from the day he dumped me, I would be feeling soooooooo much better. I need to be strong, I can do this!
  4. Mmmmm... would love the pleasure of actually saying that to my ex!
  5. I just rang your best friend to have a chat with him. I asked him if he knew of our break up and why it had happened, he told me that you told him we broke up and now I won't talk too you at all to fix it.... what a load of frog crap... Does lying to your friend and me make you feel better about yourself? Pathetic that is all you are. I have rung you 4 times trying to sort this out and you have ignored every call! You need to see a therapist, cos your messed in the head. Least I can happily walk away knowing that I handled everything in a mature, pleasant manner.... unlike yourself.
  6. Argh I messed up and contacted him and he ignored me.... I feel like an idiot!
  7. You promised me the world and delivered nothing. I was too good for you. I was the normal one in our relationship, you based our relationship only on yourself and your needs. You treated me unfairly, yet I took it all cos I loved you.... I feel I was always being punished for what your ex did to you.
  8. Day 2 All I do is think of you every second of every day. I wish I never cared that much about you.
  9. You texted me yesterday, 1 day after we broke up... your words ripped through me.... I miss you already my love, somewhere out there is a man who will offer you more then I can give. Sweet Dreams Sweetheart. I don't want to hear that! Don't tell me you want me to be with another man, 1 day after we have broken up.... How do you think that makes me feel?
  10. Day 1 .... This is going to be a hard, sad day.
  11. Don't know what to say to you, its only day 1 and I think I am still in shock. I just hope I can hate you soon, cos that is what you deserve.
  12. You just dumped me and I don't even know what to say, I think I am still in shock........
  13. Day 6 and I failed.... You called me today and asked me if I would like to come over Sat night for dinner and a movie............. I said "yes"... argh.
  14. I still think of you every day, but I know in time you will be nothing but a distant memory and I will be with someone who truly cares for me.
  15. Day 6 for me. Well he did contact me 3 days ago and I politely responded. Hopefully he doesn't contact again and I can keep moving forward. Im proud of myself for not contacting him for 6days! Yippeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. Day 4.... Can't get you out of my head!
  17. Arggggggggggggggh back to Day 1 *sigh*
  18. Day 3... Yes, I woke up thinking of you again, not sure why you don't deserve it. I have no urge to contact you and I won't, nor will I respond to you when you contact me. When im busy I don't even think about you, its the moments when we are alone it all creeps back.
  19. All I really have to say is.... Why me? Look what it has done to our 2yrs friendship, its gone!
  20. I can't let you do this to me anymore, you give me hope and then push me away. I need to take a stance and be strong.
  21. Back to day 1, we were supposed to go to a movie last night, but he changed nights on me at the last minute. Not going to give in anymore, sick of it
  22. Well today would be Day 6, but I messed up last night and contacted him. He asked me to go to the movies with him tonight. I am going, but woke up with doubts this morning.
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