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  1. that is the most sweetest thing ever. I think you should tell her what you have sead in the post. If she really likes(loves)you too. She'll get read of her other boyfriend. just do what your heart tells you to do.
  2. I have a letter like that under my bed. I have never let the guy that i worte it to see it. I toled him how i felt about him in preson. and now we'v been together for adout a year. And he still don't know about that letter.
  3. What you should do is, take her some were nice. show her how you fill for her. and i would tell her too. Just don't tell her you love her untell a couple of monthes go be. see if you fill the same about her after the monthes go by. By then you should know if you love her or not, then tell her(if she hasn't toled you first)
  4. Well yes some guys think blowjobs are showing your love (true) but not all of them. Make him a nice candlit dinner for 2. Maybe if you want to make love to him that night. In the moring tell him you think you love him. but try not to use thows words. because some times they get freaky on you.
  5. No girl the age is on problem. My boyfriend is 16 and i am 15. Trust me if you like him flirt with him. my advice for you is chang something about you that he wants you to chang. I can tell from your story that he likes you. But he may not tell you. What I would do is HINT to him that you like him.
  6. Well hell most men today can be worse then some women now a days. I think if your ex see you with his friend that he'll cry like a baby. (That has been my expreance with men). By the time that he's done crying he'll want to fight his friend. Well they have to show there MANLY side too. Don't worry your ex will get over it.
  7. Well you have the power to answer that qustion yourself. Ask him there is no harm in that is there? If you think he will rejecte you just hint around to it adventule he'll realize you like him. Do what you think is best. good luck to you.
  8. Tell him you don't like what he is doing. if he dusent lisean to you i would gather up your things and tell him that it's over. after a month or 2 call him up to see if he has changed or not. if he hasen't then you'll know that its time to more on with your life.
  9. Its 2003 time chang. I would follow your heart. Love all was come throw in the end. So trust it. But no mater what some one will get hurt in the end. But let me ask you, would you want the live your life with some one you don't love or with some one you do? If you love this guy go for it. Don't do what your parents want you to do. Do what you whant to do. Go for it and GOOD LUCK TO YOU.
  10. my advice for you is that, so what if hes not "COOL" in high school. Because most high school guys that are cool wind up to be the losers of life. And the ones that are losers in high school are the coolet ones in life. so do what your heart tells you to do, NOT what your frinds tell you. Its all you not them.
  11. duse he konw that you are flirting with him. Have you told him how you fill about him? If not you should tell him.
  12. Life has it's ups and downs. I would take it one steep at a time. Call him see how he fills. Because thats what I did, when I was in the spot you were in. I asked him if we could try agen. He thout it was worth a shot, and I have been with him now for about a year after that. But let me worn you now it wont be all that fun to start out with, but it'll be worth it in the long run. So go for it. And if he dusent want to try agen at least you can move on. But its worth a try.
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