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Everything posted by Suavo

  1. If he finds that his friend is more able to fulfill his heart- you should be happy for him and move on since he's not the man you thought he was. If you do truly love the man, you'll be happy for him whether or not you're in the picture. That's how I deal with jealousy.
  2. If you want someone back, you'll have to forget about the harm that is done. Dating again, not only does it boost YOUR ego, let's the pressure off her back. Her ego? She doesn't want you loving her, so do that for her. she dumped you and she should have expected this. Causing problems? Heh, if her boyfriend has some jealousy issues, he doesn't deserve her. He should be happy regardless if that person is with another. All this is meant for her to see that you're someone to be attracted to. If she doesn't after all that you've done, you'll be able to move on seeing that she wasn't the person you thought she was. Oh, of course, the time of giving her space is to find "yourself" before the relationship so she may fall in love with you again. Right now, she probably thinks of you as someone very dependant on her(a loser in her eyes) and she see's that as only pressure to get back with you.
  3. Want her back? Stick that pride of yours up your ass. Basically, do this, tell her that you understand why'd she break up with you and become friends with her. Be A GOOD friend and always make your consversations with her small but nice. She obviously wants to be with you and misses you a lot so, give her space. She'll be crawling back to you. Support her and she'll see that you're trying to make her happy. As to deal with her bf; he'll eventually get jealous of you two together and problems will arise > Date again, as this will crush her ego and will see you as boyfriend material for her once again. Oh yeah, always agree with her as that's the quickest way to her heart. 8)
  4. She obviously wants space- give it to her. In fact, stop contacting her WHATSOEVER. She'll eventually CONTACT you out of curiosity why you're busy and a sense of loss that she doesn't have someone to fall back to. Go out, find new hobbies, make new friends, and have LOTS OF FUN. Go make life enjoyable again. Remember how you were before you two dated? Good. I'm not telling you to forget her, but to tell you that you should make yourself happy at all times so she may be attracted to you. Another thing, STOP TELLING HER THAT YOU LOVE HER. Obviously, it doesn't work so just STOP. Stop crying/begging because all it does is PRESSURE her to death and of course, she'll think of you as a sad loser, which you aren't! She's obviously will be at a lost when you start loving yourself once again! Everything you've been doing now doesn't work, obviously. So NOW, it's time for you to do everything opposite you don't want to do. Which is to stop loving her for the time being. Continue dating. Accept friendship with her, tell her you understand she broke up with you, always agree with her, and keep consversations MINIMUM but enjoyable. Make yourself look like you're in control so, always be the one to end it and only make it so that she contacts you. Oh yes, and show her why she'd love you.
  5. If you do date him, don't take anything seriously on the internet. You shouldn't have internet dramas in a real relationship (jealousy over the net? Pffft). Also, he may be very different from what you view him as on the net so be cautious....
  6. I am going through the exact same thing with my ex-fiance and it's been really tough. I begged and cried thinking that she'll see that my suicidal threats, pain, and suffering is proof that I'll never hurt her again. I kept pushing that but that doesn't how you would want to get someone back. I learned that you'll have to make sure that you're happy before EVER going into another relationship with or without that person. If he's worth the fight, then fight for your happiness. You can't have someone love you out of pity now. If he can't give you another try when you're happy THAN it's time to move on because he's not the person you thought he was. It's a win win situation. The relationship would be much more better once back together and you'll become stronger no matter what the outcome. Focus on being happy before talking to him again because he'll only bring back memories of hurt and sorrow. Cut him out of your life until you're happy. BTW, I recommend watching Nodding Hill, My Best Friend's Wedding, Bridget Jone's Diary, and Sleepless in Seattle. Learn that you can find another better or how you can still find love with someone who comes close to what you saw as perfection. You'll learn that there can be more than one person in your heart.
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