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Everything posted by Libson

  1. Hi - I think that your problem is a bit widespread & most women don't talk about it. It took me quite a while to get to the postition (no pun intended) where I had lost my inhibitions enough to orgasm with my boyfriend. For women reaching orgasm involves mental as well as physical stimulation. From what you said it sounds like you haven't ever tried to reach orgasm when you're on your own. I would try to do that first if I were you. (Less 'do I look attractive right now' kind of stress.) Just relax in bed one night and don't hurry yourself. You do have a clitoris, and if you find it for yourself it will be amazingly satisfying. Once you've done that then you know what you like and you can teach your boyfriend. Have fun!
  2. Sometimes depression is brought on by events, but sometimes it's an actual medical problem. I wouldn't suggest medication - especially as it's seen as a 'quick-fix' - but have you tried speaking to your doctor? The fact that you are thinking about or actually harming yourself is something you should tell him or her. Last year I got really depressed - I would be on the bus home from work and tears would just start sliding down my face. When I went to my doctor he at first suggested anti-depressants, but when I refused he suggested I come off the contraceptive pill. It made an enourmous difference - if you are on it I would definetely suggest looking into that. (I also had a self esteem sapping boyfriend at the time. When I started to get over the depression I found the strength to break up with him.)
  3. I don't think that porn in relationships really works unless you both enjoy it. If your boyfriend likes to look at porn then fine, but not while your around. A good way to teach him that lesson is a taste of his own medicine. Most women are more turned on by stories than pictures (I'm not sure why) so I would suggest experimenting with erotic fiction. You'll enjoy yourself and it will drive him crazy. javascript I think that you shouldn't think about a video or pictures together unless you are going to enjoy it as much as he does. I hate having my picture taken!!
  4. Hi, From the sound of things I don't think that you have messed up too badly. I think it sounds like you have a chance if you can take things slowly. You have a very serious attitude to your relationships, which can be a real asset, but there are lots of stages to something like this. Since you got to know each other so quickly, I think you need to spend time just as friends and really find out if you could love each other. This is definetely not something to rush into. Finding someone to love is the easy part. The hard part is letting someone love you, letting someone in. It takes time and knowledge of each other. Good luck - let us know how it goes.
  5. Hi There, God - you are in a mess honey. I can totally understand that you want to create a family for your baby, but I think that the first and most important thing is that your baby needs a strong Mom. I think that at the moment you are trying to hide your thoughts in the drama of relationships, instead of facing the reality of your pregnancy. Take some time to find out a bit about yourself, away from all this love life stuff. Your children are going to be the most important thing you do with your life, believe me I know. Find some people, your family or friends, where sex isn't a factor. If you get the support of those who love you unconditionally then it will be easier to work out the road ahead. Keep posting messages.
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