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  1. I agree, I try to be open. And though I may not tell them all that I'm seeing someone else. They do know there are no commitments. But you are right, I should be really careful, I really don't want to hurt anyone. Thanks!
  2. You have some good points. Although I don't think I caused a relationship to break up. I think relationships ultimately end cuz one party is not happy with the other. I just motivated change. Also, I was not looking for a relationship, I was really just looking to date. And it just so happened that while dating several people I've begun to like one. So, not sure yet what to do.
  3. I agree with Heretic. The guys sounds like a BIG JERK!!! He should apologize. A lil white lie never hurt anyone. And if you felt you had to lie cuz he would look down on you, and also that he gets upset when you drink... then he probably isn't the right person for you. No one should look down on you as if they are better. Find someone you could be yourself around!
  4. Ok, I previously posted a message about dating a girl with a boyfriend, who recently told me she wants to be with me and has ended her relationship with her boyfriend. I was worried about whether I could trust her or not but then I looked at myself. Since we were only seeing each other casually I figured we could see other people. So I am currently also seeing my ex from 2 years ago, and this girl I met recently in a club. Aside from getting caught, is this such a bad thing? I mean, I figure wouldn't it be easier to find out whose the one for me when I keep my options open this way? Im leaning towards one which means the others might get the boot and yes I've been in a commited relationship before and have been faithful through-out the entire 8 month relationship. So I dont think thats the problem. But am I being selfish? And no they don't know about each other. Well one does, and she does not mind.
  5. I think you have a great chance. I believe that girls do not look at physical appearance the way guys do. Well me at least. I've spoken with many girls who report that, "well i didn't think he was that cute at first, but he is really nice and sweet and now, I think he's adorable." So keep being yourself man. And if it doesn't work, she might hook you up with a friend because you are so sweet!
  6. I think that remark does not tell you anything. It could mean, she didn't want to respond because she didn't want to hurt your feelings. Or it could have meant that she was shocked and happy. To be honest, I think it's the first one. Sorry about that. But your not at a lost. I could be wrong and she did not say no. Next time, don't ask her if you can take her on a date. Just go ahead and invite her somewhere. First know what she likes to do, and where she likes to go. And invite her there and then romance her and make her laugh. Woman love to laugh. Ex. "Okay well imma let you go for tonight but listen it's gonna be nice tomorrow you want to meet up in the park at 5pm?"
  7. My sentiments exactly on that one. You completely blew the trust and it's very hard to redeem that. Your new beau may actually need to try going out with other people. This may be the best solution. Better for you both to find out that you were not meant for each other now then 10 years down the road. You see if he doesn't do this, he will always be wondering what if. I advise you both take time apart and let him clear his head up. Ultimately he has to be willing to accept your lie and continue to the relationship. You either have to give him the time and space to do that, or stay with him and find out he's cheating on you. Either way its ineveitable, he will be with someone else. Whether you are there or not is up to you. And if your not, I think it's better, because this way he did not lie nore decieve you. In a couple of months if he comes back, then he's coming back accepting what you did to him, and ready to work on your relationship cuz he probably knows you are best for him!
  8. Okay here's my situation. This woman started working with me and I found her extremely attractive. And still do. I quickly became friends with her with other intentions. However, she disclosed to me that she had a boyfriend who she moved to NYC with and is living with. So I figured to leave it alone. But we continued to go out after work and have a good time together along with other colleagues. However, one day, we went out alone and we began kissing. We were drinking and I felt maybe it was because of that. However, next week we went to a bar again alone, began kissing, and went home together. It has now been two months, and we at least hook up once a week but more like 2-3 times a week. We dont drink all the time, sometimes we just hang out but always, i mean always end up in bed together when we are together. I think about her often and she tells me she has feelings for me too. She has broken up with her boyfriend (supposebly) about 3 weeks after we hooked up. however, she still lives with him because she has not found another room mate. Now my question is, if she does move out (as she has planned) can I ever trust this girl. My instincts tell me know. I mean I know I am really good looking, and funny, and a professional =c)... but there is always someone hotter. Why would she not do to me what she did to him. Some friends say stay away, while others say, she might just not have been happy with her ex and I may be the one for her. Another thing I like is that everyone who meets her for the first time, not knowing our situation has only good things to say about her. So.... what to do?
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