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  1. Check your source,sometime theses are second hand gossips and who wants to get caught up in that.Weather your source proves to be true or doubtful i say go for it.but go for it in a manner that kinda shows him that your interested,and if he is he should act on it with no worries.
  2. So, my girlfriend broke up with me just days before the new year came. At first i was kinda crushed but got over it thanks to some sound advice. Since then she's been calling me every two days and giving me weird impressions. Every time i try to tell her that she broke up with me and needs to give it time, but she keeps talking about seeing me but not getting back together. She talks in a way that suggests getting back but then shuts it all down by saying that its completely over. She has invited me to movies,i declined, she offered that we go to Macdonald's, I didn't want part of it, she's even went as far as inviting me to her house so we can 'talk' things over. I tell her not to call me for a week to see how she feels afterwards but she keeps calling. I love her but am sick of the mind games. So my question is, is she trying to get back together or just feeling sad that its over and could get over it after some time? And do u think its a good idea for us to meet even if she insists its over cause seeing her but not being able to hold her is just to hard for me.
  3. Thanks, this was unexpected and surly well welcomed. The things u wrote gave me some strange sense of comfort and at the same time got me ready for the hurdle up ahead. Thank u once more
  4. Well it's very simple. Take it easy or you'll feel like its taking even longer for u to get what your looking for. Relationships can be great but not if u force one. U only had sex three times, believe me once u find the guy that paints u as a perfect picture, one night of intimacy will feel like a thousand years in heaven.
  5. So i was with my girlfriend for almost two years till now. We have been trough all u can possibly go trough. Ups and downs, smiles and frowns. So during the holidays all we did for the most part is argue and make-up until she said she had enough. My biggest problem was the sex issue. Don't be fooled, we did other stuff, just not IT. For a while during the relationship she staled with lame unrealistic reasons, but loving her i learned to deal building up for it. But now that we broke up i am left with this sense of emptiness in me. She said i was her first true love and she was mine so it kind leaves me in wonder. How to get past the fact or strong feeling that the next guy wont have to wait that long and not even put much effort into it? Basically benefiting from what i tried so hard to make happen for me and her.
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