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Everything posted by notsurewhatsnext

  1. Okay Aspbergers is a mild to moderate form of Autism and can effect individuals in varying degrees. Just because he has this does not mean that he is suicidal or will throw a hysterical fit everytime he does not get what he wants. Many people function quite well with this disorder. My advice to you would be to meet with him and his parents at a very public place, perhaps with a friend of yours (if your mom won't go). Explain to his parents that you would like to be friends with him, but this type of friendship is unacceptable. Since his parents have dealt with him thus far, they should understand where you are coming from. Hopefully the public place will dissuade him from causing too much of a scene. Explain that if he continues to bother you, you will file a report against him--doesn't he have to have papers to enter your country? Explain that unless he gets it together, he will be exiting quickly. If he has severe Aspberger's he may not give up easily--encourage him to go back to his country. Good luck and God bless
  2. Okay giving you both the benefit of the doubt--you mixed alcohol with pain medication and that probably made you blackout--it is possible that you even fell sometime during the night which could have caused the bruises. He was probably drunk to and may not be thrilled with what happened either. I do not necessarily think that he put something into your drink, but maybe you both made bad choices that night. Everyone makes bad choices sometimes. Try to use better judgement next time and always stay with your friends when you go out--take care of each other. Try not to be too hard on yourself, and if you can not remember if he used any protection get some tests done for STD's.
  3. okay, so he left me....after 14 years of marriage, mostly filled with verbal abuse, and what do I do? Call him today and beg him to come back--and yes I mean beg. With absolutely no pride left in me. What does he say? Basically that everything was my fault and to quit my whining and shut up---he is never coming back. I wanted closure-I guess I got it. How do I move on now? I definitely do not want another abusive relationship-I just feel extremely sad and lonely and the thoughts of dating someone else makes me want to throw up. I am not exactly sure what to do now. I am scared to death to be alone (I like having a man around, even if we argue all the time) I do not want to call and beg him anymore-he is getting immense pleasure from my pain-not once did he say sorry you're upset or anything else, mostly he just said I caused him to leave because i was such a (mod edit). I really didn't think I was all that bad. So can anyone tell me how to make the hurt and depression go away? How to move on more quickly-it's been a month and he seems to have progressed quite nicely with his life-while I am left picking the pieces of my heart up. Any advice would be nice, as begging him did not work. I am not sure if I am more disgusted that he left me, or with myself for begging an abusive man to come back
  4. I was married to a verbally and sometimes limited physically abusive man for fourteen years. We separated three times for up to five months, I always let him come home. He left a month ago, and he is seeing someone new-he denies this but I know it is true. Why does this hurt me so much? Why do I want to call him every minute of the day? And why most of all do I even want him to come back? All we did was fuss and everything and I mean everything was always my fault. He hated that I took the kids places at night..soccer, dance, etc. because his dinner was not cooked ( I hate cooking and rarely did even when I was home) He hated that I did not want to have sex..who would when you are called a everyday? He hated my job, my family, my church, my everything. He was a lousy dad-never went to anything the kids did (though he was not abusive towards them) Why then do I feel like I have to have him in my life? When did he gain control of my thoughts and start making me believe that I am actually going crazy-I know I am not. But honestly I could be holding a red apple and he could look at me and tell me it was green and have me believing it was green even though I knew it was red--he made me think everything he said was true. For example I had ten dollars in my purse and it disappeared-he did not take it he said--I knew it was there five minutes ago, I looked all over the house for it thinking maybe I was mistaken--he actually convinced me that I really did not have the money I knew I had. How could I have let him control my beliefs-I am very educated, have a masters degree? When did I lose the ability to be me, and how can I find it again? I am all ready in therapy and my couselor says I should be angry that he accused me of cheating when he was the one doing it--but still I think, maybe he did not mean it, maybe it was just a friend of his-I want to tell myself the truth--he sucks and I deserve better-I just do not know if I can convince my self.
  5. Hey--I won't tell you to leave because you will not leave until you are ready-it will probably take you several tries before you finally make the decision to stay away permanently. It takes most women at least seven times. If you are determined to stay with him ( I wish you were not), then try to be careful. Keep an emergency plan in your mind, so you have a place to go if it gets really bad, keep some cash hidden in a spot that you can get to if you have to leave home, and keep your cell phone close by for the police if you need it. Be safe and I am praying for you-hopefully your courage will come soon and you can go, before something really devastating happens.
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