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Everything posted by stevo89

  1. Ohh I see what you mean by being assertive and stuff...
  2. Heck, I have a better plan right now since its the end of the school year. I've come up with an imaginary conversation between me and the girl, and obviously it won't be exactly like this, but hopefully it will go something like this: ME: "Heyy there, my name is Steve. Whats yours?" *wait for her response* GIRL: "Ohh, my name is [girl's name]" ME: "[girl's name] its nice to meet you" GIRL: "Its nice to meet you too Steve" ME: "Thanks. Well um, the reason I decided to come over here and introduce myself is because I've had a little bit of a crush on you for a while, and I thought since its almost summer I might as well just come out and tell you now before the year is completely over." GIRL: "blah blah blah" ME: " blah blah, So anyways I was wondering if I could get your number, so maybe we could hang out sometime over the summer?" Then I'll just respond however according to her response and maybe exchange phone numbers or whatever if it ever gets that far. My friend told me its best just to be as straightforward as honest as possible, and since its the end of the school year I have practically nothing to lose if it doesn't go through. So anyways people respond with what you think and tell me if you think this sounds good or not. Keep in mind I'm a freshman in the 9th grade, and she is too. The last day of school for me is June 17th.
  3. Oh I see what you mean. I thought that it wouldn't be a good idea to go to a movie because you DON'T get to talk much..but whatever. Since school is ending soon, I don't think I'm actually going to ask out any girls straight up right now. But rather, I'll get some girls phone numbers so I can just uhh hang out with them over the summer then gradually after I get to know them with that then I could ask them out. Don't you agree that it would probably be a better idea for me to just get their phone numbers first for the summer before asking any girl out?
  4. Oh okay. Well how about, "Hey [girl's name], I just wanted to tell you that I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go out to [whatever place/activity] sometime next week?"(and the sentence properly adjusted to whatever activity and such). I don't want to give an exact day right away because she can say she's busy that day and reject me right then. So I'll wait for her to respond to the original question, then I can suggest a day and if she's busy that day then I can ask her what day she is free. So now what I really need to think of is an activity that both myself and a girl would enjoy.. There's the local Knott's theme park (FUN! I have an annual pass, and I'd obviously pay for her admission), Soak City water park (gotta pass for that too), cosmic bowling, roller skating rink (ice too; all indoors here in cali tho), mini golf, Chuck E Cheese's, surfing at the beach, band concert, and lastly and certainly least...the common boring movie.
  5. Okay well, school for me gets out on June 17th. Since summer is coming up, do you guys have any ideas on what kinds of places would be nice for a first date? I'm in southern California around the Orange County / Los Angeles area if that helps at all..
  6. Okay well I know I'm not a guy who really asks girls out all that often (but that'll change soon) so I just wanted to ask everyone on here if you think what I came up with is any good: "Hey [girl's name], I just wanted to tell you that I really like you and I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Do you guys think thats a good way to go about asking out a girl, because to the best of my knowledge I know that just plain "Will you go out with me?" doesn't usually work too well.. If you think the line I have isn't too good, then tell me what you think would be better. Thanks.
  7. Okay what I think I'm gonna do now is gather up all of my confidence(yes, cuz I am sorta shy which is why this was posted here) and just go up to her and being like "Hey, my name is Steve. Whats yours?" then adding something along the lines of "I see you around sometimes, but I don't think we've ever talked before." with a possible compliment saying she's pretty thrown in somewhere then wait for her response and have a short conversation, etc. Something also interesting to note is that I'm literally like 10 feet away from bumping into her every day on my way to 6th period... Does that sound like a good plan to you and is the "pretty" compliment alright to say?
  8. Okay good idea, so I should basically just come out and tell her that I think she's pretty and stuff? I feel sorta scared and nervous.. What do girls think if a guy is sorta nervous if he goes up to her and says something like that? Now for you're problem..you're bi? As long as you're not a full fledged homosexual your family shouldn't have a problem against it. But since they do, tell them that its who you are and that they need to learn how to freaking deal with it. You were born the way you are and there isn't anything anybody can do to change it (unless you go a labotomy or something, which are now illegal). So you're super religious (i'm assuming, so don't get mad at me if i'm wrong about that part) family should just deal with it. I mean like I could go and say some guy looks attractive, yet I'm totally straight, for example.
  9. Yeah, one time I liked a girl a LOT for like a really long time so I tried to find out some stuff about her, but unfortunately I did it the wrong way and she thought I was stalking her and ended up getting mad at me. But I've learned from that mistake, and definitely the best way to find things out is just from the girl herself.
  10. Try talking to people! Thats my best suggestion. Just find people and talk talk talk to them!
  11. Dude I think it sounds like she likes you. Just talk to her more and get her number before school gets out! Then you can call her and ask her if she wants to hang out sometime. Or, you can just ask her out the next time you see her, because from what you've said it sounds like she likes you so go for it!
  12. Here's what I suggest.. You should first shave you entire face for a nice clean look. Next you should try experimenting with various hairstyles, its amazing how different you can look depending on your hair. For losing weight I suggest eating just a regular healthy diet, taking a multivitamin everyday, and most importantly exercise! When first starting to run, start small then gradually work your way up because you want to run at least 1-2 miles a day, but remember that even if you feel a bit tired and you're burning all over just keep going because thats the only way you'll get stronger and lose weight! I hope that I helped you out a bit..
  13. I don't think she'd be the kind of girl who would act cocky and think she's too good for me, especially considering that I usually see her walking with one of the uhh largest girls I know on my way to 6th period wrestling everyday..
  14. Ok I had this same question, posted here: link removed I don't think you should ask her out of the blue if you don't know her name or she doesn't know your name. Unless its to like a school dance or something..
  15. First off, that girl is 36. That means there is a 95% chance that she has a nice good paying job and can support the child if she is pregnant. If she is pregnant and doesn't want to support or raise the child, then she can always give it up for adoption. As for the guy, he should help her take care of the kid and stuff since it IS his kid, and at age 21 he should probably be finishing up college within a year or so (if he is going to one, that is)
  16. Just go up to her, smile, and ask, "Hey [name], I was wondering if you would like to [insert activity here] with me sometime?". I stronly suggest against using "Will you go out with me?" because it immediately sets you up for rejection. Keep in mind that its okay to be nervous when asking her, most guys are. If she rejects you, then just move on to another girl. Considering how many pretty girls there are, and many of them don't even get asked out too often, your chances of her accepting are relatively good. Whats really ironic is that the most beautiful, "super hott" girls rarely get asked out because most guys feel intimidated by them! I hope I helped.
  17. Good idea! I'm a pretty funny guy to begin with so its not too hard for me to think up something that'll make people laugh. I can do the best voices and impersonations, and I'll go out of my way to do something crazy and stupid just to give my friends a laugh.
  18. Yeah. My older brother is 19 now, but he lives out of state currently. In high school he didn't go out with many girls, but now that he's outta high school he's been going out with quite a few and now he's with a really gorgeous girl who is so nice and is a japanese model. So I guess I might as well try to make the best of my youth! There's nothing to be afraid of, and asking a girl out can't hurt since if you don't ask her out, you won't go out with her, and if you DO then you might.
  19. Hey man I know what you're talking about. I just want a cute, normal girl thats nice. My being single for a year is also the reason why I've also never kissed a girl. BTW, I'm 14 and a freshman. If anybody wants to see a pic of me, I have a few for you to see. But yeah, some girls are really intimidating. But something that I realized is that those really cute nice girls end up going with dumpy guys to things like winter formal cuz they are the only guy that asked them. My Dad also recently told me that you just gotta ask out all the girls your interested in, and of course eventually one will go out with you and stuff, cuz chances are that there are probably plenty of girls that ARE interested in you but you just don't know it. So I think I'll just go up to that girl and say, "Hey, my name's Steve. Whats yours?" and just talk with her and stuff, find out what kinda stuff she likes. Then whenever I see her again after that I can say "Hey [name]!". That sounds like a good plan, doesn't it?
  20. Okay, there is this girl that goes to my school. I see her around campus sometimes, and I know that she's a freshman just like me. I've never talked to her before, no classes with her, and I don't know her name or anything. I wanna talk to her and get to know her sooner or later, but I don't know how. What would be the best way to introduce myself and talk to her? Oh yeah and she's really pretty (which should be pretty obvious to you guys anyways considering my interest in her).
  21. Ehh I don't wanna do the AIM thing and I want to find out everything about her from the girl herself! Its just much more personal, and I want a bit of challenge.
  22. Okay I think I'm starting to like this one girl who sits at the bench right next to the one that I sit at lunch everyday at school, but I don't know her name and I've never talked to her before or anything. Do any of you have any suggestions on how I could ask this girl for her name and how I should go about starting a conversation? I'm usually a pretty outgoing guy, but around people who I don't know or am meeting/talking to for the first time I can be a little bit shy. I have confidence, just I don't know what to say to her! BTW, I'm 14 y/o high school freshman. Thanks, -Steve
  23. Blah, so I should ask her for her phone number if I want to be friends, want to get to know her, to ask her out on the phone, or a combination of these?? Sorry I'm a little bit confused...
  24. Thanks. So I should just ask her out so I don't get stuck in the "just friends" continuum?
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