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Everything posted by stevo89

  1. Okay so there is a girl I like, and I'm pretty sure she knows it. She is the kind of shyish type and isn't popular or anything. I have only talked to her a few short times. I want to know how can I get to know her and/or become friends with her? (before I ask her out on a date or anything)
  2. She isn't someone thats insanely sought-after or anything. She's just a regular girl. I also think that she's a little shy, which is probably the reason why she said that she isn't going to homecoming in the first place. At lunch she usually hangs out with a small group (3-6 ppl) of friends that is all girls. She is very pretty to me, and she isn't some stupid popular anorexic blonde girl. Homecoming is next Saturday, the 25th, and tickets next week will cost $17 each w/o an asb discount card, so I don't think she'd want to go and end up spending that much money just so her and her friends can go to homecoming w/o a date. (Oh and BTW, if she had said yes then I would have paid for her ticket) So I guess I'd be safe asking her some time next week if she'd like to go see a movie with me, right? Any suggestions for a good movie to see on a first date?
  3. Eh I'll just skip home coming. I'm only a freshman, so I have the the next 3 years for homecoming and there are plenty of other dances this year that aren't as uhh expensive as homecoming. When I say a regular date I mean to like the movies or something. Thats actually what I have planned now, since its getting close to Halloween I think I should just take her to see a scary movie cuz then when she gets scared she'll get close to me and we can cuddle... So would it be okay if I just took her to see a movie some time instead of homecoming? And maybe on Halloween me and her could go to like some haunted house or something..
  4. Okay I'm sure some of you have read my "Asking out a girl in front of her friends" topic, and my question relates to some of the stuff I said in that topic. So I asked that one girl Brianna to home coming (she was sitting with some of her friends, but I donno if they were watching cuz I was looking into her eyes the whole time...) and she asked me "I need to think about it...can I get back to you later?" I told her sure and then I asked her about it today and she politely told me "I'm not really planning on going to home coming, and if I went it would probably just be with friends.." I told her thats its okay and said bye. Both times when I asked her she gave me a big smile. And earlier today in health class 1st period (my only class with her) she was looking over at me and then I looked over at her and we made eye contact and smiled. Then at lunch today before I asked her about home coming she kept looking over at me. So, since she didn't technically reject me or anything, do you think that there is a possibility that she would say yes if I asked her out on a regular date some time in the near future? Also considering that she kept looking over at me and we made eye contact a couple times gives me the feeling that she might be interested.. (And just to get this out of the way because on the last topic I posted everyone who replied was a weird 'tard and assumed stuff: She isn't a popular b*tchy prep, she doesn't hang out in big mobs of people, she usually only hangs out with a couple friends in a not-crowded area, she's really nice, and she's a brunette)
  5. Oh yes and I forgot to mention this--I'm 14 and a freshman... Freshies like me are still learning this kind of stuff! Its not like she's someone who is well sought-after either, so like most girls she'd probably be pretty happy if a guy like me asked her out.
  6. Well, her friends aren't b*tchy and she isn't one of those snobby popular preps or anything like that... And generally she doesn't hang out in packed crowds and it only with like 2 or 3 friends at once. So what about now?
  7. Okay there is this one girl in my 1st period health class that I really like. I want to ask her out to home coming, but often times when I see her she is with her friends. Would it be okay for me to ask her out while she is with her friends? Would her friends thinks its really cute and sweet of me, would they get jealous, or would they react a different way?
  8. I'm a freshman and considering this, I've never been to a homecoming either and would like to know what its like...and what if you don't really know how to dance?
  9. I think they will all sell you the condoms, because its going into their paycheck!
  10. I get what you're trying to say Balhatain... There is this one girl that I really like from school and I'm gonna give her a teddy bear I made with love just for her at the Build-A-Bear Workshop the next time I see her and ask her out. A few of the girls I'm friends with have seen the bear and said that if she doesn't love it then she's crazy. I know that you can't MAKE someone fall in love with you, but I'm trying to show this girl that I really care for her and want an emotional, loving relationship with her(not really a physical, sexual relationship).
  11. Hey! I think he likes you! Just gotta have someone convince him to ask you out and show him that you won't turn him down!
  12. bump....I need some advice on this plz!
  13. How did you get her phone number in the first place? If you were able to ask her phone number in person to her directly, then you obviously have enough confidence the ask her out in person... If you didn't ask her directly then she'll be wondering just how you got her phone number...
  14. Ok I think Chad figured it out! Me: "Mandy isn't a s-l-u-t, is she?" Chad: "No." Chad: "She probably still believes in cooties..." Does that mean...she isn't interested in dating yet? What should I do now? Should I just become regular friends with her?
  15. Yay, I guess she likes me, but guess what.... I was just talkin to my friend Chad and the convo went like this: Me: Hey, Mandy is single, right? Chad: I'm pretty sure she is, Chad: And if I am right... no. Me: What? Chad: She won't go out with you. Now that just makes me really confused... She likes me, but won't go out with me? In fact, I don't think she'll go out with anyone right now for some bizarre reason... I'm not sure if she has ever had a boyfriend before, either. What do you think???
  16. Sorry its a bit long... There is this girl I have liked for a while, Mandy, and I'm pretty sure that she knows I like her. The way she first found out, was that one of my friends, Evan, told her(without my consent) back in April. Later the day that she found out, her friend Michelle in my english/history class asked me if I liked her and I told her yes. The next day, the school play cast came around to all of the classes to perform a scene, and since Mandy was in the play, she was performing her part of the scene. When the cast left, Michelle was asking me "Oooh, did you see Mandy?" like she wanted to make sure that I really noticed her... Then about 2 weeks ago, one of Mandy's friends, Chris, asked me "Do you like Mandy? Cuz she wants to know..." and I told him "Yeah". Then just a few days ago Chris asked me again, "Do you like Mandy?" and I told him "Yes", again... Mandy is in 1 class with me, which is Math, and she sits directly accross the room from me, so we have a clear view of each other. Sometimes I'll see her just staring directly at me, then she looks away and smiles. Other times I'll see her with her head facing at the teacher, but her eyes are turned and looking at me... And one day in class we were passing out papers and stuff and she bumped into me 2 or 3 times... Also, the other day was a minimum day, so I went to this one place for lunch right down the street from my school and she just happened to be there. I went and sat over right at Mandy's table and said "Hi Mandy!" and she replied a nervous, "Hi...." Then her and her friend had to suddenly "leave" for some reason. So does anybody here think that she likes me???
  17. Wow! Thanks for the excellent advice, grneyedscotsman! I'm printing this out...
  18. Well if you are "unpopular" then why don't you become popular? Its very easy to do. All you need to do is make friends with some "popular" people in your classes. As long as they don't all hate you, then go and just sit with them at lunch or something.
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