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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. He definitely 1000% abusive , please please please stay gone. Not only is this hurting you and it is hurting your children and teaching them how NOT to be a man.
  2. My dear, In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. ~~Albert Camus
  3. Omg my back and hip .😩😩😰😰this move could take more than a week.
  4. It is 0 C ( 32 F) here today but sunny after 3 days of snow . But supposed to become Spring like after today.
  5. Hopefully you are feeling better .
  6. I literally know nothing about Bitcoin. My brother likes BMW. His first one he bought used but the one he has now was brand new. It is a gorgeous turquoise. Some kind of sport model I think.
  7. I think recently a study was published about an ancient body that first was thought to be a man as it was buried with all the accoutrements of war and hunting, but found the person was actually female .
  8. I got lovely homemade gifts from the kids and lovely cards and a gift card yesterday. ❤️ I got my lobster claws yesterday as a treat for myself for my last day of business. They were on sale for $10 off. I shared them with my husband for supper . ❤️
  9. Just because you are young doesn’t mean you are not picky and can’t go the distance. Both sets of my grandparents were married for life. My dad’s parents were 15 and 17 when they got married they were married 63 years when my grandmother died. My mom’s parents married later in life , my grandmother was 38 and my grandfather was 29. They were married 31 years when my grandfather died. My husband’s parents were married 63 years when did dad died. They married in their 20’s. I will be married 30 years next month. We met when I was 22 and my husband was 20 and married when we were 27 and 24. Sometimes it is definitely about age . I think now when extended childhood is expected finding someone early probably isn’t wise . Years ago though you didn’t stay home until 3O or later . You finished highschool and got out you were an adult now, bye.
  10. Absolutely put your money in silver and gold. My brother has been doing it for years. He holds no debt and never has. He buys even cars cash. He talks about many other things as well and has been for about a decade .
  11. I am glad that science has progressed enough to help people .
  12. It is scary. I think you read in my journal for as long as I written in it I have had apocalyptic dreams since I have been a young child. I believe it was a warning. The signs get louder and louder and many are seeing it . I was overjoyed when we got the opportunity to move further North. If it gets worse we will continue to go further North. No one wants to go up there. Us Canadians are hearty though and do okay in the cold. Hubby and I are still hearty enough. I say stay healthy and build your strength with exercise and make plans because the world is going to hell in a handcart .
  13. Girl, I hear you. EVERYONE but the rich are struggling now . Why don’t these idiots understand if you drown the middle class no more tax money and society falls. End times …. Head north. I hate to sound like a tinfoil hat.
  14. My mom’s brother had colon cancer a few years ago, they removed about 4 inches of his colon.
  15. It might be a lady operation as well. No one is saying .
  16. I met my husband at university been together since our first date . No cellphones, no internet, no TV past 11 PM. Hell, we had only got bank machines and microwaves a few years before we met .
  17. She isn’t saying . She went in for abdominal surgery early January and isn’t saying for what, just that she wants privacy and to heal. It is so hard for Prince William as his father has cancer as well.
  18. It could drive me to drink, seriously . Make sense, close a conversation and do it before nightfall. 😂
  19. Same can be said of women though . I have been messaged from women about their own KIDS and getting them to make sense and not end conversations in the middle of imparting important I formation or even hell don’t message people at 11 PM when conducting business .
  20. The military has their own licensing, so my husband has a military license and a civilian license. but they never crossover and you’re not allowed to do the same things on the two different licenses .On his military license they have what vehicles he can drive, and he just has a general license civie side, which is typical for most people.
  21. I am glad I found someone before all this crazy crap for sure .
  22. My husband drives standard and automatic because a lot of military vehicles are standard . I only drive automatic.
  23. I am so sorry .. this is bipolar behaviour they are hyper hyper sexual because they have no inhibitions in that area and that behaviour is 100% typical . My dad cheated on my mom with over 200 women at least.
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