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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. Whelp, hubby spoke to the career mangler yesterday. He is posted back here for at least another year. He will be posted to base headquarters . So my son and I go onto our final place alone.
  2. Great I looked at pictures of what my tongue looked like on the weekend. It looked exactly like scarlet fever .
  3. I can’t remember if I said before if I figured out the mental health condition of a YouTuber I used to watch . I looked in on her channel and again she is down another 5,000 people since a few months ago. She is losing subs like flies. I know why and people have tried to tell her but she UTTERLY REFUSES to listen. Her channel I get it . I do. I finally realized what set me off about her. I know what it is she is speaking at a thousand miles an hour without taking a breath . It is a tip off.
  4. Right ? I didn’t work Monday because I was a little lacklustre . I started back today when I am at full energy and no symptoms and been on antibiotics for 3 days and no longer contagious. Hubby had to take a day off due to cold he could come back if improving and wear a mask for 10 days.
  5. About 59 million people in Italy ,deaths in a vehicle 2900 a year. Slim to absolute zero you’re ever going to have that accident.
  6. When anxiety becomes that severe it is time to get a referral for therapy.
  7. I can’t remember do you have one son or two?
  8. It is crazy. This must be some kind of condition that people don’t process body sensations properly.
  9. Doing so much better that I will open up again tomorrow. I am cleaning but going slow so I don’t knock myself out . Bleaching and Pinesol on everything. Moved a lot of the furniture to sweep and mop behind. Sitting for a bit to rest and probably finish up after supper and then to bed early. Hubby has done a fabulous job looking after me . Today he is at work but did a great job on the weekend and my son took over this morning and brought my breakfast up. Now that I feel so good I realize how unbelievably crappy I felt for like at least a week. At least three doctors have told me one day a virus or bacteria will take me out because I don’t seem to realize when I am sick until I actually fall down. When I lost my son Liam they accidentally left the placenta in for 6 weeks. My OB found it on my check up. He looked at me like I had 9 heads that I didn’t feel sick. He said you are seriously so close to death you can’t even leave my office. He said I will have somebody walk you to the hospital room where they will take you to your operation. He said you are so close to death I can’t even let you walk by yourself in case you die on the way. His eyes were bugling out of his head. He said how can you NOT know you are this sick. I had necrotic tissue in my uterus. Doctors are astounded at my capacity to keep going and keep going through life sick until I actually literally can’t get back up. And a few days of antibiotics and I am springing up and down again. It is strange, but I literally don’t even notice when I’m holding my breath from pain. It is like I have a set of blinders. I just put them on and keep going.
  10. To be friends it might be worth asking .
  11. Personally I don’t want a partner that isn’t committed to me.
  12. I am doing much better this morning except the diarrhea from the antibiotics. When I was wearing my Apple Watch last week it was giving off high heart beat alerts . Should have been a signal to me that I was sick. It never does that otherwise.
  13. On a nice note my sucky cat won’t leave my side except to eat and go to the litter box and runs straight back up.
  14. It can cause serious health issues if not treated in adults and in children over 3. And repeat non treated infections can cause heart disease and kidney disease. I almost died from an infection 22 years ago . The hospital lab phoned me at home to find out if I was still alive because they had never seen a strep count that high in their life and thought I must actually be dead. My tongue had swelled out of mouth and my throat was closing . Right now in Canada we have a very big outbreak . People have an actually died. Not a bacteria to mess around with. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7101638
  15. My dad as a teenager pretty much . He left school at 15 for severe belligerence.
  16. I am taking tomorrow off just to give my body a bit more time to recover. After today I won’t be contagious because it is 24 hours after antibiotics you are no longer contagious.
  17. Exactly. Poor kid. He should have been home resting and getting better . And now the other family is out care as well. My contract in bold letters states absolutely no care will be provided until vomiting has ceased for 48 hours WITHOUT medication. In the daycare industry we call it a “ Dope and Drop.” Where people lie or give their kids Tylenol so you don’t know they’re sick until of course the Tylenol wears off or the kid tells you. And then everybody gets sick.
  18. Yes, my contract does have stipulations for sickness. But the one mother last week dropped off her kid after he puked all night and didn’t tell me. He told me just before the bus that he was puking all and had puked all over daddy’s truck and mommy still made him play hockey. When kids have strep they commonly puke. Plus he told me I don’t want to eat because my stomach hurts and my throat hurts. The older you are the less likely you are to recover on your own. I think in Canada there are 3 protected sick days a year. There is leave for critically ill family members but not so much ordinary sickness.
  19. Hello, I am living and a little bit better than yesterday. I have a severe case of strep throat. My entire body was in throbbing pain and I was so weak I couldn’t walk . Hubby took me to the hospital at 5 AM on Saturday. It was so bad it took me an hour to get clothes on I was so weak. I am on antibiotics for 14 days . Thankfully the throbbing all over my body and the fever and headache are gone . The throat is still a little dodgy. At least I am no longer holding my breath from the pain . The triage nurse when I opened my mouth for her said , ooooooh wow, holy carp. The doctor took one look said yup you’re a fabulous doctor 100 strep throat and pretty bad . I have to tell ALL the parents who sent their sick kids last week well now I am off and no one gets daycare because ya’ll killed me.
  20. Omg so sick . Was in the hospital today/ home now in bed and going to sleep if I ca mn.
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