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Everything posted by ImissBry

  1. This girl sounds confused. If you ask me, you need to let go of any hope that the two of you will get back together. If she's treating her current boyfriend so callously, how do you think she will treat you? And if she really didn't like him that much, she wouldn't be with him. My guess is that she is starving for attention and keeps you on a string because you provide her with just that. Stop letting this girl play with your emotions; you're only going to get hurt. If I were you I would ask for that ring back, but that's just me. Remember, you're still young and you have the rest of your life to find someone who will actually put your wants and needs first. Don't settle for anything less.
  2. If you have enough doubts (as to whether or not you can trust him) that you need to solicit advice, you've pretty much answered your own question. Some people are just not designed to be with one person and one person only. There are also "serial daters" who are simply co-dependant and will hook up with people that they aren't fully compatable with just to avoid being alone. Serial daters will seem perfect, at first, but later on you'll realize that they have just modified themselves to hook up with you. (Trust me on this; I was a serial dater.) As they say, trust is the most important thing in a relationship, and I think if you're totally honest with yourself, you don't trust this guy. Find a new fish, and good luck with that.
  3. While it is important for you to know that he won't do it again (which only he really knows) what's also important is: can you let it go? I mean, if you want to try to mend the relationship and plan to spend the rest of your life with this man, can you do it without constantly doubting his faithfullness? If you don't think you'll be able to let go of past indiscrections your relationship will never work. It will effect your marriage if you have to constantly worry that he may be looking elsewhere for the physical aspect. You can't have a lifelong relationship if you can't fully trust the person you're with.
  4. I have this problem: I miss Bry. As if you couldn't tell from my name... See, I had this totally disfunctional relationship-thing with Bry and it went sour. Pretty sour for a brief bit, then bittersweet. He and I both lived in the same very small town and had our summer thing, then we both moved fairly far away (I moved 600+ miles). Our moving had nothing to do with the dissolution of our "relationship" it just so happened that we moved about 2 weeks apart. I knew he was moving back to his mom's so I made it a point to throw out the pieces of paper with his mom's phone number and address. I also tossed out his best friend's cell phone number. Lucky for me, Bry's cell phone was lost before he left, so even though I have that number memerized, I can't call him. Thankfully. So, like I said, I can't talk to anyone here and I miss Bry. I shouldn't miss him; we were so very wrong for each other (in a romantic sense). I'm intelligent enough to realize this, yet I still wish I could talk to him. Not even in person, but I would like to know how he is. And I shouldn't. I shouldn't even care and the fact that I still do makes me angry with myself. What's more annoying is that I hardly knew him but I can't get it out of my head. I'm a fairly obsessive person, but this is ridiculous even for me. I feel like a 13 year old running around in a Mrs. Kutcher shirt who just saw Demi and Ashton walking the red carpet. It's not like I even knew this kid. I knew him for a whopping 3 months, and that includes the weeks he came in to see me at work and (because he is sooo shy) I didn't even really know he existed. Like I said, this is ridiculous. How that gamer got under my skin this bad is a mystery to me. To be fair, he didn't get that under my skin. It's not like I was in love with him or anything like that. I wouldn't drop my fiance' for him. Of course, my fiance' wouldn't even want me to keep in touch with him, but that's a whole different story. And I only really miss Bry when it's late at night and I'm all alone (which is regular because my fiance' is still in that small town 600 miles away). Boys...
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