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Everything posted by greenfox4

  1. I would ask her why she left without giving you an explanation, after all you were engaged and she didn't show any remorse for your feelings. What she chose to do after the breakup is upto her, but I certainly think you need some clarity from her before you decide this is a relationship worth pursuing.
  2. We all have tough times, in the long run you will be stronger for this experience even though it may not seem like it now. I know it's tough but really have to focus on yourself and ensure you're not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself as that will just prolong how you're feeling.
  3. Eventually you will meet someone else you feel the same way about but you cannot force the process, it may take months before you meet someone you have the same level of attraction to. You may not be able to stop thinking about this girl for a while, but help yourself heal by avoiding her social media, contacting her etc. In the mean time, focus on improving yourself as a person, do things you enjoy - if you're enjoying your life you will put a better vibe out and be more attractive to potential partners.
  4. Try and keep yourself busy, have you got any friends/family you can see? Any tasks around the house that need doing? Put some positive music on, speak positively to yourself. You have to participate in your own emotional rescue.
  5. She may of said she had a boyfriend because she was uncomfortable and didn't want to take things any further. Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with you wanting her to go back to your place (after all that is what seduction is all about), the mistake you made was drinking too much and not reading her body language. Right now, you've texted her and haven't heard back. There's nothing you can do unless she reaches out to you. Just concentrate on your life and learn for the next time you meet someone.
  6. You're afraid of letting things go because you've got a scarcity mindset. There's countless people out there to meet and hang out with, I know it's difficult at the moment because of covid but I feel the further this goes the more hurt you end up. You've already told her what you want/need and she obviously isn't prepared to make those changes. It's upto you whether you cut her out entirely, it really depends if you can see her as just a friend or whether romantic feelings will linger. Personally, I'd take a break from contacting her for at least a week or two and see how you get on.
  7. There's nothing you can do about what's been done. Learn from your mistakes and you'll be in a stronger position for your next relationship. You never know, she may reach out to you but in the mean time stay busy, let yourself heal and try to meet new people (if you can). You can always message me on here if you need advice. All the best.
  8. You did the right thing in setting your boundaries, however if she is constantly breaking them and going behind your back then can you really trust her? and if not do you really want to continue pursuing her? If you lay out what your boundaries are and she's constantly breaking them, yet you're still seeing her and being affectionate you are teaching her that her behaviour acceptable, and she will more than likely continue to walk all over you.
  9. All you can do now is to leave her alone, you need to give her the time and space to miss you. However, you have to face reality that you may have messed this one up and learn from it. I know it's going to hurt like hell, but you have to avoid her social media, if you're looking at what she's upto all the time you drive yourself crazy and stay in this negative place you're in. People are only going to post photos on there of themselves been happy and having a good time, even if the opposite is true. If does contact you suggest meeting up, if not focus on your life and you will meet someone else in the future (even though it may not seem like it now)
  10. Truth is until you meet another man you have the same level of attraction to, these feelings may persist however if you allow yourself to get into such situations you could sabotage your freedom or even wellbeing and be off putting to future guys you date. I would suggest staying busy, improving yourself, try to focus on the good in your life and look at dating other guys. Just remember no good will come from following your ex, looking at their social media and will just make the healing process take longer.
  11. Tell him how you're feeling and that you want him to communicate better. Remember, some men will feel uncomfortable talking about feelings and doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't care.
  12. If she reaches out to you, suggest meeting up again and this time go for it. If you're thinking about her all the time and have the chance to meet up, then surely it's a risk worth taking? If not then work on improving yourself as it sounds like she is.
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