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Everything posted by HelpmePLz

  1. also i don't think there was any thing becuz it was ok before the night was up then she got carzy like somebody was do some thing to her that could be why. s her friend likes me #-o
  2. it does help but i never felt that why before her i just don't know it just felt Right
  3. It sounds to me like she's trying to lessen the pain of actually dumping you by setting you after a friend.
  4. that was said to me what do you think It sounds to me like she's trying to lessen the pain of actually dumping you by setting you after a friend.
  5. hay skyfire what is your problem men cry and i am 15 so don't get on my case i loved her we have been friends for 3 yrs going out for 3 days and it hard to undersand it becuz she wants me to go out with her friend!!!!
  6. Omg i am crying right now i got domped i her resoan was she didn't want a boy-friend what should i do i went to her b-day partty and i got domped
  7. Omg i am crying right now i got domped i her resoan was she didn't want a boy-friend what should i do
  8. peoms are the key to wamens hearts! i loved this one becuz it came form your heart and your soul
  9. WE kissed i love you people you opened my eyes ty and i think i find that some one for me
  10. Will she said no but i ask another girl out and she said YES
  11. just do what you can if not move on it is hard i know but u will
  12. WOw Just go for it start out like hi my name is...... and i like u alot maybe we could do somthing some time
  13. Ok i think she only likes blacks because she is like going out with one she is always around them no bad fealings people plz it is that thun the dick balck than white than other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Well look at it like this oK talk to her like u are talking to us a ?'s and do what u can to find out where she would like to meet and drop hints that you are relly ready for the date and .......... be yourself and drink and have her drink so you can have some fun
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