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confused chick

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  1. Hi yall! I was just wondering if anyone has ideas as to what i could do..my psycho says i need to spend some quiet time, alone or not i dont really know, to "get over some stuff" that i aparently have not dealt with yet...only i dont have a clue what that is!lol.....anyone have any ideas as to what i should do, where i should go...? thanks!
  2. Hi everyone! I'm going to make this as short as possible.... Over the past couple of months, there have been a lot of changes in my life, some were for the better, others I didn't exactly like! But I tried to deal with them as best as I could but I don't think i did too much of a good job. I cry everyday and I'm sad all the time. My bf is getting tired of this, so are my friends, my family, but most importantly, I am tired of being sad all the time....I don't know what to do anymore. Will this pass or is it something more serious than that? Please help me, I wanna be happy again!
  3. That's all he told me.... I really don't understand!!!
  4. Hey! Well, I was in a relationship that sounds somewhat like yours a couple of years ago.The guy was my first real bf. I was really shy and I didn't know how to act around him. Maybe if you give it time, you guys could figure things out? Did you guys comunicate (how you felt, .....)?
  5. You've got the right to know what you're getting into. It's better to know now then later on when things are more serious.
  6. We've been together for 8 months now.We're both 25.The only reason he gave me was that I was acting in a childish way lately. I didn't do anything to hurt him directly, he just takes everything I do too personnaly, I think...... So, what's wrong then?
  7. My boyfriend says he likes me but doesn't want to talk to me right now, so every time we talk, he's always being mean to me. He says that I did something to cause him to react like that, only I didn't cheat or do anything bad that I know of.... If he really liked me, or even maybe loved me, would he be doing this to me? Or is this just a sign that our relationship is dead? Please help! I don't understand him anymore!
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