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  1. i am currently in a relationship, somtimes i dont know if my gf is interested in me anymore. all i wanna know is what to look for in a girl that shows she isnt not interested anymore, ie maybe she doesnt talk or she shows no affection. anything would be great, i know this might be kinda hard to answer but any info would be appriciated. i am mainly asking the girls on this forum but guys you can throw in your advice too. also i didnt know where to put this thread, so if it needs to be moved then thats cool.
  2. hey guys, the weekend went great. she really didnt change much but we had a good time together. but tonight at work i wasnt able to call her due to a heavy work load (5 hour job), i looked at my phone to see if she called and she never did, so i wrote her 6 text messages and tried to call her 3 times. so i decided maybe she was asleep or somthing, well then i decided to call her a 4th time just to see if she would answer and she did. i asked her why she didnt call me or even write me a text message back, she said she did try to call me 3 times but my phone kept cutting to my voice mail, yet i dont have any missed calls and my phone was on the whole night. and she didnt even leave a voice mail, she said she got mad cuz she thought my phone was off yet she didnt even leave a voice mail to atleast tell me that she tried to call, does this sound fishy? her friend was also there with her at her home they where watching movies. i wasnt really talking to her on the phone cuz it sounded like she was talking to her friend, so she asked my why i wasnt talking and i told her that she could talk to me also, she said well i am watching a movie, so i am thinking to myself so a movie that you can stop, pause, rewind is more important i guess? so i told her to call me back when the movie was over. well we will see if she calls me back, a million bucks says she doesnt (sarcasm). so now i have a plan, from now on if i am doing somthing or even watching a movie when she calls i will tell her "hey i am watching a movie i will talk to you later" i wanna see how she will react. and nextime i am on the phone and my friend calls i will tell her i will call her back, i just wanna see how she will react. maybe it will piss her off and then MAYBE she wont do it to me anymore. sorry if this post seems kinda rushed but i am at work still. later
  3. well i have asked her to change, i asked her to show me affection, she said that she isnt that kind of person, so i left it alone right there thinking "ok maybe she really does love me, and she isnt the affectionate type" but then i got to thinking, that cant be right, because if someone likes the affection then they are gonna show it back. well anyway i am gonna go see here this weekend we will see if the breakup had any affect on her, if it doesnt than she doesnt care about this relationship and i will breakup with her for good.
  4. well the thing is i really really wanna try and work things out with her, how can i make her appreciate me more? tpysl just like you said she has never gave me a hug unless i give her one, she has never said i love you until after i say it. i drive 1 to 1.5 hours to see this girl and just like you i get nothing, i have sent her two, two dozen roses on 2 seperat occasions, well they really wenrt occasions but i thought it would be nice to surprise her. all i got was a thanks. no hug no kiss no nothing. is this girl sycho, should i just dump her and find someone else? this is really irritating cuz i dont wanna get rid of her. she said she has been abused in past relationships befor, could this be the reason she acts like this? well either way its been 2 weeks since i have seen her and i broke up with her within those 2 weeks, so i will decide on what i am gonna do, if i do not see any changes, then its bye bye girlfriend cuz the last thing i need is grief from her. she has obviously never heard the saying never do somthing that you wouldnt want done to yourself.
  5. hi, i am new to this forum. i have been reading this forum for a bit and sounds like there is great advice to found here. anyway to my story, i have been dating my glf for about 8 months now. between the time we first met and about our 4th month in our relationship was the best time we have had together, not until recently have i noticed changes, and now that i think of it the changes started about 3 to 4 months ago, i just never realized them till now. a few things i have noticed that have changed, 1. she shows absolutly no affection whats so ever, she used to show me a little but now its none, she wont even grab my hand if i go shopping with her. i show her affection to no end, she has said before that she likes it and doesnt want me to stop showing it, wheres the return on this? guess i dont get any affection. 2. i just realized this the other day when i finally got upset over this, but she seems to put me second before everyone else. example: i was talking to her lastnight after she got off work, 5 min later her friend calls and she put me on hold for about a min. she finally gets back to me and we start talking again, not a min later her friend calls back, this time i am on hold for about 5 min, she fianlly get back to me and tells me she will call me later. 30 min later she calls me back, i asked her what they talked about and she said they just chatted. not only does this happen when her friend calls, but everyone, now that i think of it, she wont even answer my call when she is on the other line with someone else, she just let it go to voicemail. though there was a time i called and she didnt pick up so i called again she answered yelleing at me telling me she was talking to her mom. so i said ok, call me back. she has ingnored me more than once with text messages, so one day i finally got fed up with this and told her that i wanted to break up, she got so uspet, she started yelling at me telling me to go to hell blah blah blah. well we are back together now. i juts want advice, will she change? what if she doesnt change? i do alot for this girl and i get nothing back in return, not even a simple thankyou. am i being used? i dont know i am lost please help.
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