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Everything posted by playful

  1. Ok i dont think my Boyfriend wants a serious Relationship, but Im not sure can you guys tell me some ways I could find out without asking, like how would he act and stuff?
  2. Ok, I wanna know if this is right, ok how I hooked up with my new bf, is during we were having sex we were drinking that night to so, n e ways so he asked me out during sex and It kinda seems like he wants to be with me because he always wants me to come see him and stuff and we always talk but I wanna know if the only reason do you think he asked me out was because we had sex???.......and I was only 2nd girl he ever slept and I known him for a while, and I know that he wont make me do any thing i dont wanna do
  3. I think you should talk to her, but if she thinks ur like that, then she isnt really worth ur time, cuz u shouldnt have to change for n e one and they should just like u for u, you dont wanna be w/ some one who is tryin to make u be this way and u go through the rest of ur life actin like that when it really isnt you, find out who are and if she doesnt like you for you, DONT WASTE UR TIME
  4. u should go to the doctors because i was like that kinda like I wouldnt get my period for like a month or so then when I did get it, it was like more then a week sum times, and when I went to the Doc's, and I got put on birth control and now I know when Its coming and when I end
  5. PLZ HELP.....TELL OK ME WHAT I SHOULD DO!!!...OK my ex bf has a new gf but we were still really good friend's and when I was datin him I would let him talk to her all the time but now that they are datin im not suppose to talk to him because she gets mad but we still do but he yells at me every time before she comes over and he turns into a Jerk and I still have stong feelings for him and I dont wanna like totally stop talkin to him but sometimes it feels like the right thing to do, but I hang out over at his house on the front porch with his friends too because I like one of them, and and i think he likes me cuz he always calls me over and thats the only way I can see him. So its a really hard to choose what to do....
  6. I think that you should wait a little while to see what happens, i f he really likes you he will come back to you and if not be thnakful that you got the chance to be with him, to share all the times you guys had, and that it wasnt any longer that you guys were together because it would habe hurt more
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