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Everything posted by dias

  1. You had your share of fun!!! Nice!!! I might give it a try once I am back in the UK.
  2. like a piece of meat? Meh, I don't mind, this is exactly what I would be offering anyway! Me neither. Who would look for a relationship in a sex party/swingers club in the first place?? We are talking about kinky sex not bonding. I am not surprised. I think I qualify lol Yes I do remember the members on the website were good looking (at least on the photos). This is good. We like quality!! It would be an interesting experience for sure. The only problem I have and probably that's why I haven't done it so far is I don't like seeing anyone else's junk. There is only one cockerel in a chicken coop... In what sort of places were the events held?
  3. It's not urgent, take your time lol but I do think it would be hefty for ENA, it would be censored.
  4. Fight club and the like? I certainly do not tolerate hazing.
  5. Yes this is the one, I didn't want to mention it but hey let's promote it now lol. I still receive emails from them lol Was it real or a scam?
  6. You already got your first customer๐Ÿ˜Ž I heard upscale sex parties take place in some Scottish castles and London mansions. I don't know how valid it is, I think it's kind of eyes wide shut stuff with masks and the rest. When I had time and wanted to go I didn't have money, when I had money I didn't have time lol Test me! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  7. ๐Ÿ˜‚I am ๐Ÿ˜Ž Yes!! What else did you have in mind? https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxY-XMJV8FkIzZOBN-MRGjkqjyI8PBtB0m Do tell!!!
  8. Mine too. Although, between taking shots and discussing the meaning of life there is one more activity I would like to alternate to have a GREAT party! Can't tell, it's a secret ๐Ÿคญ
  9. I spoke with a colleague from my old job (the only person I still keep contact with) and she told me that neither Jake or my manager got promoted and my manager is not held in high regard anymore like before and has argued with all the other managers. It sounds petty but it did make my day. They both deserved it. Life lesson for me, more work and bad mood for them. I do feel better now.
  10. Turning points usually have a positive outcome! Hope you are well Itsallgrand! Take care!
  11. My parents are so incompatible they are toxic. I have to hear them bashing one another all the time. It's not that they are bad people but they are extremely incompatible. The only way to console them is to agree with what they say otherwise they get angry and if I do I am in the middle trying to defend both of them, and then I am not honest myself because I don't take sides and whatnot, and then I get frustrated and tell them I am going back to the UK and I don't want to be burdened with their problems, and then my mother starts crying and crying and crying and thinks she wasn't a good mother, and ...it's a mess... No wonder I have fear of intimacy and I don't like relationships... if you were raised by parents who argued 24/7 since your were born and burdened you with all their stupids problems which simply is pure incompatibility and they shouldn't have married in the first place it makes sense.....
  12. I didn't hit the gym, I did a bit of calisthenics at the park. I did manage to do human flag the other day, just for two seconds but it still counts!
  13. Hahaha you will always be the first one babe ๐Ÿ˜˜
  14. LOL. Yes I remember. And you are the same age as my older brother (1989 right?) but his birthday is in June. Interesting coincidence.
  15. Ok 31 today! Hmm 31 sounds a lot more serious than 30. Am I an adult now? I can't have fun with my playmobil anymore lol? It was quite a year I have to say. Many unfortunate things happened, many good things happened, it was a full year, it was productive and it wasn't, I traveled a lot, I learned a few things about life (I need to be more careful when I break the rules hahahaha), about my self (there are aspects I need to become more mature) about people (during difficult times there is no helping hand, plan ahead if you think things can go awry), but in the end I would say it was quite a year! Bro is in Singapore now, he sent me some photos, seems nice, I thought it would be more glamorous from what I had heard, maybe he didn't take photos of the fancy places who knows. Anyway, the good thing is, he is in the process of getting his green card and it seems (I haven't verified this yet) I as his brother could be eligible for a green card too or at least something which could open the US door. Now, I always keep my expectations low because usually things do not turn out the way I want so I am not getting excited. For the time being, I am staying in Athens and in a year or so I am planning to return to the UK. We will see, nothing is set in stone. I may end up as a Bedouin in Sahara desert lol In the meantime I am looking for small apartments closer to work, well, mostly because I can't stand my parents intruding into my life. I want peace of mind for my thirty first year. And strippers, and sex lol. Cheers!
  16. Great stuff. You like lifting weights? 2 miles per day is decent. So it's the diet part. No you canโ€™t out-exercise a bad diet. I have tried over the years, even in periods when I exercise 5 hours per day and burn 2k calories I can still consume a lot more very easily. Healthy diet is the most important factor unfortunately. You have good genetics. Certainly if you took after your dad, you canโ€™t blame your genetics, you don't have this excuse lol
  17. Unfortunately your math is correct. It's very easy to gain weight, especially if you like food as much as me lol Thing positive, you can simply consume 96 calories less ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. You understand me! I feel the same urge from time to time. There are times I feel this very strong impulse, it subsides after several hours, but during those hours I want to sniff cocaine and have a marathon of rough sex, I really want to f*ck my life up. Good thing it passes after a few hours. I believe mostly addictive personalities have it. I have a childhood friend like this, he came by my place the other day and he said "I am having this urge right now and came by to ask if you have any drugs" lol. He is very healthy, he is not even smoking but he has an addictive personality. Then if he is lucky those days he goes out with a kinky submissive chick he matched on Tinder and releases all this energy in rough sex. It does work.
  19. I am happy things turned around for your husband and you, these are the greatest moments in life ๐Ÿ™‚ It's not about money per se, I always invested in myself and my skills so will always be able to find a decent job and have good quality of life which is no small feat I acknowledge this, however, I imagined by 30 I would have been running a multi million dollar company in NYC or something. I use money in this case to quantify success in business, as a measurement, like when you say a football player scored X times... it's a huge difference to score 50 times and score 1 time. I wanted to do something big and I am not even close.....and the worst part is, deep down I believe I have the character for this.
  20. Thank you for the positive reinforcement but there are days (or nights mostly) that it drives me crazy. I will be 31 on Sunday and nowhere near where I wanted to be in life. I can't sleep sometimes, I am fidgety, I am sad, I am disappointed, I am angry... and I shouldn't be because I have no reason to complain whatsoever. If anything I am ungrateful which makes it worse.
  21. Interesting podcast. Why I don't have any proper innovative idea myself..................? Grrr
  22. LOL are we doing a podcast here? We could make some money filming discussions about all those topics. You should be invited to Joe Rogan's podcast, you will get some views!
  23. I don't know if this is your photo but this lady is quite attractive so it can't be that. Maybe he genuinely does not have high sex drive to begin with. And it doesn't seem you argue a lot which could kill the mood. Or he might have a side chick.
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