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Everything posted by Mrs_Spoon

  1. I'm assuming that your boyfriend is around the same age that you are, but do correct me if I'm wrong! The porn thing is a phase, and it will pass given time...don't take it as a sign that you are inferior in anyway! I do feel sorry for you, you obviously care very much to make your long-distance relationship work - have you expressed how you feel to him about it? xxx
  2. No, you're not old, it would just mean you're a gentleman
  3. You are a very brave young woman, and the number of months shouldn't matter if you believe he is the one Do call him, e-mail him, even write a letter, and express yourself as fully as you want to. After your break-up, did you remain on good friendship terms? I know my impulsive, irrational moves are not usually ones that I would recommend others follow, but this person evidently means so much to you, so seize the opportunity I don't know if this just the case with girls, but sometimes we tend to be so paranoid and worried about the outcome should it not be the way in which we happily anticipated.....I think boys handle this sort of thing a little better There is one person in particular who I once met 4 years ago, and encountered again last week, and I wish I'd told him how much he still meant to me, even though all those years ago I was young, naive and silly. The man in question seems to be an integral part of your life, and if you are feeling inquisitive about the situation, and having multitudes of those 'What if?' quandaries, then it wouldn't do any harm to come clean. You sound like an absolutely amazing person, so please don't fear, you have nothing to lose, and whatever the outcome, good or bad (I am dearly hoping it is good), you'll know in your heart that you tried! And that can't be bad now, can it?
  4. Hello! Your moving away is a very important step in your life, and it sounds like you deserve a good bit of rest and some time to look after yourself! You're still very young and having your boyfriend ask you to marry him after approximately 6 weeks has come as something as a shock, on top of all the added stress of moving. Don't hesitate to keep in touch with him, but don't put pressure on yourself to fasten your relationship because of the distance. Take your time, and above all take it easy! Marriage shouldn't have to be a big agenda at this moment
  5. Hello! Thank you for the message - I'm just still very angry with the whole affair but I never felt romantically inclined towards him, which if I did, would have made things a hell of a lot worse. He isn't a bad human being, and in all honesty it is my fault, because I should have resisted more, and what I did cannot be condoned with excuses whatsoever. Thank you yet again for the helpful advice
  6. Thank you very much for cheering me up (sorry to reply a little late!) - And no, I have no boyfriend or husband or any such equivalent to answer to
  7. For the record, I don't know why I let myself do this. I've been temping in an office this summer, and on my last day I kissed my colleague who has a girlfriend/fiancee of 3 years. I'd only been there a month, and because he was training me, I spent more time with him than I imagined I would, and we got on very well. He was (and is) selfless, kind and makes fantastic company. Initially I was over the moon that I'd made a good friend and never saw this happening. He's had his fair share of life crisises and whenever I listened to him I would admire him for the way he's dealt with everything. In all fairness my feelings never extended beyond the platonic, I would never let myself be romantically inclined towards him. His girlfriend is evidently a very beautiful and special young woman, he has pictures of her round his desk area. After a while, he would joke with me, about how I was beautiful and pretty and how he'd like to kiss me, and it seemed very silly, so I laughed it off. Eventually the flirting floodgates opened and I didn't realise how wrong it was to flirt back, because I promised myself that I wouldn't take anything other than friendship. He did ask for one or two other 'favours', but I made it clear I wouldn't. He also apologised for his behaviour, and because I hate being over-sensitive, I let it go. On my last working day, we stayed late together taking phone calls, and to cut waxing lyrical over my sin, I stepped way over the boundary and kissed him....I was saying my goodbyes to him, and we were a little bit over each other, and although his hands decided to travel to other parts of my anatomy I stopped him. I don't condone cheating in any shape or form, and I really hate myself for what I've done and my head is ridden with images of his beautiful girlfriend and what a cruel person I've been. I know the old saying of 'what goes around comes around' does indeed arise in its true form, and I know one day that if I am cheated on, I will have deserved it and will bear anything that comes my way the best way as I can. I know him and I are not likely to see each other again, which I hope can be the best way forward, because although I still love him as a friend, I can't help but feel disgusted with my behaviour. Any words of wisdom would be really welcome, because I can't stop crying with shame.
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