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  1. i know how you feel, i've been there twice before..you didn't expect too much from it all thats how it normal goes for some people...but you can get away from the pain and the greif it will take alot\some time but in then end when you look back you will know what i mean.. heal yourself before anymore damage gets through trust me, i had let to much get in and i ended up in the hositpal for 3 months...let the pain go, let it leave your sight and heart.
  2. well thanks, i have done that and i am actually better now, i have gone about 3 months without him maybe more..not sure and cannt remember..well thanks for pointin it out..l8ter
  3. i dont know what to do anymore, i have tried to break-up with my boyfriend and i really found out that he was cheating on me, but then he still thinks i am goin out with him and whatnot...i have told him i just can not do it since i am out in arizona for the year and well i know u may go with ur gut feeling but how do u really know what to believe, i have been in alot of these realationships but these one is alittle different. but why should i feel so down all the time and try to forget him..but i can not..when i am not thinking about him it only last for like a couple of mins and then i worry about him and if he is really cheatin on me or is he really usein me all at the same time and i dont see it cuz i am blinded by his love..well my love for him...i dont know why i am in love with him...we had sex a couple of times before i left and now he is like i will take care of u and when i get back to my home he would take me out and buy me things like he should really treat a girl..well tell me what you think and what u think i should do about these...help me out plz....
  4. well i have been in ur shoes before but with a guy, well like the other 2 say, u know when u are in love with the person and u think all the time about her and u would want to live with her...then i think that u should tell her, but either way u should tell her so she knows...alright..u should always tell ur feelings for ur friends even if it is stupid but aleast they would know how u feel. never hind the feelings from anyone, not even from urself...
  5. well thank-you both alot..i am going to keep in touch with him...well i know i could have been my gut feelin, well everything with him has been alittle fast and crazy, so i have told him while i am out here til around christmas day we just should be friends cuz all of this is just too much on me and my feelings, along with my heart.
  6. well just be yourself and well dont be to worried about it and just let it happen...
  7. i am soo confused i dont know what to do anymore. well the story is i am out in arizona right now for school and to spend time with my mother who was sent out here for a mission from the army so i had no choose...so anyways i have this boyfriend and i dont know if i should date him anymore or if i should leave me...well since i have been up here has had no effort to call me, well i know it is long-distance but aleast on call an week would be fine, and he does not write me that nuch like he said he would, my brother who is 23 says that he heard from 2 other girls that they got out with him to and when i tell my boyfriend this he denices it and says he does not cheat and he's best friend says the same thing...well everyday now i just keep feelin that my heart is tearing apart and i feel like i want to believe him and then i dont...u know? well it might just be cuz i am out here for so long and we have only gone out for like about 1.5 months and scary thing is sort-of he asked me to marry him??..well i said yes i didnt know what else to say...but now i start to really think about it, well he is 21 years old...and we do have alot in common and we dont have any fight.. well i dont know anymore i keep gettin lost everyday just thinkin about it and everytime i try not to think about it...it turns turns worse....pplz help me firgure out what i need to do.....
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