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Everything posted by dimp62003

  1. ok my b/f of a year has brought something up to me. k well here i will start from the beginning...before i met him or before i ever started going out with him i got played so many times that its not even funny. all of my past b/f's ceated on me...and one of them would get a call say it was his mom (but it really was some other chick) and would say he had to leave cuz she needed his help and he would go have sex with some other chick and then come back to my house like 3 hours later. so i havn't been able to trust guys with anything. well my b/f is like the greatest guy ever, he's better than all of them other guys...but for some reason i just cant forget everything that has happened in the past...like if something will happen with my b/f and me sometimes it wont bother be but other times i have like flashbacks of what happened with the other guys and i start thinking well hey they did this to me is that what hes doing too? but he's all like well im getting sick of getting treated like a player when im not even one. but i cant help it sometimes...i was badly hurt for 2 straight years every guy that i met hurt me. so its just hard to think oh hey hes doing something that i've seen before happen but im just going to forget and not think anything of it. i cant do that. but he thinks that i need to get over what happened to me before...but how do i do that? and am i wrong for beginning like this?
  2. the reason that i dont like his friends is because they are jerks to me....and like ever night that like we have stuff planned they always find some way to mess it up
  3. my boyfriend and me have been going out for over a year (one whole year this month) but i feel like we aren't as close as we used to be. sometimes i feel like he would rather hang with his friends than hang with me. like last weekend his friends came over friday and saturday night and i really didnt get to upset cuz they hadn't been over for a while. but then like this last week i only got to see him 2 times and it was only for like 2 hours. so this weekend i really just wanted to spend time with just him and me and he agreed so on friday we were hanging out and he calls his friend and sits there and talks to him for like 20 minutes and i got upset and then later we were driving around and his friend calls and is like im in town come meet up with us so we did and then they came back over to his house and they finally left when i had to leave in like 15 minutes so i was pretty mad. so i go really upset and we talked and he said ok saturday just me and you. so saturday i was on my way to his house and i get half way there and he calls me and hes like well im not home im with my friends so i was like ok well what time are you going to be back and hes like idk it wont be to long and this was at 3:30 well he didnt get to my house until 6 and i had to be back home at 10 so i was very very mad. i dont like his friends and every time that he hangs out with them he acts like a totaly different person and i hate it. i just need to spend time with just me and him and i dont think that he understands that...yeah saturday he couldnt help that it took so long cuz his friend was shopping for his g/f but still. i just want to spend time with him and i dont know what to do to make it happen i dont know what he wants anymore.....any input would be wonderful thanx
  4. ok for like over a month now i have just been feeling like crap and my stomach has been bothering me...but i had my period but it was kinda light and didnt last the full time that it normaly does. I'm on birth control and we dont use condoms. but i have been really tired lately, and i feel like im going to be sick alot, and i have like a crampy feeling like im having my period sometimes. i'm just wondering if anybody thinks that i could be pregnant because i have no idea and im just freaking out right now so please if somebody could help me i would really like it thanx
  5. i know what you are saying about them not giving stuff up ....be before he met me and before we got serouis he was doing A LOT of really bad things like the worst you could think of he was prolly doing it...and as soon as he met me and we started really going out he stopped beacuse he knew that he loved me and wanted to be with me ....i just dont like it when he sits there and tells me that he will talk to me and then he will go hang out with his friends...but then he starts talking to me and 3 minutes later its time to go party
  6. k my boyfriend (of over a year) wants to go out partying now like he always has wanted to and like this summer i got more ok with it and everything like after we hung out he could go out with his friends and when i was getting to the point when i really didnt care if he went out or not, he lied to me and went out to my cuz's house and shes not the first person that anybody would want their boyfriend to be around. but the next day he told me about it and everything. but since then i really havn't let him go out out like i dont care if his lil buddies come over to his house and party but i dont want him going out. and like i dont know probably about 5 months ago or osmething he went to a party and his ex girl was there. but since all this i havnt wanted him to go out and he understood b/c he even said to me that he just wanted to see how much he could get away with. but i dont like it when he drinks b/c i have never seen him drunk and i dont know what he thinks or if he forgets anything ( like me) when he is drunk so i dont know if he does stuff with other girls or not. i dont think that he does cause im pretty sure that he wouldnt do that to me ...but its hard for me to trust guys b/c every relationship that i have been him before him i have been cheated on. but anyway am i wrong for not wanting him to go out and party all the time? And tonight he called me at like 5 and talked to me for prolly 40 minutes and then he went out to eat with his grandparents and he didnt call me back till after 8 and he said ok im going to get online and im on there waiting and he doesnt get on and then he calls me and hes like change of plans im going to go out and party. so i got really really mad b/c that just messed up to me...that he ditchs me to go out and hang out with his friends and party. am i wrong for getting mad? I just dont know what to say or think anymore so any ideas or sugjects anything would be helpful...b/c all of his friends and everybody think that im screwed up in the head .....am i?
  7. ok so i have been getting like these bladder infections all the time since this summer and i also have been getting these really bad pains on the right side of my lower stomach and then the other day i started getting them in the same place but on the left side....what is this? please help
  8. yeah shes my cuz but the thing is is that she will have sex with anything that walks and she kinda wants to "get back" at me because it was her b/f at the time that i cheated on my b/f with
  9. k so my boyfriend and me have been going out for like a 1 1/2 years and when we first started going i felt like we were more like friends and that he didnt really like me...well i was wrong and i did something very wrong, i cheated on him with his best friend...but thats all in the past and we have forgot about it all. but anyway all of my past relationships have been BAD really bad i have gone out with 2 of the biggest players around here and i got hurt because the one i really truly loved and he cheated on me i dont know how many times, every single boyfriend that i have had till now has treated me like i was nothing just somebody to be there when they needed some, and most of them cheated on me many of times behind my back. so its very hard for me to trust anybody and i still have a hard time trusting my b/f just b/c he does/did hang out with all of these guys that i have went out with. but i know myself and i get told that hes not like that hes not going to cheat but there is still the fact of the what ifs? and like he gets mad at me when i look on his phone and see who he has called and stuff well i cant help that becuase he lied to me this summer and told me that he went out to his friends house to a party but he really went out to my cuz's house and got drunk and slept in the same tent as her, yeah he told me the truth the next night at like 9. and he also gave his ex-girlfriend a ride home and after she got home sat there and talked to her for like 2 hours and he didnt tell me about that right away. and this weekend he went to a party where his ex was gonna be at and im not supposed to get mad or think anything when he does stuff like this. i dont know what to think anymore will somebody just tell me something please? thank you
  10. no he didn't ask me to go but thats a whole nother story cause my mom is like a freak and doesn't like the whole "party" thing. but its not so much that i think that hes going to cheat on me its just when im with him there is like all these girls that yell at him and stuff so then thats what i think that its like when he goes to these parties. and when drinking is involved it makes me worried cuz not everybody knows what you're doing when you are drunk off your butt so thats what makes me worried. i dont know its just i dont know what goes on at theses parties or what he acts like and thats what makes me so freaked out and he doesn't realize that, and i dont know how to make him realize that. im not sayin that i dont want him to go out and have fun with his friends but here lately thats all that he wants to do. he will hang out with me for a few hours and then just like that he has to go so he can go hang out with his buddies and then he just ignors me the rest of the night
  11. yeah i see what you're saying...its just pretty much all the guys around here when they go to a party they go to a party to find a girl. its just hard for me to trust any guy. and when all my other b/f's would go to a party thats when they would cheat.
  12. alright here's the story. i have been through a lot of crap in all my relationships which is like somewhere around 6 boyfriends...well i finally have found "the one" and hes been the most sweetest guy ever and hes treated me like gold but now all of a sudden hes been different and i cant figure out why. but i know that hes not going to cheat on me becuase hes never cheated on me (that i know of) and hes never cheated on any of his other girlfriends. we have been going out for over a year now and we are talkin about getting married and everything. but like tonight he is going to this party and there was like a BIG misscommunication and yeah we got into a fight and everything...well there is going to be girls out there and he just doesnt get why im so upset about him going out there where theres going to be drinking and girls. so i need some help on how to explain something like this to him because i dont know what to say to him about it anymore, he's a very hard person to explain things to. so any help what so ever will be wonderful. i mean am i wrong for getting upset about him going and gettin drunk where there is going to be girls at and how we are so close and everything? maybe im just jealous i dont know somebody PLEASE HELP!!!! thanx
  13. k i have been having this pain on the right side like by my pants line but kinda higher than that just all around in that area. but could this mean that im pregnant or is there something else that could be causing this?
  14. i did follow EVERYTHING just the way it said. but why would the thing turn all pink?...cuz like the one line that says that your not had a line but then the other box was all pink
  15. When i got my period last month it was 2 days late and it only lasted 3 days and normaly it last 5-6 days. and like i've been feeling sick and everything. well i took a test and it was a ept test and there was one line and in the other little box it was ALL pink like the whole thing. so i dont know what is going on for sure....can anybody tell me if i could be pregnant or not? PLEASE A.S.A.P.
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