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Everything posted by Tif007

  1. Just surfing around with this, BUT if this person owes arrearages to the mother of the children - those will be deducted and paid to her until all the arrears are paid off. However, IF the state is taking this out his check - they have to be forwarding the money to her somewhere and they can give you that information (Legally you have the right to know). I know here in New Orleans, they like you to appear at the DA's Office to obtain the info, but I would go through all sources available. If she is collecting this money and shouldn't be - you can hold the DA's office repsonsible (they are the ones that collect the money). Good Luck to you! SMILE - IT MAKES PEOPLE WONDER WHAT YOU'VE BEEN UP TOO.
  2. She wants all that because she is MATERIALISTIC!!! You have her on adultry - your Lawyer even said that. Some people it would not bother to file on that, but alot of people do. That is a part of public record and remains there for your life. As for what one reader posted by saying it was OK b/c you went into a strip club and didn't know the stripper, but it was NOT OK for her b/c she knew the guy and it was "different" - that is BS. That is a double standard! Both of you were wrong and that is that. (Although the level of contact was different, does not make it right). Try to stay strong for your girls right now, they need you and need to know that you will be there for them. I wish you the best of luck. SMILE IT MAKES PEOPLE WONDER WHAT YOU'VE BEEN UP TOO.
  3. Not sure if Kentucky is a COMMUNITY PROPERTY State, but if it is, then she is entitled to 1/2 of everything that they aquired during the marriage. ALSO, since she did not work - she probably is entitled to alimony. He will be ordered to pay child support. ALL states are really cracking down on all these dead beat dads out there...... Although the Pro-Bono project did not work out for your friend, she needs to try Legal Aid help. I would only recommend going into court by herself if both parties (her and the husband) have agreed on how everything should be split up, etc. Being married for that long - you really have alot to look at - she will be entitled to 1/2 of retirement, 401K, house, etc. (If KY is a community property state). I hope all works out for your friend - Having a pre-nunp in place before you get married ALWAYS helps!!! ( It saved my butt - I had alot more to loose than him). You never ever think that you will separate/divorce, but if you do then you are sure glad that you signed one before you got married and they are really cheap to file with the courts. Good Luck! SMILE - IT MAKES PEOPLE WONDER WHAT YOU'VE BEEN UP TOO!!
  4. My DIVORCE was FINAL yesterday!!!! (YAHOOOOOO \ ). You know when people get married they write on their car "JUST MARRIED", We'll since I am divorced, I plan on writing JUST DIVORCED on my car this weekend! Although my divorce was "drawn-out", (by him of course), LIFE does get better and things will return to normal. I guess when I left him, I had so much hate for him - it seemed to make it alitte easier for me to get through everything. FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND YOU WILL HAVE THE WORLD IN YOUR HANDS... SMILE, IT MAKES PEOPLE WONDER WHAT YOU'VE BEEN UP TOO....
  5. CONCEPTROL INSERTS. INFO BELOW: link removed link removed
  6. AHHHHHH!!!! An all to fimiliar subject for me. I have 2 children from my 1st spouse and when I remarried he immediatley filed paperwork for a reduction in child support becuase of my marriage. EVERY state is different - but because you re-marry does not automatically mean that the new spouses income is considered in the child support agreement between the 2 parties. My situation is a liitle different, I had a pre-nup signed stating that everything that me and my new spouse would aquire would be separate (Louisiana is a community property state). Every little penny counts when it comes to child support - from the lunch money you send them to school with to providing car insurance for your car to drive the kids to where they need to be, and I found this one interesting even gas for a lawnmower!! (to maintain your yard). I found that one out there but the Law says yes, anything that you have to spend to provide for your children will be included in child support. I would DEFIENTLY go through the court system and not give anyone cash. She can come back on day and get mad and say that he has never paid a dime and he will have no proof of it. ALWAYS keep a paper trail! As for her expensive taste, he can ask the court for her to prove where the child support monies are being spent. Sort of like a tally for what she is spending the child support money on. When it comes to child support, so many people have different views - some think that the ex is spending on themselves and not the children, etc..... Some think that if it is not being paid then withhold the kids...... Child support and visitation are 2 totally different things and are looked at differently in the court system (At least here in New Orleans it is). There is never really a solution to the problem, I don't ever think that both parties will be happy - If he gets a reduction she will be mad and if she gets an increase - he'll be mad. The thing to remember is, is that it is the kids who suffer when the parents can't agree on the best intrest of the children in a seperation/divorce, etc. When I was in court, one of the many, many times I've spent there on this issue I heard the Judge tell a couple that, "It is a shame that you are making me make a decision for your child and I don't even know your child. You two should be adult enough to sit down and agree on something. You both might not like what I will decide, but since you are making me make this decision I will have to do what I think is best for your child". Those words are so true, yet I know how hard it is trying to sit down with an ex to discuss the kids, visitation, money, etc.. when at the time you can't stand them. I wish your friend luck and really recommend that your friend either start paying by check or money order or even get her to sign a receipt stating that the cash payment is for child support and document the month, date, etc..... GOOD LUCK!
  7. There is nothing worse than when you are going down on your man and you get a hair in your throat! YUK!!! I loved it totally shaved - especially when the scrotum is.... It has to be kept up though, because when you are using your mouth and tongue it is not good when you feel the pricking - although it wouldn't stop me - it is just alot better shaved!
  8. I have been separated from my husband for 8 months now. I have not seen nor talked to him in these 8 months. He told me when we got married that we would never get divorced and if I tried that he would run me out of money. (that will not happen!) He was a very controlling person and me, being Mrs. Independent could not and would not accept it. (He started the controlling thing after we got married). My problem is - he is playing tons of games and I am not looking for any revenge at all. We got married and I had a pre-nup signed because I had alot to loose should we not make it. After I filed for divorce he kept "dodging" being served - he is self-employeed. I felt bad, but the only way I knew that the Sheriff could get him was to serve him coming out of church. It just so happened that it was this past Sunday that he was served (Father's Day). We did not have any children together, but he has a daughter from a previous marriage and I have 2 boys from a previous one as well. I am a really soft hearted person and really feel guilty about having him served at church, especially since he had his daughter with him. Am I am bad person for this? Like I said - we have nothing to split, no community property due to the pre-nup we signed before we got married. My Attorney is hoping that he does not even show up and it will be granted on default, but I can't help but think he will try this "catch - back" game with me. He knows that I love my job and has caused problems there before and I just want to walk away. Was it that bad that I had him served at church?????????
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