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  1. That kinda person always get a surprise when talked back to. Maybe you woke her up or will give her a rude awakening!
  2. Oh, and good luck! We're all here to support you, and I think we'd all feel damn proud if you turned him in.
  3. Anybody that needs to smack their child has a serious lack of empathy and communication skills. The child is supposed to be able to trust their parents no matter what, and hitting/slapping/spanking the child is a major breach of trust. You don't solve problems by hitting a child in face or on the bum. You need to ask yourself why the "problem" that deserved a smack came about to begin with. Maybe a little more interest in the child's emotions could solve it. Just a tad. If you smack your child or act like a neanderthal ape like that, you don't deserve to be a parent.
  4. Forget about the psychologist/psychiatrist/counselor. I think it looks like you're solving this well on your own, so don't pay much attention to that counselor, I think. The reason I say that is because they've got a different perspective on things and anybody can put up a front in there that things are fine and get written off. Psychologically it's important that you don't come out of there as the one whose cool because then she'll in her mind think things are back to normal and she can keep on bullying. I'd probably say something like "listen, I don't give a *beep* what you say in here because it changes nothing. And tell me why I should be here? She's the one with a problem. I'm not the one looking to be expelled." And sure, they'd write you down an uncooperative, but let me tell you, uncooperative is exactly what those school administrators have been, it sounds like, so what's the big deal, right. Let them sort out their own *beep* ... they schooled Jen, let them deal with her. Let her sit there and try explain why she goes after you. No need for you to be in there. As you found out the hard with the last counselor, some things you just gotta sort out yourself. When you go to a meeting like that and step out passive, the bully sees an perfect opportunity to mess with you. Let me correct one thing, you can hit back if the situation calls for it. There's no point in taking a beating. You're showing her up now using wits and intelligence. Keep it up. But know that if you'd ever be forced to hit back, it's alright. You don't become her by bullying the bully. You're not doing it to break her down. You're doing it to prevent yourself from getting hurt. I've gotten numerous injuries by waiting for someone to throw the first punch even though I knew it was going to happen. I was a real saint, I guess, and nobody ever thanked me for it. So please, do not hesitate and hit if you need to. That's better than you injuring an eye or an ear-drum or front-teeth or whatever. Things break so easily. Just elbow or punch her straight on the nose if the situation occurs. Or trip her down on the ground and keep her down. I think you can really talk this situation into taking a twist, though, so it's probably not necessary to fight. It sounds that way.
  5. Haha, that's good progress. It's hard for people to swallow getting talked back to. In high-school, somebody said something to me in the cafeteria-line. I like dropped something and he made a smart-ass remark. I got in his face and said "STFU!" and waited for his response. When he didn't have one, people just thought he was ridiculous. I think he figured he could tell me off because I wasn't wearing brand-name clothing or something then. Point of that is people talk down to people because nobody talks back to them. They're used to it and used to getting away with it. It's their way of boosting their self-esteem. You talked back, and you gotta keep doing that. And you know, about that girl, it's easy for her to wanna fight when you're already halfway in the car and people are holding her back. It's easy to act all tough like that when she knows she'll never have to put her money where her mouth is. Sounds like she's pickin on you because you're her opposite; i.e. you're doing good in school while she's got detention and so on, and you probably got a better situation at home than she does. So right there is where I'd guess her problem is. She's trying to make herself feel better by imagining you're inferior, and I do say imagining, but it's simply not true, and she's starting to see it. If you get the chance, you might wanna get her to pay attention to why she's picking on you, because she keeps on doing that in life, she'll end up pregnant and abused in a trailorpark somewhere right after high-school.
  6. That smiley above looked weird. I got the wrong icon. I was more curious-concerned like: ---- Figured out I could edit the previous message and change the smiley, although not delete this one.
  7. I learned the hard way that "friends" don't got your back when a fight breaks out. You're on your own. I think by asking others for help, you're showing her that you do care. I think what'd freak her out is you not caring about the beating but just looking forward to tormenting her afterwards. I mean, what's she gonna do, beat you every day? Eventually you'd take up self-defense classes or something and eventually it would end. I gotta ask, where are you from where girls beat up girls? And how come you get beat up, since you mentioned it happening last year? That is if there are any answers, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's just a shitty school and same with people. What's the physical height and weight difference between you two? I'm ready to start serving fighting tips and tricks unless there's anything else that'd help you out of the situation.
  8. Your bully's #1 mistake is thinking the situation will go away after you get beat. She thinks that settles it. She can make your life hell now under the pretext of beating the crap outta you unless you do what she says. What's she gonna do when she's beat you? That's the key. Tell her to just shut her mouth and beat you up, and afterwards, it's your turn to make her life hell and you won't quit. She'll be looking at police, social services, suspension, and possible fines. Do that and it'll end. You might have to take a beating once, but it's better than being bullied everyday. You just gotta not care about that part and call her bluff. If her beating means nothing to you, then you're the only one that has something to gain from the situation -- i.e. controlling the aftermath. By the way, I was a heavyweight boxer, training 5 days a week through junior high and high school, and has trained and competed in "Chinese kickboxing" (incorporates wrestling in our system) for the last decade. I'd follow my own advise above. That's because if I'd beat somebody up after a long ordeal during which the tensions/hate has had time to grow, it'd most likely escalate the situation, resulting in them going home to get weapons. If you get into a fight, bite down hard and just cover your face with the forearms. It'll be over pretty quickly if it happens.
  9. The advise I could give you is grip it the way he would grip it. I.e. if you stand behind him to assist, you'd be grabbing it the way he grabs it. That's what he's used to. My personal preference is a firm -- i.e. not hard and not gentle -- grip. And I want it high speed.
  10. Surely he must've given himself one before, right? I've shown a few girlfriends how I prefer it, so he should be able to show you. No shame in that.
  11. What can I say ... bad things happen to good people? I can relate to what you're saying (been there), and in my experience, talking to the person won't really take them down from their high. I guess he'll make his mistakes. Another thing about guys is they always want what they can't have. If you're into it enough, maybe you can distance yourself from him for a while so he gets to "miss" you and your presense. It's like what I said about the "comfort zone". You're in the comfort zone and a safe bet, so I think he gambles with this other chick (because he can afford it). We don't see what's good for us ... for real. Anyway, have fun in a good way. And I've got a question ... "expensive diesel *WHAT* " ?!
  12. As long as the hair is trimmed and nice down there. It's a bitch to have a jungle to walk through, getting hair in the throat, etc.
  13. Masturbate a few times earlier in the day so your balls get numb the moment you even think about getting an erection. That helps. Otherwise, what works for me is relaxation during the act. Not tensing up the body like you do when you come. It's also acceptable to slow down the pace during the love-making and almost come to a halt. What I found lessens the sensation for me also is to make small movements in and out so it doesn't really stimulate the head. Just the root. If push comes to shove, just think of your sister or mother and you're guaranteed some work ahead of you before the orgasm.
  14. Sounds like you've got no problems to me.
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