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Miserable and depressed


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Let me start by saying I have no problem with my boyfriend playing video games... to a certain extent. Once he reaches 6 hours straight I start to get annoyed. But anyway, I go to college 5 days a week. I am gone from 8 am to 6 pm. 10 hours. My boyfriend does not work. He is home ALL DAY. And everyday I come home and there he is sitting on the xbox. We have a 1 year old. He's a decent dad, I guess. But after being gone for 10 hours a day, I want to come home and spend some time together. Today was the last straw. I asked him at 10 pm to get off so we could spend some time together before I went to bed. I didnt care if he got back on afterwards. He said "okay 10 minutes" an hour goes by, he's still on. Another hour goes by and Im pretty ticked off. Then I realize he is not only playing with another female (which I have no problem with) but giving her some extra attention and giving her compliments. Now why wouldnt I be upset that he can pay attention to someone he has never met before, but can not get off for an HOUR to spend time with me? I literally feel like the sidechick and the xbox is the main chick. Its been a year with promised change but only worse results. Is it time to just part ways? Will there ever be a change? Does one stay in a relationship where they feel inferior and worthless compared to a box of virtual characters? Please help.

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Well, you wouldn't be the first girlfriend to take a hammer to an Xbox, but I think the greater problem is that your boyfriend is unemployed. He has a child and a girlfriend and he should get off his ass and get a job, any job. There are jobs out there. He needs to grow up, be a man, and support his family.


You need to talk with him. You need to get him to start looking for a job. You need to make an agreement that he's going to spend time with you and your child from 6 pm - 10 pm. And then he can play the Xbox at night after you've gone to sleep or when you're not around. And he has to cut out flirting with females playing games. I don't know your living situation, but you should tell him to clean up his act or kick him out and told it's over.

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Hi. I would tell you to part ways but you have a 1 year old kid. In your situation, I would say try to work it out. You have to sound pretty serious about it. And be honest, show him you don't like him flirting even if it is on a videogame - especially if that is time he should be spending with you or his kid.


As it was said above, he should get a job first. You do not need a parasite, unless he is rich and / or plans to get back to work soon. Maybe you should leave one time to see his reaction, to show him you are pretty serious. I remember at college I had a gf I was not too much into and she would come and I would play video games. It was my way of saying I don't care. Sorry if this sounds harsh but it might help you see things from a more realistic perspective. Good luck.

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Who supports you, him and your child? It's unclear why you tolerate this. It seems you enable him by buying him all this, letting him sit on his rear all day playing games, etc. So you don't want him to change because you are creating these terms. If you wanted change you would throw him out and petition for child support and have a decent person watching your child, not someone ignoring your child all day playing video games. You need to decide whether you love your child and it's well being or want to enable this bozo, just to hang onto a "man".

My boyfriend does not work. We have a 1 year old.
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If you want any kind of decent life I would definetely get rid of either the Xbox, and tell your bf to get a job and help with the baby...or get rid of the bf and definetely get more support with your baby. It will either make your bf wake up and grow up...or it won't but either way, you can't raise an infant AND a grown a$$ man...

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You are in school, the guy doesn't work and you have a child together.....who is paying your bills?


Other than that, since he doesn't have a job, doesn't really have any purpose, isn't going to school, etc. - yeah, what else is he going to if not play games all day long? Plus, they are addictive and designed to be so, plus they create this false sense of achievement and reward, plus they create an illusion of a social life and friends.... It's actually pretty bad.


Since you have a child together, probably time to read him the riot act and start enforcing it. He needs to get out, he needs to get a real life, he needs to get a job and find real life purpose....or he needs to take his xbox and get out of your life. Mean it and actually do kick him out if he doesn't start living like a functional adult. You might have to do it for him to finally wake up.

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It's been a year later?!! Open your mouth girl and set him straight! You don't sit back and let him do whatever and hope he changes. You give him deadlines like he has til tomorrow to have a resume done. He has two days to send out 10 resumes. He better have at least one job interview within a week....he has til the end of the month to get a job or out to the curb he goes. The xbox is unplugged when you are at home. I would put in the trunk of the car and lock it up. The laundry is be done, the house scrubbed clean and dinner on the table when you get home. If not he can go bubbye.

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