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I have been in a long distance relationship for about 9 months. We are set to meet in June. Granted we pretty much started our relationship on lies and had massive trust issues to begin with prior to dating. We are both inherently distrusting and jaded. We both lied about our names and real life situations and living situation and I lied about my age (I 'm younger than I told him)


We had a lot of lies and betrayed and lied to each other a lot of times but we spend 24/7 on skype literally even when we're outside. I will be honest and say I almost had sex with another guy and talked to him on the low and have done regretable things, all of which has surfaced. He's been bad things to me but never cheated on me . He has a really bad temper and insults and yells at me daily calling me a , , , trash bag, etc. He does not allow me to leave my house even to go to the pool to get sun and I spent my entire spring break at home. Im not allowed to have friends or speak to anyone other than family. I am also no longer allowed to play video games that are "social" or require voice chat. He plays a game for over 1000 hours and I do nothing but sit and watch netflix which makes me bored and depressed. I've told him about this and he refuses to change. He's extremely jealous controlling and possessive.


I'm no saint tho. I'm very controlling jealous and possessive. I don't allow him to talk to females and expected him to stop speaking to his real life brother because he is a bad influence a drug addict and a gambler. I would probably be ok if he spoke to guys and we made friends TOGETHER as a couple but only recently since I'm so bored. Other than that I really don't allow him to be social or speak to anyone. I'm really similar to him tho I don't insult him unless he cusses me out first. I'm argumentative and we break up and fight almost every single day.We have gotten rid of every single friend we both have, real life and online. I love him so much and when he wants to be , he's a lotof fun. We're so similar and alike and we really do love each other because we havent been able to stay away.




We're both shady and I've lied alot, so has he. But my question is, recently I lied about buying some acid/shrooms and he found out. Now he's questioning everything and wants me to open my first ever original e-mail that I used with my rl ex boyfriend of almost 5 years. I have suscriptions and e-mails from sites I don't want him knowing about that I'm not proud of as well as lot of intimate and private things in it I'm just not comfortable him seeing. I haven't been on the e-mail in MONTHS and he won't let me open it unless I'm screenshared and I haven't opened it in months so I don't know what he might see. If I dont show him the e-mail he said we are done for good


is this normal/acceptable? Or is he asking for too much and invading my privacy from a past life/relationship just because he thinks I'm lying and being shady? Demanding for unrealistic things? thanks

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None of this is normal/acceptable. You're in a long distance abusive relationship.


Please get help/therapy. I mean this in the kindest possible way. You aren't going to be able to fix this on your own. I'd recommend cutting him off entirely, but I don't expect you to listen or even to be able to do that successfully if you wanted to. There is just too much emotion/toxicity/dysfunction keeping you together.


At the very least, DO NOT let him see that email account. You don't want to be giving that kind of ammunition to someone who is as much your enemy as your lover.

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- This seems a very toxic relationship for both of you

- He seems crazy, abusive and dangerous

- Why do you let a guy who you don't know in person to control you or tell you what to do? I wouldn't accept it from a non online boyfriend, so I certainly wouldn't accept it from an online person

- Why do you invest so much in something online without getting to know the real person? Even if it was just online you both created fake personas to start with and how do you know what's real and what's not?

- I'd tell him to eff off, delete him, block him and never let someone control me again, especially someone I don't know in person

- Next time invest in someone local who you meet in person, no lies and no toxic abusive behaviours from neither of you.

- Also try to understand (through therapy or just through some soul searching) why did you keep up with this for so long, why did you invest so much in something like this, why do you let an online guy (or any guy) to control your life and tell you what to do and why do you have doubts if this is normal/acceptable. Also you might need help to heal from this because this can leave some emotional scars in you.


To answer your question directly: no it's not normal nor acceptable and a huge sign that this is extremely unhealthy. This is an abusive relationship.

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