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  1. " I do really want to try again and make it work." So tell her that. However, also tell her that you respect her wishes for distance and suggest that you spend some time, three or four weeks, possibly more, to see what feelings you still have for each other - if any. More clarity may then emerge.
  2. Having read this story I simply think the OP over-invested himself in this woman, probably with good intentions born out of genuine affection for her. We all want to be loved; we all get all giddy when we get that flush of love from the new partner. I've been in this situation myself as have a lot of us. But is is also a salutary lesson in the importance of keeping your emotions in-check and not getting carried away too quickly.
  3. If she was interested in you she'd tell you. If she's strong enough to break up with you, rest assured, she'll be strong enough to reach out if she wanted to and make her interest known. Women are generally much emotionally stronger than men in this regard of relationships and get straight down to the point whereas men tend to go around the houses "feeling her out". Don't. On no account must you contact her ever again. If she gets into contact with you ask her for a date. If she says no, get off the phone and block her immediately. She should be blocked anyway so that if she was interested in you it would take more than five seconds reaching for her phone to get a hold of you. Do not engage in small talk BS with someone who dumped you.
  4. It hurts to be told this. It happened to me after a nine year relationship were I was told the same out of the blue and left me heart broken. There is one piece of advice I can give you. Do not contact her ever again, for any reason, ever. Not holidays, birthdays or anything else. If she has fallen out of love with you she is the one that needs to miss you enough to contact you. That may or may not happen. In my experience it does happen but not for a long time; months or years, by which time you'll have moved on with your life. Start to work on yourself, your fitness, sports, languages, musical instruments etc. I challenge you to learn Spanish and French and learn to play guitar. These will help you establish an identity outside of her and the relationship. There is a great future for you without her, believe me.
  5. You are reading way too much into this. Block and delete her. If she has any interest in you at all she will find another way to contact you. We look back at the past with rose-tints on and recall the good bits, good times, sex etc. Never the bad. Move forward is my counsel to anyone hankering after an ex.
  6. I used to be very like this. A "nice" guy. I always thought people would like "nice" people. In a way they do, but they abuse their time and pleasing nature too in all walks of life, including relationships. Sounds to me that you may overly invest in others to please them possibly. No one owes you any favors. You need put yourself first more often. Others will appreciate you more and value your time that way. By giving yourself away cheaply no one will ever appreciate you. I can tell you that from experience.
  7. When you break a glass, it is impossible to put it back together the way it was before it was broken. The same goes with relationships, as hard as it might be to accept that fact. The cracks reappear. It is never quite the same afterwards, the trust and identity of being together making it through anything together has gone. Been there and got the T-shirt as many others have. You should improve yourself for you and to make you more attractive for the next person that comes along in your life - and they will.
  8. You need to stop any further contact with this man. 100% NC of any type or you will be in agony for months. Letters - like you sent to - are nearly always a disaster and make things worse, not better. If he texts you again ignore it. The only possible text you should respond to if you still want hm in your life is something that clearly conveys an apology and him clearly stating he wants to get back together with you. You can then explore this if you want to. You should not reply to ANY other messages. And yes, "I miss you", "I love you", "I want you", "Sorry we had to end".... All this is BS. The only thing you should respond to is a clear message of reconciliation. NOTHING else. You should think of yourself as a catch and you want a man who feels you are too You need to disappear from his life 100% and put it behind you and chalk it up to experience. If he comes back then reevaluate then and share with us on this forum for advice. I know how hard it is, I am doing this myself and I am 14 weeks into NC since my ex text dumped me. It hurts. It still does. I miss her terribly.
  9. NEVER look at her social media. It is one of the Golden Rules of No Contact! Why torture yourself? Always be aware people tend to post smiley, happy posts on social media to look good in front of their friends. Do not for a second think that what someone says on FB reflects their genuine authentic self.
  10. An inspiring post Obsessive. So pleased for you and your SO. Thanks for sharing.
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