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  1. Ditto. Unless it's an emergency, you don't merely cancel plans last minute It's very disrespectful.
  2. This wasn't very direct, so no wonder she replied with maybe. Direct would be: "We should go out again sometime. How about next Saturday?" Or "I'd like to go out with you again. How about I contact you during the week to set something up." She doesn't seem to be friend zoning you. Most likely, just mirroring your level of interest. Also, not all relationships start with a bang. Some are built with time, by getting to know the other person slowly but steadily. It's all about moving forward/progressing. Oh, as someone who used to be the queen of overthinking... don't. It's your greatest enemy.
  3. Looking presentable, I strongly believe, is something you do every day. Every day you show up at work, you dress appropriately for work. Not just on that first interview. Why? Because work matters to you. Why not be like that in your own personal life? Don't we matter? Does it mean that jeans and t-shirts are out? Or that we have to wear make-up every day? Of course not. Dress according to the occasion, and whatever you wear make sure clothes fit you, are clean, and you smell nice. Be yourself, but aim to be the best version of yourself!
  4. It's important to look presentable. Especially when going on a date. I mean, would you dress badly for a job interview? No, you wouldn't. You would wear clean clothes that suit you well. You would make an effort. Guys that don't make an effort are definitely not my type. I don't dress to the nines, but whenever I'm out and about I make sure I look presentable: clean clothes that fit me and are in good condition. When you look good, you feel good for sure. Plus, it's about making an effort which showcases to your date that you take care of yourself. Pretty sexy in my opinion.
  5. If this guy is into you, and was honestly just busy, you'll know over time. Meanwhile, so glad to hear you gave this a shot! πŸ™‚
  6. Woohoo! Congrats, Captain! πŸŽ‰
  7. I'm stumped! Is he an influencer? If he were one or worked in that sort of field, then he may have wanted to pursue someone who's like-minded. Still, just what the?!
  8. She isn't being straightforward with you. As suggested above, unless she wants to get back together with you she shouldn't contact you you.
  9. Devastating! Stay safe y'all. Thinking of you xx
  10. Red flag. You could argue that living with someone's family is financially wise as getting a property or renting is getting more expensive. BUT It's one thing to earn very little and therefore not being able to save. It's quite another to have a well paying job and carelessly spend money consistently. Yes, it's his money so he has the right to do that. Bottom line: If his attitude towards finances doesn't mesh with yours, you might want to reconsider the relationship.
  11. My friend is an overly chatty person, like she really needs to talk. She usually has something to gab about. Reality is, I sense that long silences seem awkward/uncomfortable to her thus she feels the need to express herself continuously. Whereas I love some quiet every now and then. I find that enjoying each other's company in silence sometimes is very beautiful. She's got ADHD so I must learn to cope with who she is.
  12. That he's got great taste in music! 😁 Romance is in the air? To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die [...] To die by your side Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine *swoon* He seems interested. Ask him to meet up for ice cream or something. See how that turns out.
  13. Sorry for your loss, Kwothe.
  14. Glad you're giving him a shot. Whilst I believe intellectual compatibility is highly important, it's best not to judge a guy due to his texting abilities. A lousy text conversationalist could be quite the thrilling enthusiast when you personally meet him. Have a great time on your date!
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