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  • Willard Marsh
    Willard Marsh

    10 Ways to Deal With Sneaky People (& Stay Sane)

    Key Takeaways:

    • Identify signs of sneaky behavior
    • Trust your instincts around people
    • Establish and maintain clear boundaries
    • Communicate openly and assertively
    • Focus on personal well-being

    Navigating the Shadowy World of Sneaky People

    Encountering sneaky people in our lives or workplaces is an inevitable part of our social existence. These individuals, often characterized by their deceitful and covert actions, can pose significant challenges to our mental and emotional well-being. This article aims to shed light on the dark corridors navigated when dealing with such characters. Understanding their behaviors, motivations, and the impact they have on us is the first step towards developing effective strategies for handling them, ensuring our personal growth and safeguarding our peace of mind.

    The ability to identify sneaky behavior is not just about spotting lies or deceit; it's about recognizing the subtle signs of manipulation and indirect aggression. These individuals often excel in creating an aura of trust and normalcy while secretly undermining those around them. The complexity of their actions lies in their covert nature, making it difficult for their targets to understand the full extent of the manipulation until it's potentially too late.

    Our interactions with sneaky people can leave us feeling confused, betrayed, and emotionally drained. The uncertainty and mistrust they sow can lead to significant stress, affecting our personal relationships, professional environment, and overall mental health. It's a challenging dynamic that requires not just awareness but also resilience and strategic thinking to navigate successfully.

    This guide is crafted to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to deal with sneaky people effectively. By exploring the nuances of their behavior, we aim to equip you with the strategies to protect yourself, maintain your integrity, and ensure your well-being in the face of covert manipulation and deceit.

    In the following sections, we delve deeper into understanding sneaky behavior, its impact on individuals and groups, and specific, actionable steps you can take to safeguard your interests and maintain a positive and healthy environment, both personally and professionally.

    Understanding the Impact of Sneaky Behavior

    Sneaky behavior can have far-reaching effects on individuals and the environments they inhabit. At its core, it undermines trust, a fundamental component of healthy relationships and functional teams. The damage inflicted by sneaky actions often extends beyond the immediate victim, affecting the morale and cohesion of entire groups. Recognizing the broader impact of such behavior is crucial in addressing and mitigating its effects.

    On a personal level, dealing with sneaky people can lead to increased anxiety, stress, and a sense of betrayal. These feelings can stem from the constant vigilance required to interact with someone whose motives are not transparent or are hidden behind a facade of friendliness or professionalism. The psychological toll of such interactions can be significant, affecting one's self-esteem and trust in others.

    In the workplace, sneaky behavior can disrupt team dynamics, hinder collaboration, and create a toxic culture of suspicion and paranoia. The hidden agendas and manipulative tactics used by sneaky individuals can sabotage projects, derail careers, and negatively impact the organization's overall performance and reputation.

    Addressing sneaky behavior requires a multifaceted approach that involves individual resilience, effective communication, and a supportive community or organizational culture. By fostering an environment of openness, accountability, and mutual respect, we can counteract the negative effects of sneaky behavior and promote a more trustworthy and constructive social and professional landscape.

    As we explore the strategies to deal with sneaky individuals, it's important to remember that our goal is not only to protect ourselves but also to contribute to creating an atmosphere where honesty, transparency, and integrity are valued and rewarded. Through awareness, action, and collective effort, we can navigate the shadowy world of sneaky people and emerge stronger, more connected, and with our sense of trust intact.

    1. Recognize the Signs

    masks and shadows

    Understanding and identifying the characteristics of sneaky behavior is fundamental in protecting ourselves from its harmful effects. Sneaky people often exhibit specific patterns that, once recognized, can serve as red flags. These signs include inconsistency in their stories, reluctance to share information openly, and a tendency to spread rumors or engage in gossip. Recognizing these signs early on can be crucial in preventing the negative impact of their actions.

    One of the most telling signs is a discrepancy between an individual's words and actions. Sneaky people may promise one thing and do another, displaying a clear lack of integrity and reliability. This behavior not only confuses their targets but also serves to create an environment where trust is continuously eroded.

    Another sign to watch for is their reaction to being confronted with questions or accountability. Sneaky individuals often resort to deflecting, denying, or even lying when their actions are questioned. They might also try to shift blame or manipulate the situation to make themselves appear as the victim, further obscuring their true intentions.

    Additionally, these individuals have a knack for creating and thriving in situations of ambiguity. They may avoid giving straight answers or commit to specifics, making it hard for others to pin down their positions or intentions. This vagueness serves as a tool for them to maintain control and keep others off balance.

    Furthermore, sneaky people often seek to form secretive alliances, engaging in private conversations, or sharing confidential information inappropriately. These alliances can be used to manipulate group dynamics and turn people against one another, furthering their own agendas under the guise of camaraderie or shared interests.

    The ability to recognize these signs is a powerful tool in our arsenal against sneaky behavior. Armed with this knowledge, we can take proactive steps to safeguard ourselves and our communities from their destructive influence.

    2. Trust Your Instincts

    One of the most valuable yet often overlooked defenses against sneaky people is our own intuition. Our gut feelings or instincts about someone's behavior can serve as an early warning system, alerting us to potential deceit or manipulation. Trusting these instincts is not about jumping to conclusions without evidence but rather acknowledging our emotional responses and considering them as valid data in our assessment of situations and people.

    It's important to differentiate between irrational fear or prejudice and a genuine intuitive sense that something isn't right. This differentiation requires self-awareness and honesty with oneself about the reasons behind our feelings. When our instincts signal us about someone's sneaky behavior, it's often based on subtle cues and patterns we've observed, even if we're not consciously aware of them.

    Acting on our instincts doesn't necessarily mean confronting the individual directly. Instead, it can involve taking a step back, observing their behavior more closely, and seeking additional information or perspectives. This careful approach allows us to validate our instincts without prematurely escalating the situation.

    Furthermore, trusting our instincts empowers us to set boundaries and protect ourselves. It can lead to making decisions that prioritize our safety and well-being, such as distancing ourselves from the individual in question or limiting their access to personal information and areas of our lives where they could do harm.

    Developing trust in our instincts also involves cultivating a supportive network of friends or colleagues who can offer objective perspectives. Sharing our concerns and observations can not only validate our feelings but also provide a collective insight that might be more difficult to ignore or dismiss.

    In the realm of sneaky behavior, our instincts are an invaluable guide. By honing and trusting these inner signals, we enhance our ability to navigate complex social landscapes, protect our interests, and maintain our integrity in the face of deceit and manipulation.

    3. Set Clear Boundaries

    setting boundaries

    Setting clear boundaries is a crucial step in dealing with sneaky people. Boundaries help define what we are comfortable with and how we expect to be treated by others. When dealing with individuals known for their sneaky behavior, establishing these boundaries becomes even more essential, as it sends a clear message about what is acceptable and what is not. This act of boundary-setting is not just about protecting our space and peace of mind; it's also about asserting our self-respect and letting others know that manipulative behaviors are not tolerated.

    Clear boundaries can include specifying acceptable forms of communication, how much personal information is shared, and the kinds of behaviors that are not welcome. For instance, making it known that gossiping, backbiting, or sharing confidential information without consent is not acceptable in your interactions can deter sneaky behavior. These boundaries, when communicated effectively, act as a deterrent to those who thrive in ambiguous or unspoken social contracts.

    Enforcing these boundaries is as important as setting them. This involves being vigilant and consistent in calling out behavior that crosses these lines. It may require uncomfortable conversations or decisions, such as limiting contact with the individual or reporting their behavior in professional settings. However, the long-term benefits of maintaining a healthy and respectful environment far outweigh the discomfort of these actions.

    Setting and enforcing boundaries is not an act of aggression or rudeness. It is a necessary measure for personal well-being and the creation of positive, respectful relationships. By being clear about our limits, we teach others how to treat us and what we value, fostering relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

    Moreover, the process of setting boundaries encourages self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our own values and priorities. It is an empowering exercise that not only protects us from the negative impact of sneaky behavior but also contributes to our personal growth and emotional resilience.

    4. Communicate Assertively

    Assertive communication is a powerful tool in dealing with sneaky people. It involves expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a clear, honest, and respectful manner. This approach stands in contrast to passive or aggressive communication, where messages can be easily misconstrued or lead to conflict. Assertive communication conveys confidence and self-respect, signaling to others that manipulative or deceitful behaviors will not go unchallenged.

    The first step in assertive communication is knowing what you want to say. This clarity comes from understanding your own feelings and needs in the situation. Once clear, expressing these thoughts directly to the sneaky individual, without aggression but with firmness, can help address the behavior head-on. For example, if someone is spreading rumors, directly stating that you are aware of this behavior and asking for it to stop can be more effective than indirect hints or silent disapproval.

    Assertive communication also involves active listening and empathy. This means genuinely trying to understand the other person's perspective, even if you disagree with it. This approach can defuse potential defensiveness and open the door to more honest and constructive conversations. It shows that while you stand firm in your boundaries, you are also open to understanding and resolving underlying issues.

    Non-verbal cues play a significant role in assertive communication. Maintaining eye contact, adopting an open yet firm posture, and using a calm and steady tone of voice can reinforce the sincerity and seriousness of your message. These non-verbal signals support your words, making the communication more impactful.

    Lastly, practicing assertive communication can be a journey, especially for those accustomed to more passive or indirect styles of interaction. It may require stepping out of your comfort zone and facing fears of conflict or rejection. However, the rewards in terms of personal integrity, improved relationships, and the ability to stand up against sneaky behavior are immeasurable. Through practice, assertive communication becomes not just a strategy for dealing with difficult people but a fundamental aspect of how you interact with the world around you.

    5. Seek Support

    In confronting the challenges posed by sneaky people, one of the most effective strategies is to seek support. This can come from friends, family, colleagues, or professionals who understand the situation and can offer advice, empathy, and encouragement. Navigating the murky waters of deceit and manipulation can be draining, both emotionally and mentally. Having a support system in place provides a much-needed safety net.

    Support networks offer more than just a shoulder to lean on; they can provide different perspectives on the situation that you might not have considered. This diversity of viewpoints can be invaluable in understanding the behavior of sneaky people and formulating strategies to deal with them. Moreover, sharing your experiences with others who might have faced similar situations can be incredibly reassuring and validating.

    In professional contexts, seeking support may involve approaching HR departments or trusted mentors. These resources are often equipped with the tools and knowledge to handle situations involving sneaky behavior effectively. They can provide guidance on how to navigate the organizational structures and policies designed to protect employees from such behavior.

    Support groups, both in-person and online, can also be beneficial. These forums offer anonymity and a judgment-free zone to share experiences and strategies with others facing similar challenges. The collective wisdom of a group that has dealt with sneaky people can be a powerful resource in developing coping mechanisms and action plans.

    It's important to remember that seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a smart strategy in dealing with complex interpersonal issues. The act of reaching out for help can empower you to take decisive actions and reinforce your resilience against the negative impacts of sneaky behavior.

    Finally, professional counseling or therapy may be necessary for some cases, especially if the sneaky behavior has caused significant emotional distress. Mental health professionals can provide the tools to process these experiences healthily and develop strategies to safeguard your emotional well-being in the future.

    6. Document Everything

    When dealing with sneaky behavior, especially in professional settings, documenting every interaction, agreement, or incident can provide a critical safety net. This practice creates a factual basis for any claims you might need to make about the individual's behavior. It can be instrumental in cases where the behavior escalates or if there's a need to involve higher authorities or legal action.

    Documentation should be as detailed and time-stamped as possible, including dates, times, locations, and the names of any witnesses. This level of detail adds credibility and weight to your records, making them more useful in formal proceedings. It's also important to keep this documentation in a secure and private location, accessible only to you or trusted individuals.

    Emails, text messages, and other forms of written communication are particularly valuable as they provide a direct record of interactions. However, in situations where verbal agreements or conversations are involved, follow up with an email summarizing the key points discussed, and send a copy to yourself and the other party when appropriate. This not only provides a paper trail but also clarifies any misunderstandings in real-time.

    In addition to documenting negative interactions, it's wise to keep a record of any positive outcomes or resolutions. This can include instances where the sneaky person's behavior was addressed and corrected, or any steps taken by superiors or the organization to remedy the situation. Such records can be useful in tracking progress and ensuring accountability over time.

    Lastly, while documentation is crucial, it's equally important to use this information responsibly. Sharing documented information should be done judiciously and through the proper channels to avoid escalating the situation or violating privacy laws. In many cases, the mere knowledge that documentation exists can deter further sneaky behavior, as it signals that their actions are being monitored and will not be tolerated.

    7. Limit Information Sharing

    In dealings with sneaky people, it becomes essential to limit the information you share. This is not about being secretive or distrustful in all your relationships, but rather about being discerning with whom and what you share, especially in environments where sneaky behavior has been identified. Information, in the hands of a sneaky individual, can be manipulated or used against you, often in ways you might not anticipate.

    Start by evaluating the necessity and relevance of the information before sharing it. Ask yourself whether the person needs to know this information for the task or conversation at hand. If the answer is no, it's wise to keep it to yourself. This practice of selective sharing helps protect your personal and professional boundaries, reducing vulnerabilities.

    It's also beneficial to observe how information is treated within your environment. If you notice patterns of gossip, breaches of confidentiality, or manipulative use of information, these are clear indicators to be more guarded with what you share. Building awareness of how information flows and is used can guide you in making smarter decisions about sharing.

    Furthermore, in professional settings, consider formalizing what information is shared and with whom through written policies or agreements. This creates a clear framework for information sharing that can protect both you and the organization from the consequences of sneaky behavior.

    Last but not least, foster a culture of respect and transparency in your personal and professional circles. Encouraging open communication and mutual respect can reduce the effectiveness of sneaky behavior and build a more trustworthy environment. While it's important to limit information sharing with those who have proven themselves untrustworthy, maintaining a baseline of open, respectful communication with others can strengthen your relationships and support network.

    8. Practice Emotional Detachment

    Dealing with sneaky people often involves navigating a rollercoaster of emotions, from frustration and anger to betrayal and disappointment. Practicing emotional detachment is a strategy to protect your mental health by not allowing these emotions to dictate your actions or consume your peace of mind. This doesn't mean becoming indifferent or uncaring but rather learning to manage your emotional investment in situations involving sneaky behavior.

    Begin by acknowledging your emotions without letting them control you. Recognize when feelings of anger or betrayal are rising and consciously decide not to let these emotions drive your reactions. This can involve taking a step back from the situation, allowing yourself time to process these emotions without immediate action.

    One effective method for practicing emotional detachment is through mindfulness and meditation. These practices can help you observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment, gaining a clearer perspective and reducing the emotional grip of challenging situations. Mindfulness teaches us to respond rather than react, providing a valuable tool in managing interactions with sneaky individuals.

    It's also helpful to focus on your values and long-term goals. Remind yourself of what truly matters and where you want to direct your energy. This perspective can make it easier to let go of minor conflicts or manipulations, choosing instead to focus on actions and thoughts that align with your broader objectives.

    Lastly, seek to cultivate empathy for the sneaky individual, recognizing that their behavior often stems from their own insecurities or unmet needs. While this doesn't excuse their actions, understanding the root causes can make it easier to detach emotionally. It allows you to see their behavior as a reflection of their issues rather than taking it as a personal attack, further enabling you to maintain your composure and well-being in the face of sneaky behavior.

    9. Stay Professional

    In the face of sneaky behavior, especially in the workplace, maintaining professionalism is paramount. This stance not only protects your reputation but also positions you as a person of integrity amidst challenging dynamics. Staying professional means responding to sneaky behavior not with retaliation or similar tactics, but with calmness, clarity, and adherence to organizational protocols and ethics.

    One aspect of staying professional is keeping communications clear, documented, and within the appropriate channels. Whether you're addressing a concern or responding to underhanded tactics, ensuring that your communication is transparent and accountable can safeguard against misunderstandings and provide a clear record of your actions and intentions.

    Another key component is focusing on your responsibilities and commitments. By concentrating on delivering your best work, you not only minimize the distraction caused by sneaky behavior but also demonstrate your value and commitment to your role. Excellence in your work serves as a counterbalance to the negativity, undermining the impact of sneaky individuals.

    Staying professional also involves seeking constructive solutions to conflicts. Instead of engaging in gossip or disputes, look for ways to address issues directly and constructively. Propose meetings with mediators or supervisors if necessary, and approach these discussions with the goal of finding a resolution that benefits all parties involved.

    Lastly, uphold the values and standards of your profession. This might mean adhering to ethical guidelines, treating all colleagues with respect, and contributing to a positive work environment. By embodying these principles, you not only protect yourself from the fallout of sneaky behavior but also contribute to creating a culture where such behavior is less likely to thrive.

    10. Focus on Your Well-being

    Facing sneaky behavior can be exhausting and disheartening. Therefore, focusing on your well-being is crucial, allowing you to maintain your resilience and perspective. This involves both physical self-care, such as adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise, and emotional self-care, including setting aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

    Recognizing the signs of stress and burnout early on is essential in taking proactive steps to address them. If interactions with sneaky individuals are impacting your mental health, it's important to acknowledge this and seek ways to mitigate these effects, whether through talking to a therapist, practicing stress-reduction techniques, or making necessary changes in your environment.

    Developing hobbies and interests outside of the context in which you encounter sneaky behavior can also provide a healthy escape and a reminder of the broader aspects of your life. Engaging in these activities can recharge your batteries and give you a fresh perspective when you return to challenging situations.

    Strengthening your support network is another key aspect of focusing on well-being. Surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people who understand and support you can make a significant difference in how you navigate difficult circumstances. These relationships provide a foundation of stability and reassurance, reminding you of your worth and resilience.

    Additionally, setting goals and celebrating achievements, no matter how small, can boost your morale and motivation. Achievements act as tangible reminders of your capabilities and progress, counteracting any negative impact sneaky behavior might have on your self-esteem.

    Lastly, consider professional development and self-improvement activities not only as career investments but also as personal growth opportunities. Learning new skills, attending workshops, or taking on new challenges can all contribute to a stronger, more confident you, less affected by the negativity of others.

    Strategies for Prevention

    Preventing sneaky behavior from taking root in the first place is far more effective than addressing it after the fact. This proactive approach involves creating environments where transparency, honesty, and integrity are valued and rewarded. One key strategy is fostering open communication. Encouraging team members or family to share thoughts, concerns, and ideas openly can reduce the need for sneaky behavior to emerge. It creates a culture where issues are addressed directly and constructively.

    Implementing clear policies and guidelines about acceptable behavior and the consequences of manipulative actions is another crucial prevention strategy. These guidelines should be communicated clearly to everyone in the organization or household, establishing a common understanding of expected behaviors and the ramifications of not adhering to these expectations.

    Training and workshops on communication, ethics, and conflict resolution can equip individuals with the skills they need to interact positively and effectively. These educational opportunities can help prevent sneaky behavior by providing alternatives to manipulation and deceit as ways of achieving goals or resolving issues.

    Building trust among team members or family is essential. This involves not only promoting honesty but also demonstrating it through actions. Leaders and parents can set an example by being transparent about decisions, acknowledging mistakes, and showing appreciation for open and honest communication.

    Creating opportunities for positive engagement and teamwork can also deter sneaky behavior. When people feel valued, included, and part of a team, they are less likely to engage in behavior that could harm others or the group's cohesion. Celebrating successes, recognizing contributions, and facilitating team-building activities can all contribute to a positive and inclusive environment.

    Lastly, regular feedback and check-ins can help identify potential issues before they escalate. Providing a safe space for individuals to express concerns or report sneaky behavior without fear of retribution is critical. This ongoing dialogue ensures that problems are addressed promptly and that the culture remains one of openness and mutual respect.

    Creating a Positive Environment

    Creating a positive environment, whether in the workplace or at home, is a powerful antidote to sneaky behavior. This requires a deliberate effort to cultivate an atmosphere of respect, support, and encouragement. Starting with leadership, whether it's managers, team leaders, or parents, setting a positive example is vital. Demonstrating ethical behavior, treating others with respect, and valuing everyone's contributions can set the tone for the entire group.

    Encouraging collaboration over competition can also foster a positive environment. When individuals work together towards common goals, rather than focusing on personal gain at the expense of others, it reduces the incentives for sneaky behavior. Creating a culture that values teamwork and collective success can help achieve this.

    Recognizing and addressing sources of stress and conflict early on is crucial. By being proactive in managing potential triggers for negative behavior, leaders can prevent many issues from arising. This might involve workload management, conflict resolution training, or providing support for personal challenges faced by team members or family members.

    Promoting diversity and inclusivity is another key aspect. When everyone feels valued and included, regardless of their background or perspective, it enhances the sense of community and belonging. This inclusivity can significantly reduce the likelihood of sneaky behavior, as individuals feel more connected and committed to the group's wellbeing.

    Implementing feedback loops where individuals can share their thoughts and feelings about the environment and their experiences can also contribute to a positive atmosphere. This feedback should be welcomed, valued, and acted upon, demonstrating that each person's voice matters and can lead to meaningful changes.

    Lastly, maintaining a balance between professional or familial roles and fun can invigorate a positive environment. Organizing social activities, celebrating milestones, and ensuring there's space for light-hearted interactions can all contribute to a more enjoyable and supportive atmosphere. This balance helps to build relationships based on more than just work or duties, creating a resilient and positive community that can withstand the challenges posed by sneaky behavior.

    FAQ: Handling Sneaky People in Different Contexts

    Dealing with sneaky people can present unique challenges depending on the context, be it in personal relationships, at work, or in social settings. Here, we address some common questions about navigating these tricky situations effectively.

    Q: How do I handle a sneaky coworker who undermines me?
    A: Document their actions, communicate assertively, and seek support from supervisors or HR. Focus on maintaining professionalism and protecting your work integrity. Limit direct confrontation and instead use formal channels to address the issue.

    Q: What should I do if I suspect a friend is being sneaky?
    A: Openly communicate your concerns without accusing them directly. Share how their actions make you feel and ask for clarity on their behavior. Consider distancing yourself if the behavior continues, prioritizing your emotional well-being.

    Q: How can parents deal with sneaky behavior in children?
    A: Use it as a teaching moment to discuss the importance of honesty and trust. Set clear consequences for sneaky behavior and consistently enforce them. Encourage open communication by creating a safe space for them to share their thoughts and feelings.

    Q: Can sneaky behavior ever be a misunderstanding?
    A: Yes, sometimes what we perceive as sneaky can result from poor communication or misunderstanding. Give the benefit of the doubt initially and seek to understand the other person's perspective. Clear communication can often resolve these misunderstandings.

    Q: How do I protect myself from sneaky people in online environments?
    A: Be cautious about the information you share online and with whom you share it. Use privacy settings to control access to your personal information. Trust your instincts about people you interact with online and seek verification before acting on information shared digitally.

    Conclusion: Empowerment Through Awareness

    Dealing with sneaky people, regardless of the context, can be a challenging and often disheartening experience. However, through understanding and applying the strategies outlined in this article, you can navigate these situations with confidence and integrity. Recognizing the signs, trusting your instincts, setting boundaries, and communicating assertively are foundational steps in protecting yourself from the negative impacts of sneaky behavior.

    It's essential to remember that you are not powerless. Seeking support, documenting interactions, limiting information sharing, practicing emotional detachment, and staying professional are all proactive measures you can take to safeguard your well-being and maintain positive relationships.

    Creating environments that deter sneaky behavior through prevention strategies and fostering a positive culture benefits everyone involved. It builds a community where honesty, transparency, and respect are the norms, rather than the exception.

    Empowerment comes from awareness and action. Understanding the dynamics at play with sneaky people gives you the tools to protect yourself and influence your surroundings positively. Remember, your well-being is paramount, and taking steps to ensure it is not only a right but a responsibility.

    As you move forward, armed with this knowledge, let your actions be guided by empathy, understanding, and a commitment to fostering environments where everyone can thrive. The journey may be challenging, but it is also an opportunity for growth, resilience, and ultimately, empowerment.

    In the face of sneaky behavior, let your strength, wisdom, and kindness be the light that guides you. By standing firm in your values and principles, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to creating a world where deceit and manipulation have no place.

    Remember, the most powerful tool against sneaky behavior is a well-informed, vigilant, and compassionate individual. Be that person, and inspire others to do the same. Together, we can navigate the shadowy world of sneaky people and emerge stronger, more connected, and with our integrity intact.

    Recommended Resources

    • Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst by Rick Brinkman and Rick Kirschner, McGraw-Hill Education, 2012
    • In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People by George K. Simon, Parkhurst Brothers Publishers Inc, 2010
    • The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Broadway Books, 2005

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