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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Health and Modern Living: A Brave Fight

    Our modern life can give us quite a challenge when it comes to staying healthy. Porn, desk jobs, processed foods, lack of time in nature… it’s no wonder that many of us are struggling with illness and fatigue. However, getting ourselves healthy is still possible with a few adjustments to our lifestyle. It all begins with an open mind and the willingness to put in a little effort.

    Let’s start with porn. Nowadays, it’s much easier to access adult websites and easily become addicted. But if you start to feel that this is having a negative effect on your health, it’s time to make a change. Allocate more time for physical activities such as running or even find yourself a hobby outside of the house. This way, you will be able to completely detach from your online environment and explore something new, keeping your mind and body away from unhealthy triggers.

    Unfortunately, some of us work in desk jobs which don’t help us stay fit either. The key here is to pivot. Invest in a standing desk, take regular breaks and make sure you move your body during the day. Even if you can’t, like some of us, go to the gym after work, there are plenty of stretching exercises that can be done right at the office. Don’t forget to occasionally step outside and get some fresh air to clear your head.

    Processed foods are, arguably, one of the biggest culprits when it comes to staying healthy. Since they often contain sugar or other artificial flavors, they can be seriously addictive, leading to numerous health problems. To address that, it’s important to prioritize seasonal, organic food and learn how to cook yourself. If you are really busy, there are meal delivery services that will provide fresh recipes that are tailored to your individual preferences.

    Lastly, due to our increasingly hectic schedules, many of us don’t have enough time to spend in nature. Yet it’s one of the most important steps to improve our mental and physical health. Whether it’s a weekend trip in a national park, a picnic outdoors, or just a simple walk in your local forest, be sure to set aside time for yourself and explore what nature has to offer.

    Getting yourself healthy may seem like a difficult mission in today’s world. But it is certainly not impossible. Start small and observe how these small changes can bring great results. As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

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