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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Finding Hope in Hopeless Situations: Steps to Move Forward

    We have all been there – we have found ourselves in situations where it feels like all hope is lost. The future looks bleak, and the present seems unbearable. We wonder why it had to happen to us, and the questions pile up in our minds with no answers in sight.

    In such times, when it may seem that there is no hope left, it is crucial to remember that we are wrong – there is always hope for us to move forward with our lives.

    When reviewing difficult situations in our lives, it can sometimes be helpful to reflect on what we can realistically do about them. Instead of asking unanswerable questions, we can ask ourselves if how we feel and engage with the situation be altered in a meaningful way. Such reflections can give us the space to explore not just our beliefs and judgments about the situation itself – but also inspire us to think hard and honestly about our current mindset and approach to it.

    It is utterly essential to understand the key determining factor in making progress – the decision to take action. It can be easy to bury our heads in the sand and ignore any tangible attempts at change and progress, instead self-defeatingly telling ourselves that life is out of our control. However, when we actively look at our goals, actions and thoughts, we can start making much needed changes. Taking hard decisions and doing difficult things won’t always be easy, and it can be daunting and overwhelming. But, taking steps to make changes can help bring validity, value and meaning to our lives and create a different outcome than expected.

    Taking decisions in a panic will often lead us in circles and can leave us questioning our decisions and choices. We find ourselves questioning if we’re being hopeful or plain stupid. In such times, it can be helpful to step back from the situation and approach it from a position of reason and logic.

    Innately, humans are guided by their emotions when faced with difficult choices and decisions. Yet too heavily relying on emotion can cause us to make even more impulsive decisions. We can use the emotion as a tool to guide us, but having intuition paired with a logical approach is leads us to the right conclusion. Paired together, thought out steps and nurture support can guarantee a successful transitory phase to come through.

    In life, it's common to face quandaries where we must choose between hope and pessimism. Considering such options isn't easy, and it takes a lot of resilience and courage to stay optimistic. Nevertheless, tapping into one’s inner strength to actively search for solutions can ensure progress and open up far more possibilities than might be expected. Optimism is a valuable tool for handling life’s most challenging moments. It's critical to acknowledge difficult situations and feelings, whilst also simultaneously believing that things can get better and embracing positivity. After all, expecting the best from life is more likely to bring the best results.

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