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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Bouncing Through the Ages With Personal Growth and Learning

    Age discrimination is a real and unfortunate phenomena in today's society, with many capable individuals overlooked or outright dismissed due to their age. Rejection because of age can be especially debilitating; the sting of being deemed too young or too old for the task at hand can be difficult to move past. Dealing with these incidents can feel like a particularly insurmountable challenge, and it's important to realize that there are still rich opportunities for personal growth and learning even in the face of such rejection.

    It's hard not to take things personally. After all, we have all spent a great deal of time crafting our identity, and then to hear someone say that one specific aspect of our identity is falsely placed or undersized can put a dent in our self-esteem. But, instead of letting the rejection send you into a downward spiral, it’s important to stay flexible and motivated and focus on what kind of options are available with the circumstances that you have been given.

    Start by looking to successful people in older or younger generations and try to discern what it is about them that makes them so admired, respected and successful. Did they take risks? Did they follow specific trends and changes more closely, adapting more quickly than their peers? Rejection often provides an opportunity to consider new and creative paths that we may not otherwise explore.

    Our age can also open doors to different types of guidance. A younger person can learn from the wisdom of older generations; grandparents, mentors, colleagues and teachers may offer unique insights to how their generation approached the same challenge. Learning from those who are older can provide depth and a longer-term perspective that typically comes with experience. Similarly, the willingness to learn from younger generations can be just as refreshing - recent graduates and interns can often offer insights and ideas that drive innovation, while building an understanding of emerging industry trends.

    Rejections can also lead to a deeper appreciation of refinement and discipline. Evaluating one’s approach and attitude is an important part of growing and learning, regardless of your age. Maybe it was not age that caused the initial rejection – take some time to evaluate your body language, communication skills, and overall “brand.” Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will make certain opportunities much easier when they become available.

    Moreover, differentiate yourself by focusing on your true passions, interests, and areas of expertise. Investing in specialized skills or knowledge that your peers do not necessarily possess can be a great way to stand out. Consider offering up your technical and professional experience by becoming a consultant or freelancing in fields where your unique skill set can be more visible and useful.

    Further, don’t underestimate the importance of networking. Get out and meet people—attend conferences, seminars, and other events where you can get involved and create relationships with others. It’s really worth it to build connections through volunteer work, either directly in your field of interest or in areas that interest you. Take the initiative to start conversations when you see people around you in the same situation, or while you are out and about. You never know who could be a prospective employer or mentor.

    Finally, make sure to remain realistic yet optimistic about what possibilities exist for you no matter what stage of life you are in. Certainly comparisons to other peers or standards that influence your expectations can be disheartening, but it is important to keep in mind that personal growth and learning is always possible with the right attitude.

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