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  • kamurj

    Supporting Your Adult Daughter After Loss

    When it comes to the loss of a loved one, grief can bring up a range of emotions and coping strategies. What makes the situation even more challenging is when this loss happens to a close family member, such as a daughter. Unfortunately, it’s not something a parent should brush off as it is important to provide emotional support for their adult daughter during this difficult time.

    The good news is there are several things a parent can do to provide the comfort and support their adult daughter needs to handle the loss. Knowing how to best provide emotional support for your daughter in times of grief can be the difference between her healing or becoming overwhelmed by heartache.

    The first step is to offer your sympathies to your daughter. You may not know the right words to say in this situation, but it’s important to let your daughter know you care about her and want to help her cope with the emotional pain she is feeling. Even if she chooses not to talk about it, expressing your condolences will show her you are there for her.

    It’s also important to recognize that grieving is an individual process. Everyone has different stages of the grieving process, so it’s not helpful to compare your daughter’s experience to another person’s. Letting her take her own time to process her emotions and express them in her own way can be comforting. Encourage and support your daughter in any activities that she chooses to take part in during her healing journey. Depending on what helps her to cope, it could be anything from volunteering to spending time with friends and family.

    Being sensitive to your daughter’s feelings is an essential part of being supportive. Even if your daughter is handling the loss better than you anticipated, it’s important to remain mindful of how she is feeling and respond appropriately. That’s why setting clear boundaries is important so that no matter how she is feeling, your daughter knows that you are there for her regardless.

    You need to respect whatever choices your daughter makes when it comes to her healing. This means giving her space to express her emotions, while acknowledging her plans to move forward in her life. The loss of a loved one is painful, but supportive parents can make a world of difference in helping their adult daughter work through it.

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