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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Moving On: Dealing With the Pain of Infidelity

    It was a long time ago, but it still feels like yesterday. Your world shifted with your ex’s decision to cheat on their new husband, and you found yourself picking up the pieces of your broken heart. You thought you already dealt with the pain of infidelity and the heartbreak brought by the dissolution of a relationship, but watching it all play out second-hand opened those freshly healed wounds.

    It has been months and you know it’s time to finally move on and let the pain of the past go, but it’s hard when it seems like a blinding light is continuously shining on that which caused you so much pain. But like clouds in the sky, your anguish and despair will eventually take a backseat to reflection and understanding, and eventually the day might come when you can look back at the experience without any anger ever present.

    The glimmering star filled night sky is your reminder of how much potential lies in the future but never forget that you were born with a purpose, a purpose as grand as the stars above. Find solace in knowing that something good will come of this pain, and that life can be made better through suffering.

    Grief and emotional healing won’t happen overnight however. It’s a journey and requires self-reflection and proactive thoughtfulness, including learning how to manage the intrusive thoughts of what your ex did while in their new marriage. As those haunting images pop into your head, take steady breaths and find peace in the fact that what happened is part of the collective human experience, and that it will ultimately shape who you become in a powerful yet unique way.

    Sometimes it’s hardest to find meaning in our own suffering, yet if we keep perspective, compassion, and acceptance at the forefront of our minds, we can develop invaluable relationships, discover solutions to complex problems, and gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of life. Allow yourself to remember yet not get stuck in the tried trappings of hurt, and gently remind yourself that in the grand tapestry of life, this very moment is but a short pause in the march of existence.

    If you want to make things right, find balance in your emotions, and gain wisdom from the experience, focus on the present instead of the past and remind yourself how truly special being alive truly is. Create something special in honor of the pain you experienced instead of seeking revenge. Whatever that special thing may be, it will help you learn how to craft a beautiful existence despite the pain of the past.

    It’s been months since your ex cheated on their new husband and there is a sweet scent of possibility in the air. You initially stumbled into a deep dark well of despair, but now’s the time to recognize that even in that darkness, you still have untapped potential. As the light of hope blooms and illuminates your future, take comfort in the assurance that you have the power to make that well a source of strength. Now is your time to grow and discover the wonderful beauty that life has to offer.

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