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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Moving On After a 3-Year Relationship

    When it comes to the end of relationships, no matter how long the courtship lasts, letting go can be the most difficult part. Although it takes strength and courage to move forward, for those who have been in a long-term relationship, the pain is even more profound.

    If you’ve recently ended a three-year relationship, you may be feeling completely lost and heartbroken. Getting through the pain and sadness after a breakup or divorce can be hard, but it is possible to heal and look ahead to brighter days.

    It’s important to make sure you take care of yourself during this period of recovery. Make sure to give yourself time to grieve the end of your relationship and don’t feel like you have to replace one partner with another. Instead, make yourself a priority and focus on bringing back a sense of joy and happiness into your life.

    Remember that you can’t control the outcome of any relationship, but you can control how you react to it. Allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment, take breaks from obsessing about the past and get in touch with your old hobbies and passions. Taking up a new activity or life skill may also help keep your mind off things. Adopt healthy habits such as exercising, eating nourishing foods and spending time with friends.

    If you feel overwhelmed, reach out to a therapist, pastor or doctor. It’s essential to process your feelings in order to truly move on. Forgiving your ex, even if you don’t feel inclined to do so, will also help alleviate feelings of hurt and anger.

    Finally, cherish the memories of the relationship that are still positive and remind yourself that you deserve to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship with someone new. Once you accept the fact that there will always be heartache, Acknowledging this will help you to embrace the journey and appreciate each moment.

    As you journey on the path to self-discovery and healing, stay mindful of the present and look forward to the opportunities that await in the future. You might not understand why the relationship ended the way it did, but know that you will eventually find someone who will treat you with the respect and adoration that you deserve.

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